Gosh this past week has been pretty boring. Mostly just the same ol' day to day grind to be honest. I accomplished a lot on the freelance/work/home front though. Sunday was a day of tidying up the house and finally breaking out from our 2 day "ice-in" - That doesn't even make any sense, but anyway, snow/ice, stuck home. Okay! (I ended up having to ~telecommute in to my Music City Doulas team meeting on Saturday. Thank goodness for Google Hangouts haha!) It was so nice to finally drive in my car and go to the grocery store. Monday brought another "snow day" for Toby. He was totally stoked but I basically devoted my entire day to a massive mound of laundry. Tuesday I worked on a few design projects and then took Toby to the doctor. Afterward we headed to downtown Columbia for my monthly New Parents Group at Muletown. Later I cried through Obama's speech. Heartbreaking, isn't it? Wednesday I had one of my wisdom teeth extracted (ahhhh!). I don't know how people get all 4 done at once! I clearly didn't think things through either because I was 100% headed to the gym after but I was told that was not a very wise plan. Whoops! Thursday was humdrum and uneventful for the most part. Whitney picked up Toby for Boy Scouts and Linden kicked back with me at home. Friday Whitney and I took our 2 littlest (Bennett and Linden haha) to Casa Grande for lunch. It was nice to just get out of the house for a little bit. Later Friday night Whit and I were able to sneak away to indulge in some TJ Maxx shopping. Seriously during my working-at-home-a-ton weeks, it feels like such a luxury to get away for even an hour or three. Starbucks has never tasted so good ha Saturday was beautiful! It got up to around 72 degrees and it was mostly sunny! It felt like Spring! Then it cooled off a bit and started raining, but I didn't mind one bit. I was able to keep all of the windows and doors open so woo hoo! All of the kids in the neighborhood were rowdy and playful outside, and that's always preferred over being rowdy and playful inside :P

On Friday Facebook showed the photo on the left and said this was what I was wearing 3 years ago. So hello 2014 KB. I knew I still had this dress so I fished it out of my closet and decided to wear it. I even still have that Free People coat, but it was far too warm out to wear. I really can't get enough of this hoodie jacket though. I swear I wear it almost 24/7. It's so incredibly comfortable. Once I posted about the whole 3-year thing on Instagram someone asked to see a side by side, so here it is haha
In other eventful news: So, uh, awkward... That whole boyfriend thing is no more haha. Yeah yeah, I hear the voice too "That's what happens when you finally feel comfortable enough to write about things" lololol It's strange how you can spend months leading up to something like that, being totally quiet about it socially and trying to picture how you'll even share it (blogging is weird), and then poof! It's no more. It's certainly a bummer overall but I enjoyed the past couple of months so at least there's that, right? I thought it worth mentioning since you know, I just like, introduced him on the blog... Now I'm off to stock up on cat food... and maybe a few more cats. Truly live out my destiny over here! :P hahaha sigh... // The boys start going to their dad's house every other week beginning tonight. I have absolutely no idea what life is going to feel like with them gone for 7 days at a time. It's a trial/temporary thing (for now, at least) and I have a lot of feelings on the subject, but I'm hoping it'll be a good thing for the boys and not totally bonkers. I worry about the back and forth for them, especially with Toby being in school. I also have no idea what I'm going to do with so much free time haha! Obviously I'll be able to tailor my work schedule to be heavier while they're gone, freeing up more quality time when they're home with me, but I also want to try and prioritize some off-call/kid-free time to go see friends in various places. It'd be nice, I think. Also a good distraction from a quiet house. // And finally, there's a rally taking place Saturday morning at Cumberland Park. Power Together Tennessee is marching in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington following Inauguration Day. I will be there unless one of my clients decides to give birth that day haha Anyone else planning on showing up? Here's the Facebook event page with more info if you're interested!

Did anyone go get themselves a little Friday the 13th banger? I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't get a chance to, but there will always be another one, right? I'm slowly but surely working up exactly what all to finish my right leg with. The plan is the sleeve the entire leg - I'm already over halfway there so might as well just keep going, right? Anyway, that was my week for the most part. I'm not looking forward to Trump's inauguration on Friday, much like most of you, I'm sure. What a craptastic situation the US is in right now. Sometimes it's hard to even find the words to express my feelings. It just really sucks. Take care of yourselves, friends! It's going to be a long 4 years...
The same thing used to happen with me and guys. I'd get really comfortable with finally wanting to tell people and then like right before something would happen and, in my case, they'd end up being a total jerk!
ReplyDeleteWow! You look so different from 2014! I am trying to get myself to work out, not to lose weight (well, maybe a little) but mostly to just tone up and be healthier and it's SO hard for me to do.
The whole world of dating is truly just mind boggling Jana it's just been so long since I've even had to give it any thought. Luckily I've been smart enough to not introduce anyone to the boys. The rest of the internet? Meh! 😂🙊 haha! Good luck with your fitness journey! I find a ton of truth in the ~21 days to form a habit mentality!
DeleteOkay, so that's what I'm so afraid of with dating post-divorce! I've been dating someone (seeing someone? dating? I don't know) for about two months now, and I'm so afraid that once it's official and public it'll disappear! Also? Dating as an adult is weird af.
ReplyDeleteRooting for you though and holy hell you look GOOD!
It has been the weirdest experience of my life I think haha Just overall. But I really do like that I'm not slow to bow out of anything that just isn't ~right. And I appreciate that from others too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ haha
DeleteBreakups definitely suck but I like to think that the "failed" relationships make way for the one that is a far better fit. I don't know how you work and blog and raise 2 kids - you are amazing! I also think awesomeness attracts awesomeness and things tend to work out eventually. Keep being your gorgeous self and enjoy the weird ride that is dating/life :)
ReplyDeleteHaha It makes me think of this silly Beyonce meme I have saved on my phone - the dating in your 20s vs post-divorce dating LOOOOL it's so accurate. I'm in no hurry though, I'm still trying to navigate this whole thing. But you have totally made my day with your kind words so thanks lady! <3 <3 <3
DeleteGirl, that hoodie is giving me LIFE. I love it!
ReplyDeleteDating as an adult is SO.WEIRD. After getting out of my 6 year relationship, I was like "how do people do this?!" Meeting people when you are a teenager is much easier, haha.
I'm so obsessed with this jacket, I swear. I keep combing the Target clearance racks hoping to find another because I will absolutely wear this one to shreds haha! And PREACH about meeting folks/adult dating - it's a whole new world. I'm not very good at it ha!
DeleteI will be at the Nashville March! :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm just nosy but I like reading about peoples day to day lives! I have a 14 year old step daughter that comes over every weekend. as someone who grew up without a father figure entirely its SO important, which of course you know :). their relationship makes me so happy. and a boys relationship with his dad probably almost more so! i hope its not too hard to get used to <3