Yesterday we decided to take advantage of the bright blue skies and the nice breeze by heading over to the park after Toby came home from school. I was experiencing some major cabin fever and wanted some fresh air, and this gave Mike an opportunity to read part of a book for school. Toby ran around the playground and made all sorts of new friends in the 45 minutes we were there. Seriously, the picture above of Toby's back is the only (non-blurry) one I was able to snap. He was running around non-stop. I tried swinging with him for a little while but he totally dismissed the idea as soon as three older boys showed up to the park. Guess I should get used to the ol' parental shaft, right? Linden was a total angel and slept the whole time. He's slowly but surely warming up to his stroller bassinet. At first he hated to lay on his back but lately he's been eating it up.
Watching Toby play with the older kids made me both excited and nervous. He's grown so much in the short 2.5 years he's been with us. From this timid little 3 year old who needed us for everything, to an almost 6 year old who is so incredibly independent and free spirited. I know it's just part of the growing process, but part of me misses when he couldn't do anything without us. I guess it's a blessing though, because I'm not sure what I'd do juggling 2 dependent children haha Seeing him interact with the boys at the park was just a small glimpse into what life will be like when he's 8, or 10, or 15. I can't imagine him being that "grown up" but I guess I should prepare myself... It is coming, after all.
Right now I just want to soak up the snoozing baby in the stroller, and the 5 year old who can't quite hop into the "big kid" swings on his own. They can't stay little forever, can they?