Hello out there to Kaelah's dear readers! I've been a fan of hers for awhile now. Don't you love her creative outfits and positive outlook on life? Whenever I need a dose of cuteness, I head over here.
As for me, I blog over at The Loudmouth Lifestyle. My name is Stephanie, and I recently turned 25 (I'm an Aries like Kaelah!). I still feel like a kid at heart, though. I live on pizza and have a love affair with pink. I think it's okay for everyone to grow up at their own pace! In fact, I think it's healthier to let it happen naturally and not rush things.
Today I want to give you five steps to living loudly. But first, you need to know just what 'living loudly' means! My definition, originally shared here: Living loudly means taking charge of your life, focusing on the positive, filling every day with things you're passionate about and cherishing every moment. It means giving 110% in everything you do whether it be work, relationships or projects. It means living in the present -- not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
Trust me, it's not easy to follow this type of lifestyle. It takes a lot of work and perseverance. We all go through hardships in our lives, obstacles that cause us to want to throw in the towel and just do what's easiest. But what's easiest is not always what's best. In fact, it rarely is!

STEP ONE: Take a step back and look at your life. Are you doing what makes you happy? If not, why not? Is there a way to change it? If not, how can you change your outlook? We have so much more power than we think!
STEP TWO: Figure out what you want out of life and what it takes to get there. If you're unhappy with your job, your significant other, your city... think about what you can do to make it better, or walk away from it all together. I did. It wasn't easy, and I'm not saying it's what everyone should do -- but I moved across the country, quit my job, and broke up with my boyfriend all within two years. It's been a tough season, but all changes were necessary for me to live my best life!
STEP THREE: Surround yourself with people that love you. Hard times have a way of revealing who our true friends are -- and aren't. Spend time with the ones that really want what's best for you and will support you every step of the way on your journey. It's easy to want to hide from the world when we're going through tough things, but having a healthy support system is important in order to recover. If you can't find this in your family, maybe it's in your friends or co-workers. More than likely, you have people that love you more than you know!
STEP FOUR: Let go of the past. I don't mean that you should dumb it down or forget about it all together. The past, after all, is what got us to the present. It makes us who we are! What I mean is that it isn't healthy to dwell on the past. It's so easy for us to think what if, what if, what if. Make the changes you feel are best for you, and then live in the moment. You can't change the past, you can only make changes now!
STEP FIVE: Remind yourself that you will recover. After making a big change, you may feel excited and happy -- but also stressed and sad. Remember that nothing is forever, your mix of feelings are normal, and you will adjust to your new life!

Keep me posted on the changes you're making via my blog, Twitter, or Facebook. I can't wait to see the great things you'll accomplish. I may not know you personally, but I believe in you! I honestly see fellow bloggers as my sisters at heart. We're all in this together.

TOTALLY encouraged by this post. All the steps are things I know buuuuuut...fail to put into practice most days. Thanks Stephanie for challenging us (and Kaelah for sharing this lovely lady!) to reshape our perspective when changing our situation isn't an immediate possibility. Definitely going to share this post with others (:
ReplyDeleteGreat tips :) It's good to be reminded that sometimes doing exactly what's best for OURSELVES is necessary and healthy! Loved the message in all this :)
This is kinda just what I needed to read, super empowering and encouraging, thank you.
ReplyDeleteGREAT post :)! I'm 22 but still feel like a kid inside as well:) I'm so checking out your blog! This post was amazing thanks for sharing :)!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading her posts. I admire her ability to make things happen for herself, despite any unease. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading her posts. I admire her ability to make things happen for herself, despite any unease. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading her posts. I admire her ability to make things happen for herself, despite any unease. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis was a very inspirational post and exactly what I needed to read. Something encouraging and inspiring at the same time...
ReplyDeleteGreat job on this post! :)
Such a wonderful guest post! I loved this advice and I can't wait to check out her blog :)
ReplyDeleteI might just be a new subscriber of Stephanie's blog soon. ;) Great tips,thank you!
ReplyDeleteReally nice tips!!! It's very encouraging! Thank you!
Wonderful guest post :) I will def. be checking into this newly discovered blog!
ReplyDeleteAgain and again I make the point that being an adult isn't necessarily better than being a teenager.
ReplyDeletelifestyle definition