Things I Love Thursday

Hello hello friends! It's Thursday again! This week's link share is a little shorter than usual down below but I'm gearing up for great things in June, so just stick with me! Check out all of these awesome photos + links though. They're a great way to kill some time! ;)

this is so relevant right now. ♥
this simple braided bun ♥

♥ you go glen coco. ♥

♥ i love cards like this + want to design some ♥

this collage ♥

this journal ♥

♥ i used to love exploding dog comics! ♥

♥ this is a little too humorous. ♥

♥ this. (and i need to get better at this) ♥

“We let Willow cut her hair. When you have a little girl, it’s like how can you teach her that you’re in control of her body? If I teach her that I’m in charge of whether or not she can touch her hair, she’s going to replace me with some other man when she goes out in the world. She can’t cut my hair but that’s her hair. She has got to have command of her body. So when she goes out into the world, she’s going out with a command that it is hers. She is used to making those decisions herself. We try to keep giving them those decisions until they can hold the full weight of their lives.

Other Awesome Stuff:

// It doesn't get much cooler than an astronaut sharing pictures on Twitter from SPACE! SERIOUSLY! Look at these!

// Natasha is hosting a $200 giveaway to DITTO eyewear on her blog!

// Wishlist Wears: Have you peeped the new goodies over at LuLu*s yet?! C'mon... a mint lace dress, these ruby red mary janes, this red and white polka dot dress!!!, and this dress which i'm wearing this exact minute.

// Also Worth Mentioning: I'm so excited to be working with Rebekka on our wedding invitations! -- I ordered my wedding dress (for real!) this week, and I'm dying for it to hurry up and be delivered! (8 weeks... be patient, KB!) -- I'm diving into the world of Adobe CS6 Master Collection... and the designer in me is dyyyyyying! It's so good! (I've been using CS5.5 for the past year, and it's crazy how much small upgrades change things!) -- I've collected a long list of about 60 (!!!) blog posts that I'd like to start working on for LCH for June and beyond! -- One week from today will begin my 2-3 weeks off the grid and away from my home/computer. I'm a little scared at the work that will pile up, but also excited! -- May's Sponsored Giveaway will go up this weekend! A little late.. whoops!


  1. I like tilt, but today i have to disagree w/the homosexual one.

    I am genuinely just wondering this (u can not answer if its too nosy), are u pro-choice?

    I am pro-life and anti-homosexuality (not gay PEOPLE, just homosexualitty) and i believe that abortion and homosexuality are completely different...abortion is killing a BABY, homosexuality is gratifying one's desires.

    1. That's a great question, Talia. My beliefs are pro-choice and pro-human rights. Denying another human being the right to love and be loved in return (and acknowledged by the government in situations relating to insurance, benefits, and even hospital visits). Human rights, to me, cannot be dulled down to "gratifying one's desires"... Homosexuality is going to exist with or without marriage rights. I don't agree with murder... but murders exist. (Though that's not the best example because to me homosexuality is not "bad", but you get my idea.) I think everyone is entitled to their own educated opinion, but I think Rick Santorum is a horrible person. There's really no way around that in my mind :)

    2. It's not anyone's business what another person wants to do with their lives, be it being atheist or being homosexual. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it wrong or unjust. And denying someone marital rights just because you don't agree with it is not only pig-headed, it's also completely asinine and unconstitutional.

    3. Oh, Kaelah. Responses like these make me love you even more.

    4. Hey Kaelah! Thanks for the response (and for doing a kind response, many people get really agitated at those who are pro-life, anti-homosexuality, but you were very kind and willing to explain. Thanks :-)).

      Patricia~Thanks for your opinion, too! Well, I see it like this: I know that I'M not homosexual, but other people being homosexual is against what God says in His Word. It's kind of like abortion, in a way. Sure, I'M not the one having the abortion, but the abortion is still KILLING an unborn child. I can't have the knowledge of something like that happening without DOING something. A murderer is put in prison (rightfully so) if caught, but for some reason, murdering unborn babies is legal. Whaaaaat?!?!

      One reason why I am anti-homosexuality is because of this: one of the MAIN reasons a man and woman get married is to reproduce (have kids). But homosexuals do not have the right parts to reproduce with someone of the same gender. It's like an elephant and a donkey mating. It doesn't work. It's not supposed to happen.

      As for Rick Santorum, I don't really know much about him besides that he is against same-sex marriage.

      Thank you for hearing out my opinion, and I'd like to hear your thoughts on it, too!

      Btw, i absolutely love your blog design :) so cute!

    5. Oh, one more thing, Patricia (although I'm sure you've heard it before)...

      So, are you saying that if someone believes in something, it's true and right for them? I can't agree with that. A murderer may "agree with" murdering, but that doesn't make it right. I can believe with all my heart that 2+2 = 9, but it's not right. There is one infinite truth.

    6. So only straight marriages are acceptable because they produce children? I guess that means infertile people, people who've had hysterectomies or vasectomies, women past menopause, or couples who are child-free-by-choice should not be allowed to marry then.

    7. Reproduction is not the only purpose of marriage - thats not what im saying at all.

      Homosexuality is wrong because God says it is wrong (I can give you the reference if you want). Some people might think what on earth does God have to do w:it? But dont u think the person who MADE us should have a say in how we should live?

    8. But did you not just say homosexuality is wrong because the main reason of marriage is to reproduce?

      Not everybody believes in God, believes in the Christian god, or believes in your interpretation of the bible; some even believe in God, but choose not to take the bible literally, or believe the bible is corrupt as it has passed through far too many hands of men who have twisted its words to suit their own agendas. Why should anyone be forced to live their lives according someone else's beliefs and values? America is not a theocracy. You don't agree with homosexuality? Don't be a homosexual.

      Never mind the many other laws and sins that are contained in the bible that are no longer followed because they are deemed "outdated": wearing clothes that are woven of two fabrics or planting two different types of seeds in a field, working on Sundays, or eating shellfish. And according to the bible, all sin is created equal. Therefore for every poly-cotton blouse in your closet or for every time you've enjoyed a shrimp cocktail, you've "sinned" equally to a gay person. Do not judge me because I sin differently than you.

      And not long ago African American people were segregated and outlawed from marrying non-blacks. We now look back on that as a horrible scar on our history, yet now gays are being treated much the same.
      Imagine 40 years from now:

    9. Also, this:

    10. Hey there! thanks for replying.

      I said, quoting myself, "ONE of the main reasons of marriage is to reproduce." Not every reason. That is just one of the reasons homosexuality is not the way things were meant to be.

      I understand that not everyone believes in God (trust me, it's evident:) lolz). But just because somebody doesn't believe in God doesn't make Him the Ultimate Authority. Just because somebody doesn't believe that 2+2=4 doesn't mean the equation isn't true.

      If the Bible is untrue, how come none of it contradicts itself or other texts written at the same time? Take, for example, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

      I'm not saying at all that i'm better than homosexuals or that I'm a righteous livin' person. Hello, no! I'm just as sinful as any person. But I simply cannot say I agree with or "think it's okay" for someone to be homosexual or for gay people to marry. Homosexuality is not how we were made to be. African American people were not MEANT to be discriminated. We aren't supposed to discriminate gay people, but that doesn't mean we can't disagree with and not stand by their lifestyle.

      Thanks for hearing me out :).

  2. Oh my goodness that Arrested Development embroidery is to die for! I have so much envy towards the creative souls that create such amazing things.

    1. she did the entire cast, too! truly quite amazing :D

  3. There's a little trick to avoiding the evil plastic edge on Jumbo Freezes, you just cut off the end in a horse-shoe shape! My genius mother taught me that!

  4. i want to decorate an entire room of my home with arrested development embroidery. from afar, it seems like granny art, but up close, it's something so special, so magical, so beautiful.

  5. Wow, I love all of these things too. The Glen Coco comment made my day, and I can't help but feel the same way about Rick Santorum. And I was really moved by comment by Willow Smith's parents, SO true. Great post.

  6. So many gorgeous things, thanks for sharing

  7. Mmm, jumbo freezies! Although I've never known anyone to call them "freezies". I adore that hairstyle, I think it would be the perfect hairstyle for a job interview, I'm going to have to try it out! I really, really, REALLY dislike Rick Santorum, I will never understand people who are basically pro-birth but don't give a care in the world about the quality of life a child has once they are born. The idea of the attractive card is so sweet, I'd be walking tall for weeks if I got a card like that from someone. Haha, I love the exploding dog comic, I'm definitely here to party. I always have this problem when I'm running, which is part of the reason I never run... Geez, everyone is ridiculously stylish in that refinery 29 city hall post! I mean, GEEZ - I just noticed that
    I never say geez anywhere but online. I want that red polka dot Lulu dress! Why isn't it available in my size?! Bah. A wonderful Thursday post as always.


  8. well, i do like following you. but due to your views decided to stop. I wish i could be more "tolerant" but homosexuality and abortion are moral issues that I can't bend on. i would love to hear your thoughts on abortion. to me, how is is a "choice" to kill someone? a baby does not have any less rights than a two-year-old (or one or three or any other age) just because he/she is not fully developed yet. we do not think it is okay for a mother to kill her two-year-old; why should it be okay for a mother to kill her unborn child?
    i enjoyed reading your blog while it lasted! I don't want to offend you at all, please know that. I just wanted to give my reason for un-following.

    1. I will never change my opinions or beliefs to keep followers. You're welcome to your beliefs just as I am mine. Just because I'm pro-choice does not mean *i* would have an abortion. I've never been in that situation, I can't imagine making that decision. What it *does* mean is that I will not try to make that choice for someone else. See ya around.

    2. The thing I love about you, Kaelah, is that you post what you want and there's no "front" about you, whatsoever. No fake "eee cutsie blah" stuff that a lot of bloggers tend to stick to.
      It's refreshing to see you step away from that and that's one of the many reasons why I love your blog so much. Losing followers for being yourself is TOTALLY worth it. (#bye indeed!)
      I guarantee you're gaining twice as many followers for being YOU than you are losing followers for not being you (if that makes sense).

      Keep on keepin' on. xo

    3. By denying women the right to choose, you are denying that woman the right to control her body. Believing in the right to choose is not as simplistic as saying that unborn babies have no rights, just a belief that rights of a woman, as a conscious being should be put beyond those of a foetus. As for your question, there is a simple answer, which is also the reason for my above thoughts. The rights of conscious beings capable of thought processes cannot be compared to those of foetuses. Not a denial that foetuses can have rights, just an acknowledgement that they are different entirely to those of those who have been born. Rights always conflict- noone is able to have full rights without infringing upon those of others, and so it is a matter of prioritising. If you prioritise the rights of foetuses that is your view, if I prioritise those of women, that is mine. But the simple fact is that neither of them can have it all. Abortion is a horrifcally difficult decision for anyone to make, but I will fight for the chance for every woman to make that choice according to their own considerations. That way you can know that for you it is not the right path, and others can know that it is. Your way, only those like you get any freedom. I fail to see the morality in that.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Laura, I wish there was a "like button" for your comment. <3

    6. Women have the choice to have sex before marriage, so why should a baby have to die because the woman did something regrettable?

      Some good argue that Adolf Hitler killing the jews (which was 100% WRONG) was "his choice". Uh, hello - that wasn't right at all! It's just like abortion.

      An unborn baby has a heartbeat, hands, and eyes at just 6 weeks in the womb. Now tell me killing that baby isn't murder.

    7. p.s. I find this video extremely fascinating and I hope you'll check it out!

    8. *could argue, not good argue

    9. If we are going to use "because god said so" as the basis for this, what about cutting your hair? Getting tattoos? Blending fibers? Eating this that and the other? I'm not the slightest bit religious and I can easily cite all of those. If you don't agree with it, that's totally fine. But there is (though it's rarely evident) a thing called the separation of church and state. Our country is not Christian as a whole. Every person shouldn't be governed by scripture. Plus not only that, but if you do any of the aforementioned things then you're committing a sin *just as* ~bad as being homosexual. And not to mention that it's not your place to judge. If there is a god, he'll do it. But gay or otherwise, they're all children of god and will be forgiven for their sins. No one sin is better than another. We all sin. Live and let live. I'm not trying to convince you to believe or agree with gay marriage because it's not my place. But you should consider letting millions of people live their rightful life.

      I won't lie, I haven't read everyone's replies. But the "because god said so" really lit a fire under my butt because it's a safe answer. I respect your opinion and it seems you've been respectful (maybe?) in your responses. But I feel like "because god said so" lacks passion, education, and truth. That bible says *a lot* of things... We can't just pick and choose what should be upheld. Even if we could, the bible does not belong in my government. I choose to not live by that book, and my government shouldn't force me ya know? Dont agree with it or condone it, that's fine. But don't deny millions happiness and security.

    10. Hey :-). Thanks for replying! Firstly, I'm sorry if in my previous comments I came off rude in any way. That most certainly was NOT my intention. I don't expect to change your mind to believe what Ibelieve, but I felt that I need to state what I believe and stand by it :-). You know how it is.

      I know that we all live in sin. And all of my sins are just as bad as homosexuality (thank you for pointing that out :)). I just have to stand by what I believe to be wrong and right.

      I certainly do NOT believe in the discrimination of gay people. I believe gay people should be treated equally as straight people, but that doesn't mean I can agree with what they're doing or support them in any way. I can't just go along and say "yeah, that's right" when I know it to be wrong.

      "Because God said so," quoting you, may seem like a "safe answer," but it really is the TRUE one. It's like a parent and a child; when you're little, you wanna do something you know you can't. Your parents say that you can't do that, but you don't know why, because doing said thing makes you happy. However, your parents have a good reason for not wanting you to do that certain thing. See what I'm saying?

      I look forward to hearing your response. I still love your blog and won't stop following now or anything like that, but I just feel the need to post where I stand. Thanks:)

    11. I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree!

  9. Oh my goodness! I love that "Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate" print. It's so gorgeous.
    Also, I love that Rick Santorum thing. I'm pro-life, but it will never stop amazing me when people who are "pro-life" are okay with taking away the life (by physical death, or by taking away their rights) of someone just because they're gay. Makes no sense at all.

    I always look forward to these posts because everything is just. so. pretty.

  10. those are what i love too :) great picks xo

  11. I got seriously teary the first time I read the Will Smith quote about Willow. She seems like such a rad girl and I'm glad her parents are letting ~explore~ herself.

  12. Love your choices, your politics & your blog. Keep it up!

  13. I always love your tilt posts. Great variety of fun things to explore!

  14. I always look forward to Thursday for this! You're the best at this for me! I love that you're not afraid to post what you ACTUALLY love instead of sugar-coating it.
    It amuses me greatly when someone is intolerant of someone being tolerant.

    1. HAHAHAH you said it best!!! "intolerant of tolerance" oh the irony.

  15. Wonderful finds! I love the braided bun.
    And your wedding invites are going to be amazing if Rebekka is doing them! I absolutely love her work!

  16. This is one of my favorite "Things I Love Thursday"!

    Quick/random/might-not-have-an-answer question: I'm a 14 jeans, L/XL shirts/tops, would a Large LuLus dress fit?

    1. I'm a 12 and a Large always fits me very generously! I'm usually a M in shirts so I don't ever really have issues with the bust areas (just the sleeves! ugh!), but I think you should be good! Worth trying on at least one item at least!

    2. Absolutely right, thank you! Sleeves can be my worst enemy (more like my only!).

  17. Exploding Dog! Wow, that goes way back and I am so glad it's still around. I love it.

  18. Seriously, Thursdays are the best! I look forward to this weekly! I love every single thing on this post so much! And I must say, I love that you don't talk about losing a shit ton of weight for your wedding in some horrible way. I love seeing other folks wedding inspiration but it seems they always drop weight into everything. Thanks for letting us know, once asin, it's ok to love ourselves :)

  19. I love that "promote what you love quote.." I had actually never heard it. Jada Smith has a good point about Willow's hair. I had never thought of it like that.

  20. what a perfect post!
    so inspiring, thank you for sharing :)
    xo, cheyenne

  21. Jumbo Freezes were my favorite part of summer! I look forward to Thursdays because of your TiLT posts, Kaelah!

  22. I have to let you know, I always always enjoy your Things I Love Thursday posts. They definitely brighten my Thursdays (or whatever day I catch up with your posts)! You're awesome!

  23. <3 the anatomy of a popsicle! i must borrow that :)


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB