Thanks for the overwhelming amount of sickly remedies yesterday. Clearly I can't try them all but at least I'll have a hefty arsenal of things to try once it comes back around. I've been upping the tea (with honey, please!) and took some NyQuil last night. The only bad thing about NyQuil is the inevitable sleep-hangover you feel in the morning. I'm writing this while I'm sleep-drunk haha BUT! I'm feeling a tad bit better. Seems like I feel the best in the morning, then start feeling progressively worse as the day wears on. Let's see if I can just kick this thing now. :) I'm in need of a pick-me-up, and maybe you are, too. Even if you're not, here are loads of things that will hopefully make you smile.

♥ this. ♥

♥ this (+ other) installations by Thomas Jackson (look!) ♥

♥ do you love ron swanson as much as we do? ♥

♥ the muppets break up with chick-fil-a. good on them! ♥

♥ these chairs! swoon! ♥

♥ i'm obsessed with this house! ♥

♥ this albino wallaby with baby. ♥

♥ this poor polar bear can't break through the thick ice ♥

♥ this is exactly what i need right now... ♥

♥ THIS! ♥
Other Awesome Stuff:
// Romwe is giving away 20 free pairs of galaxy/nebula leggings every single day in August. Valued at ~$65, it's worth giving it a try! Pop over to their homepage and see how you can enter!
// This Chick-Fil-A in New Hampshire goes rogue and announces it's plan to sponsor the gay pride festival! So. Awesome.
// This quote:
My dentist once told me that letting go is like pulling a tooth. When it was pulled out, you’re relieved, but how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was? Probably a hundred times a day. Just because it wasn't hurting you doesn’t mean you didn't notice it. It leaves a gap and sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly. It’s going to take a while, but it takes time. Should you have kept the tooth? No, because it was causing you so much pain. Therefore, move on and let go.
// Marissa shared this DIY studded iPhone case and it's fantastic! So simple and easy, but makes such a statement!
// Speaking of DIYs, Jesse shared how to make these awesome painted + glitter geometric wooden pendant necklaces! I'm going to see if I can pick some supplies up at the craft store today.
// The 50 Cutest Things That Ever Happened... oh my gawwww. (via Elise)
// Aileen over at Barker Zoo just added a new addition to her little family. It's from the 70's like our motorcycle... but has a few more wheels! ;)
// Foodie Finds: Only one this week because it sounds that good: Fresh Strawberry Pudding!
// Rare Bulldog Portraits Taken Around 1905! Those sweet bullies! (via Mary Ruth)
// Another Chick-Fil-A thing (but promise there's only one left after this!)... The mayor of Boston stands up for his city and says "No" to Chick-Fil-A.
// Wishlist Wears: I'm not normally the one to like long Grecian style dresses, but I love this one! The color, the fabric! -- I also love this bright punch of yellow for a sunny summer afternoon! -- Most of the stuff on the New page at LuLu*s! (specficially this polka dot dress, this black velvet (what?!) motorcycle jacket, and these studded motorcycle boots! (I mean, a girl needs moto boots for her motorcycle, right?!)
// Jack Daniels sends the most polite cease and desist letter ever. I'm tellin' ya, it's that Tennessee charm.
// One of the best things ever: Southern Girls Rock and Roll Camp.
// Kem threw a bridal party for a friend recently. How cute are all of these retro looking ladies?!
// Favorite Tweets:

What are you loving this week?
PS; If anything is improperly sourced and you have the original link, please let me know! I'm always happy to swap it out! xo
Aw the albino is so adorable ♥ I love your 'things I love Thursday' posts. ^^
ReplyDeleteThose chairs. <3
ReplyDeleteSo happy you put all the chick-fil-a stuff on your tilt. I was appalled by the number of people who went to support them yesterday, and when I look around on Facebook I feel like I am the only one who isn't supporting them. Hello people, this is not about "free speech," it is about equal rights for human beings. I can't understand why some people openly think other humans should receive less rights than everyone else. ugh. *end rant*
ReplyDeleteExactly. I'm not saying everyone should love/support/agree with gay marriage, etc. Feel however you want. There's plenty of racism prevalent in today's society still, but EVERYONE is entitled to the same rights, whether it's voting, sitting at the same restaurant bar, or getting married. Don't agree with it, that's fine. But don't try to mask bigotry and ignorance with religion. *cue shit-storm of hate* haha :P
DeleteI just posted something on this on my blog, but at the risk of repeating myself...
DeleteThe problem I have with Dan Cathy's remarks is that he spoke on behalf of his whole company. If he wants to hold views that cherry pick from the Bible, so be it-- it is a free country. But he does not have the right to speak for, nor does he represent all the employees of Chick-Fil-A. What about their right to free speech and free opinion? In addition to being on the wrong side of history, Cathy denied his employees their right to free speech by claiming his company opposes gay marriage. If he only employs Christians who are anti gay marriage, isn't that illegal? Where is the ACLU? And where are all the libertarians who supposedly support free speech? They are defending Cathy-- the one who denied that right for all his employees by stating that his entire organization opposes marriage equality. Why aren't they outraged that a multi-millionaire CEO had the arrogance to speak for the thousands he employs?
@Tabetha: I wish I could "like" your comment a million times over. That's SUCH a good point! Someone on Tumblr just recently shared the question "What about the LGBT employees of Chick-Fil-A? The ones whose CEO just publicly announced that their company does not support ones lifestyle? The ones who have to serve Americans who are so opposed to ones lifestyle? The ones who can't afford to find another job in today's economy?" It really resonated and made such a great point. It's easy to see Chick-Fil-A (the actually fast food business) as an evil entity, but I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful people who work and patronize the establishment. It's unfortunate that Dan Cathy had to blanket his entire business and all of the employees with his beliefs. Your comment was so so so very spot on!
DeleteI totally agree. And I am so glad that you mentioned this in your post. I appals me that today something like this is still necessary. I know that not everyone has to believe that homosexuality is right or support them but equal rights for all humans is a must.
DeleteFrom a Canadian girl who supports LGBT rights and same sex marriage
That polar bear cracks me up! Poor thing! Steep costs to get a gold metal! DANG!
ReplyDeleteHope you are feeling better today!
xo Kayla
Though I guess they'll be raking in the endorsements for winning the gold, and it balances out! haha Thanks lady!
DeleteI love those art installations and the quote about letting go. So true. Plus, wallabies confuse me. Is it just fat, or does it always look that way? Haha.
Et tu, tutu?
Love the links!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the tea and nyquil are starting to help! And yes, you totally need (lots of) honey with it! :)
NyQuil makes me feel like I need to take an extra sick day just to get over it the next morning.
ReplyDeletehaha this exactly.
DeleteThe link for the Jack Daniels letter doesn't work? Or is it just me? eep
ReplyDeleteAHHHH not more grecian style dresses, I'm a sucker for them and have about 6 of that style all ready... in a lot of colours! Oops...
Maybe it's just me, but the Romwe thing is confusing, I look on their fb page and see randoms adding their email but... prob not qualified anyway coz I'm in Australia not USA?!
I'm bloody useless.
Going to bed. It's a sign. 12.30am and my brain goes to slushieeee
Whoops! The JD link was broken! My mistake :) Fixed now. I think Romwe chooses 20 Facebook fans each day perhaps?
DeletePrettiest chairs + I adore the house underneath them!
ReplyDeletexo Heather
NyQuil is some strong getting hit by a mac truck coated in medicine haha hope you feel better soon! The Muppets make me happy, all it takes is for decent people to stand up and say "that's not okay" I can't believe the shit that comes out of people's mouths sometimes..
ReplyDeleteThat quote is amazing. So spot on! And thanks for including my DIY! ;)
ReplyDeleteahahaha that polar bear! and oh Kermit <33
ReplyDeleteXO Sahra
Those geometric necklaces are so cute! The colors really make them that much more better!
ReplyDeleteI find it ridiculous how much Olympians need to pay when they get their gold medal. It's appalling. Makes me mad that these people work so hard for it, then I can only imagine some going broke when they have to pay the IRS. I don't feel too bad if they're loaded, though ;P
xo. Nicole
Yay, a new tilt. I'm a little sick too and so I've been laying in my couch all day, waiting for your post haha, I know you always have some awesome links so thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteHaha seeing my name in this list made me feel like a celebrity! ^__^ Thanks pretty lady! Sending TONS OF LOVE your way! xx
ReplyDeleteKaelah, I stole your "dentist told me" quote as it was truly fitting for a dear friend of mine (although she is not a "deer", ha ha).
ReplyDeleteLove coming to your blog and reading the inspirational things you post!
that poor polar bear, cute¡ lovely and inspiring post as always¡¡¡
ReplyDeleteAlice Barton TheMowWay
thanks for the shout out girl!! If you were closer, I would have invited you!
ReplyDeletei think the first pictures is awesome! I wish all women would live by that motto!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this. I was so sad and disappointed to read a Chick-Fil-A support post on one of my absolute favorite blogs yesterday and see so many people chime in to agree with it. I could say so, so much about this topic (and already wrote a ton in a comment on that post), but here it would be like preaching to the choir, so I'll just say this: thank you, Kaelah.
ReplyDeleteIt's unwise of you to be so political with your posts. Look at all the big name blogs - they stay away from politics because it alienates half their readers. I used to love this blog, but am going to steer away from it in the future because of how many political references you make. And really, if you care so much about the cause of gay marriage - how much $$ have you donated to them? How many marches or protests have you gone on? Have you voted for a candidate that will make something happen? Probably not. Why? Because it's easy to throw up links against gay marriage opposition while you sit on your couch and bask in all the glory as your readers tell you how right you are. "I support my gay friends" doesn't cut it. If you want to be an artsy blog, do it. If you want to be a political soapbox blog, at least claim it.
ReplyDeleteYour ignorance is truly appalling, and you are the EXACT kind of reader i hope I alienate. Please take it upon yourself to [X] out of LCH and never return because you are not welcome here. It's unfortunate that you try to go directly for an attack on my integrity with accusations posed as questions such as "How much have YOU donated?..." How do you know that I haven't? How do you know that I don't donate, support, volunteer, etc? You don't. If your accusations and assumptions had absolutely *any* merit, that would be one thing. But instead your misguided offense is just making you look like someone who can't stand up for his/her own values. I don't feel it necessary to use every little charitable act I commit as a photo opportunity or advertising. This is not an always-artsy blog. This is not a strictly political blog. This is MY blog. A lifestyle blog. Where I blog about things in my life that I'm passionate about. Right now I'm passionate about telling people like YOU that you are an idiot. But clearly you've done all the telling for me.
DeleteIt really is unfortunate that you spent whatever amount of time it took you to come to your conclusions and leave such an ignorant comment. I understand that you had to tell me that you're unfollowing.... because otherwise I simply never would have noticed. I'd gladly give up half of my readership (or hell, all of it) to know that I can publicly stand up for the personal values I uphold. How other blogs handle their politics and controversy is their business. But I am not afraid to put controversy with my name or my blog. I will never be afraid to stand up for what I truly, truly believe. I have no desire to be a "big blogger", whether someone sees me as such or not is totally relative. I'm honest and my integrity is what is important to me. Your intolerance is alarming, but nothing that I shouldn't expect. I hate to break it to you, sweet anon, but you will not be missed. Have a great one.
DeleteI'm adding the Kermit pic to my blog post today and linking your blog back to it. I've seem mostly Chic-Fil-A Aprreciation day bullshit all over my Facebok this week, and the Kermit pic really helped me out. Thank you for posting it, and sticking to your beliefs. It is much appreciated :)
DeleteLove to see that you replied to that comment and you stick up for what you believe in. Too many people tip toe around controversial issues because they don't want to offend anyone. Everyone has a voice and deserves to speak up about what they believe in. This made me love you even more. Faithful follower <3
DeleteYou pick some of the best things ever, especially the quote about letting go. Good gosh and that albino wallaby! So freaking precious.
ReplyDeleteGo New Hampshire Chik-fil-A, stick it to the big man!
My fiance and I looked at all 50 of the Cute Things many adorable animals!
I hope you feel better! Just delurking and commenting to tell you that first image/quote is AWESOME. YES.
ReplyDeleteI love the story about the rogue Chick-Fil-A, amazing! :D
ReplyDeleteFaye x
nice post. :) Irene Wibowo
ReplyDeleteI guess that happens to Jack Daniels a lot ha. My bf's band got one from them for ripping off the same design for a shirt they sold.
ReplyDeleteYayy so proud of my home state :) I didn't even know the Nashua Chick-fil-A had done that (honestly didn't know it was there!) but that's pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing :)