
For the past month I've been blogging on the new platform Jux. I've linked over to my own Jux a few times in the past several weeks but I thought I'd tell you a bit more about it today and why I like it. I use my Tumblr daily, but it's kind of annoying how so much drama just runs through that platform, know what I mean? (If you use Tumblr then I know you do.) Jux is similar in a sense as it's a "micro blogging" site sort of, but the thing that makes it different is that it's all about HD/Hi-Res/huge photos. The reason I love it: The clean editorial look. I went for plain black and white with my layout, which I never do. It gives me a clean, drama-free space to share some personal photos, blurbs and my favorite quotes.

It took me a few days to get used to the platform and figure it out. At first I was totally confused. But I'm really glad I decided to start using it because it's seriously like my internet "happy place" if you will. (Cheeeesy, I know) My byline on my Jux is "Simple things to be excited about" and I agree with that whole-heartedly.

Below are a few screenshots of my Jux. You can check it out here if you'd like!

On Jux you can do block quotes, articles (with multiple photos), giant full screen pictures, videos, etc etc. Below is a little viewing of what kind of editorial set ups you can do. I think I'm so partial to it because I love publication design! You can also browse Flickr, Instagram, and even your own computer to upload photos. You can follow people and "reblog" their stuff, too. But I've chosen to keep my Jux just for personal moments. 

I know a few of you said you signed up after I linked to it in one of my TiLT posts a few weeks ago. Are you still using it? Like it/hate it? Send me your links! If you haven't checked it out for yourself, click over and see if you might like it. 


  1. The idea of Jux seems nice; I like the layout and what you can do with it. But it also seems like just one more thing to keep track of. Livejournal, Instagram, Tumblr, Blogger, Facebook...how many social accounts is too many, y'know? I'd jump on the Jux train if I didn't feel like it would be redundant, because I'd end up posting things that people can see on one of my other accounts just as easily.
    It's good to hear it's your happy place to get away from drama though! I could see the appeal; I've seen a lot of the crap you put up with on Tumblr.

  2. Yes! I completely understand the drama over at Tumblr. I took a gander at Jux last time you had mentioned it,but I'm not sure about it. If I actually used it,though,I'm sure it'd be a different story,so I might give it a whirl sometime again. I do like the "clean" look it has,though.

  3. How exciting. I had no idea what it was, but I'm excited to hear about it. I don't look at tumblr. a lot so i don't know the drama that goes on (sounds annoying, though). i like blogger, and wordpress is okay. i've never tried my hand at typepad, but i'm definitely going to take a look at jux now that you've brought it to my attention! thanks :)

    hope you're doing well, dear.


  4. Girl, I just wanted to send you a huge THANKS! for sharing Jux. I've never been a big tumblr user; I have a blog, but for me editing post is SO time consuming. Jux is so easy and fun to use! Here's my Jux page, https://lyndseelou.jux.com/

  5. Girl, I just wanted to send you a HUGE thank you for sharing Jux! I'm not a big Tumblr user, and I have a blog; editing post can be too time consuming. I love Jux. It is so simple, and fun to use. Here's my Jux page, https://lyndseelou.jux.com/

  6. I just started using Jux a couple of weeks ago and I like it so much more than blogger or tumblr. Ha! It lets me be clear and simple, it's a clean space to share my photos and quotes that mean something to me...I've sort of set it up as my "sacred space" and whenever I visit my page to post something new I feel like I can breathe easy. There is just something peaceful about it that I completely love. I am a huge fan of micro-blogging, it gets the point across and is almost effortless.

  7. Thanx so much for sharing JUX! I signed up the other day and have added a little here and there to it. I'm still debating how I want to use it. I want it to be different from my Pinterest pins and Facebook photos but still be a mix of CosmeticsByCortney.com & other things that interest me... hmm still working on it but i'd love for you to check mine out!


  8. i've never even heard of this! where have i been??

  9. Love Jux! I find myself using it a lot more than my blogger - and I gave up on tumblr a long time ago. I do kind of just re-post a lot of instagram stuff, though, which is probably kind of annoying. I need to get my blogging shit together haha.

  10. Oh! My link is https://smilesawakeyou.jux.com/ :)

  11. I started it when you first mentioned it a few weeks ago, and I'm loving it. I haven't updated recently, but I can't wait to post some of the recent photos I've taken. It took me awhile to figure it out too-- I kept putting things in the wrong places-- but now I've got it down. Thank you for sharing!

    Here it is: https://blueanchordoll.jux.com/

  12. I have a Tumblr, but I rarely use it. It just seemed pointless for me, personally, since I have so many other sites that I use. I just can't seem to find a purpose for it. I think I'll check out Jux and see if it's any different! :)

  13. What a great platform! I run my own blog but like you feel the need to post the finer details of my week on another site that isn't facebook or tumblr...after all, my friends don't want to see what I'm up to every.second.of.every.day - and tumblr can get pretty naaaasty if you take a wrong click. Will definitely be checking this out! :-)

    Amy x

  14. wow, thanks for sharing! jux looks great (:
    i took a peek over at your page, and now i want to dye my hair pink!
    xo, cheyenne

  15. I love Tumblr and use it all the time, but it's definitely too drama filled (not for me, but I read a lot of drama from people I follow and it just clogs up my dashboard, yunno?) sometimes, so Jux seems like a fun alternative. I've only posted a couple of things so far because, to be honest, it's super confusing at first! Hopefully I'll be a pro at it soon enough.
    My Jux: https://missish.jux.com/
    I followed you on there, although I'm yet to figure out how to find people I'm following, haha.

  16. Emma!!! I'm the community manager at Jux, feel free to contact me at amanda@jux.com for help! I hope to hear from you soon.

  17. it look me a few days to totally work my way around the site, i love that i can just post and be done with it, i don't have to worry about the re-blogs or (notes) being filled with online fights between strangers. my jux is http://mandybee.jux.com

  18. I really liked how you put it in words on how you like Jux over Tumblr. I feel and think the same. By the way, just opened my jux account today and I stumbled upon this post.

  19. I really liked it how you put it into words why you like Jux over Tumblr. I kinda feel/think the same. I'll follow your jux, hopefully you follow mine too. x


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