I stumbled upon this rad gal, Linnea Jacobson, a little while ago and am still in shock and awe at how amazing of a photographer she is at only 13. (Not that 13 year olds aren't capable [obvz, they are! look!], but the simple fact that when I was 13, I was that awkward tomboy slowly but surely transitioning into a young lady... not taking fantastic photos). Either way, the girl's got some talent and I'm so happy to share it with you today! While she's on the fast track to becoming a fashion photographer, it was some of her other stuff that really stood out to me. All of it is good though, you can't deny that! [Blog / Flickr] *all of the photos have click-through sources!

What do you think? What were YOU doing at age 13?
Oh WOW!!! I am so impressed! :) I was going door to door selling construction paper cookbooks when I was 13. Haha.. so funny.
ReplyDeletewow. that's quite impressive! I started up photography at 15 I think. either way she's a lovely photographer : ) Thanks for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Linnea is awesome!
ReplyDeleteGood eye.
When I was thirteen I was going through my 'hang out with older boys who do drugs so they must be cool' phase. Ew.
I was a flute player at 13. lol. private lessons. recitals. gigs for old people. the whole shabang.
ReplyDeletenow i only play it when my fiancee can arrange it into his music.
i focus more on painting and bass guitar now. :D but will always remember those times.
wow! those are so pretty
ReplyDeleteHaha lets see last year I was taking photos, trying to learn how to do stuff like that! But I quit.
ReplyDeleteShe has some absolutely amazing talent! That is for sure! =)
When I was 13 I was at school and a babysitter - that was about it lol. I loved taking photos but I was still using film so to a certain degree I didn't take alot of pictures and if I did they weren't very good lol.
ReplyDeleteThese are fantastic! I didn't even have a camera at 13. I was just following my granddaddy around pestering him to let me use one of his :) haha