Whoa! Happy freakin' 2016! How did that happen?! I took some time away from the blog to enjoy the holiday with the family. And of course by enjoy I mean stress about any and everything. (Am I right or am I right?!) It wasn't all stress though - Honestly, it was quite nice to take it easy. It's been interesting navigating our first big holiday season with Mike as a nurse. He worked every single major holiday haha We're trying to adjust! Anyway, I'm starting off 2016 by sharing our bedroom tour! The crazy 75 degree weather after Christmas really triggered my Spring Cleaning Fever and I'm looking to finish so many projects this year!
Our bedroom has become my favorite room in the house. With all of the hustle and bustle of work, school, and the holidays, it's been really difficult to find time to just be with Mike. This time of year just asks so much of us, so we have to squeeze in "us" time wherever we can. On top of the stress season, Mike works nights so he's gone at least half of the week (and he sleeps during the day when Linden and I are home.) Our bedroom is the only space in our house that's just for us. We finally got around to tidying it up and finish up this phase of our home. Now even when we're sleeping alone, it's a little more relaxing and "sweet". It's been a bit of an organizational nightmare though, I won't lie.

Despite being the "master" bedroom in our house, our room is really tiny. We have a queen size bed, a thin tv table, and small bedside "tables" on either side of our headboard. We don't have room for a lot of stuff. In our small room we have an equally small closet. Mike and I each have quite the wardrobe, and seriously nothing fits. Since we both needed somewhere to store extras like underthings and what not, we opted to pick up two straw trunks at Michaels to serve the purpose. It's not the perfect solution, but it actually works quite nicely for our space. We've lived here for 3 years now (whoa!) but we've yet to put the closet door up in our room. Sad, no? Right now we're doing it college-style with the same sheer panels over our closet as our window. I'll get around to changing those one day! There are a few baskets and boxes scattered around the room that hold our jewelry or loose change. Mike likes to set up his bedside table to write music, while I use my sidetable to hold my inhaler (ha!) and the baby monitor. We're exciting people, I'm telling ya!
I feel like our spaces say a lot about us as individuals, but also as a couple. I think our unique take on things really meshes well together. Obviously I tend to have more of a hand in the decorating when it comes down to the knick knacks here and there, but we did this room together after Christmas and I'm so glad we tackled it as a team. Our room is playful enough to not make me feel old and stuffy, but grown up enough that I don't feel out of my element. I'd like to play with the layout of the closet a bit more, just to see what else I can fit in there haha! After going through all of my clothes, I have quiiiiite the Kaelah's Closet stock! Goal: Organize sale by the end of January!
Inspired to organize your own space? Start your new year off right! Michaels has tons of products and storage supplies that you can use to decorate your space. They just launched a new line called Cre8ted Spaces (there are like 300+ items in 4 different colors), but I haven't had a chance to pick up any yet! The white range would look awesome in Toby's room, so we're tackling that soon! I'm so glad we finally hunkered down and tackled our bedroom. I'm so so happy with the space and it just feels so cozy. It's definitely inspired me to tackle the rest of our house, too. If you want to
check out the other overhauls by the Michaels Makers, check out the Glue String blog!
xo KB