Things I Love Thursday

One of these days I swear I'll stop beginning these posts with "OMG it's Thursday already?!"... but geeze, I feel like Thursday might be the only day of the week lately! Even though I bartend on the weekends I usually enjoy the "downtime" that comes with Saturday and Sunday. And by downtime I mean I just don't do any design work. This weekend, however, I have 4 new clients to work on, in addition to my current 2, plus 2 edits + upgrades. To think I'll be getting any reprieve is just foolish haha Might be a good thing though as the hot (note that I didn't say warm) weather is bringing in some thunderstorms. I'll just sit in my office, window open, and design while it rains. I'd go as far as to use my computer on the front porch if I didn't know better! Anyway, here are some pretty things to help get you through the day!

this! pants free fo' lyfe! ♥
♥ this is what my kitchen would look like if i lived alone haha ♥
this sloth illustration. (my favorite land animal!) ♥
♥ these definitely are the best things ♥
♥ gpoy. ♥
♥ do you think this is how cats really think? ♥
this panda hot air balloon ♥
♥ this little piece of advice ♥
♥ this is where i'd like to go please. ♥
♥ these bulldogs are the most perfect cake topper ever!

Other Awesome Things:
// This Fancy Schmancy post from Savannah is one of my favorites! I'm loving the bright colors + geometric prints! (Also - she's closing her handmade shop so you can get 35% off with the code CLOSINGSALE)

// I've been toying with the idea of getting something new pierced (a dermal anchor was on my 23 before 24 list!), but I don't know what. I've been perusing sites like this for trendy body jewelry, but haven't decided on anything yet. Figured looking at pretty pieces would help inspire me! Where do you shop for body jewelry?

// I've written about a slew of flash sale/discount shopping sites before, but this one is a new one! If you're in the market for high end designer pieces or vintage Chanel and YSL, you'll love this new site. Granted I only signed up because I like to gawk at stuff and they give you a $100 credit just for joining! HERE is an invite code if you want to check it out!

// There are several coupon codes floating around right now for LCH readers! Electric Frenchie will give you 10% off with the code KAELAH, Sproos will give you 20% off with KAELAH, Kintage will give you 10% off with the code KAELAH, BFBEE15 gets you 15% off of Blowfish shoes, KAELAH gets you 20% off your Karmaloop order (and 10% off PLDNR!), and last but not least, KAELAH gets you 20% off your Omerica Organic order (my absolute favorite plugs in the world!)

// Yummy recipes worth trying: Baked Raspberry Pancake (WHOA.) // Raspberry Tiramisu // Mexican Style Portobello Mushroom // Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies (Yum!) // Black Bean Salad (with corn, avocado, red peppers, and cilantro-lime vinaigarette!)

// My weekly wishlist includes: these JC Tardy boots in maroon (I have them in navy, but these are so so cute! And they're 50% off!), Rust It Up dress (under $25!), Vintage I See Your Poinsettia dress, this leopard print dress, If, And or Bud dress (but not really the price tag!), Bow Crazy for Prints dress, and pretty much every Betsey Johnson tea party dress made in 2006! haha I love all of the lace and ruffles. Basically a lot of dresses because it's obviously already summer in Nashville.

// Speaking of Kintage earlier, their online shop is now open! Everything is on sale for the Grand Opening, but you can get the 10% off I mentioned above with the code KAELAH. A few pieces that I'm love love loving: Line by Line dress, Newport Envelope clutch, and Tea Party at Midnight dress

// Lauren sent me a link to The Fluffington Post last week and it's quickly become my favorite Tumblr to follow. So much cuteness!

// Blogs I'm currently loving: one, twothree and four!

// Kaitlyn wrote a post on how to go about finding art for your home! She sent me this link in response to my post about looking for pretty prints and I think it's a goldmine. I don't think I've shared it before, but if I have, here it is again haha

// I loved this "Make Your Own Travel Guide" idea from Fiona! And "New York, I Miss You" by Carmen. (Love her humor!)

// Kira posted a Washi Tape Keyboard DIY and I'm seriously wanting to try it. It's not really a "new" idea or anything, but I swear it always just looks so cute! I just need some time and patience.

// I've been asked a lot lately where to get the iPhone cases seen in my Instagram photos. Here are the links to a few of the ones I have! (The best part? They're mostly all under $10!) -- 3D Rilakkuma bear case (also have it in pink and blue!) // Rilakkuma silicone in beige (and pink and light tan) // Panda with ears // CaseMate Panda

// The first 10 people to buy my PR + Marketing Ebook and use the code "8OFF" will get $8 off! $17 instead of the regular $25. This is the cheapest I've ever offered it, but why not? ;)

// And probably the best way to start the day... Mike's yummy French Toast for breakfast! Toby and I have just full bellies. Delicious!

What are you loving this week?


  1. Replies
    1. i haven't watched since season 1 but i'm really starting to realize how much i'm missing out on it! that gif was just too good to pass up!

  2. These are wonderful - I especially love the "Best feelings" one! Ta very much for brightening my day :) ♥

    Sarah ^.^

  3. Love the kitchen you'd have if you lived alone haha, as much as I love my living situation I do kind of miss having a super girly place to myself!

    1. i feel really lucky that mike doesn't mind a vast majority of my girly stuff (he lets me have all pink kitchen stuff because i argue that my kitchenaid mixer was such an expense, it only makes sense for it to match! haha) he isn't a huge fan of the shabby chic stuff that i love though, so we have to compromise!

  4. aren't all the blogs you love sponsors...? Did you design them too?

    1. they are sponsors, yes! but i didn't know of them until they contacted me to sign up, and i've fallen in love with all of them because our styles are so similar :) i didn't design any of them, no. i've included #4 in a post before, but it's seriously my favorite blog right now haha

  5. Love this list! Especially the modern family pic. Bahah.

    Thanks so much for the shout out!


  6. Haha. You always pic the funniest stuff. Like everyone else above me I love the Modern Family picture. Also I agree - the best pants are no pants :]

  7. I love the cat picture! My husband meows at the cat all the time and the cats meows back! It's seriously like they have their own language! :)

  8. Oh my gosh alpacas! I'm planning on getting one was I get some land, they're so cute and great pets!

    xo, Megan

    1. my hometown has a pretty big alpaca farm and i always wanted to visit! they just look like such sweet animals!

  9. If anyone, new or old blogger, is contemplating picking up Kaelah's e-book, seriously, GO FOR IT. I bought it and I loved it. It's an easy read but she gives you a lot to mull over, and I felt like the resources in it were well worth the price. I'm just starting out in blogging, and I feel like I'm off to a more solid start. You can come yell at me on my blog if you disagree, but I promise, you won't!

    1. haha thank you sarah! so glad you found it helpful!
      i've been itching to go back in and write a few new chapters so i promise to do that as soon as i have a chance!

  10. Just bought your e-book!
    I love that washi tape keyboard & all the raspberry recipes!!

  11. Thanks as always for giving me something to look forward to every Thursday! (and every day :) Just a small suggestion...I noticed your links don't open up in new window so I end up leaving your site when I always want to go back and read more. (which I do-I just have to keep hitting the back button when I stray too far). Sooonot trying to nit-pick, just thought I'd throw that out there. I do web stuff too so I just think about that kinda stuff :)

    1. such a great point! honestly i've teetered back and forth for the past couple of years about whether or not i wanted my links to open up that way (on one hand it's good for not having people leave my site, but on the other it always annoys me! not sure why though haha). i hate when people's "older posts" and "newer posts" open in new tabs.. it just seems silly. but for links like my TiLT posts it could be beneficial. i guess i just tend to forget that not everyone does a Control + Click or Right Click like I do on everything! I open *everything* in a new tab haha probably why they're so out of control! maybe i could try it out on my TiLT posts, but i doubt i'd make my entire blog that way because it just tends to irritate me :P hope that makes sense at least!

    2. Never thought to control+click-I'll try that from now on! I think the TILT posts are the only time I really notice it anyway. Thanks for writing back and thanks for entertaining and inspiring me every day!

  12. I love all of the suggestions, codes, blogs, clothing, etc. that you give us to check out. I'm so glad to be a new follower of your blog :)


    1. Thanks Chelsea! So glad to have you! I'll definitely pop over and say hello xx

  13. I love girl-tastic/colorful kitchens too, I honestly think I'm going to do what I want with my kitchen when my boyfriend and I (finally) get a place of our own. I'm the cook of the two of us so he will learn to love it or go starving - kidding. The lake in the second to last picture is ridiculously gorgeous, any clue where that is? I must see this place in person. The bulldog cake toppers are so ridiculously cute, omgoodles.


  14. Especially love the Modern Family photo! Your Things I Love Thursday posts are always amazing :-) xx

  15. Haha, that cat picture gave me such a giggle! They definitely are the best feelings in life, & I love the kitchen too!

    Catherine, XO.

  16. By the way, there's a giveaway and a coupon code from ReadyGo for caketoppers right now. (Same artist that made the blue banner in your bulldog cake topper photo. Very cute)

  17. i love the "don't spoil what you have..." quote. and thank you for the shoutout <3

  18. haha the alpaca thing made me laugh. Seems like me.

  19. That sloth illustration is so absolutely wonderful! I kind of think I need to own a print of this for my walls! And even though I do love pants the 'No Pants' illustration is also absolutely amazing!

    Also I saw that you said you stopped watching Modern Family after the first season and I highly recommend that you start watching it again, it's still really consistently funny!

    Little Lady Little City

  20. I love your blog on Thursdays.

    ♥ sécia

  21. I kind of want an Alpaca so this just made me really happy.

  22. Thanks so much for featuring me, Kaelah! I'm glad you enjoyed by washi tape keyboard post!

  23. that kitchen with stunning polka dot dishes is simply amazing. and that photo of cat is so true - I think that's what they think all the time :D

  24. AHHHH cutest caketoppers ever! Love that "MEOW" photo, too funny.

  25. I loved that Cheeky Cheeky "Things I Miss About New York" post--thanks for introducing me to another grrrreat blog! :D


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB