Surprise Date Night!

Mike had left for work yesterday morning after making sure that I knew to be dressed and ready at 6:30pm when he got home from work. It was date night. He gave me no heads up on what we were doing or where we were going, or even what to wear. He just said be ready and I'll see you then. I spent the day working on designs and responding to emails before finally finding the motivation to get up, get ready, and get dressed. I opted for a caramel floral dress, grey cardi, my brown waffleweave jeffrey campbell litas, and my new (huge!) Betsey Johnson bag. I was ready. 

I was going through my email when I heard a knock at the door. The girls got all excited and were barking like mad. I picked up Pip (she'll dart down the hall!) and went to open the door. All I could think was "Who is knocking at 6pm on a Sunday?!" I opened the door to find the most dapper fella standing on the other side. Grey blazer, white dress shirt, hat, dark jeans and even some brown loafers. And he had roses in his hand! Eep! He said he was here to pick me up for our date. I die! Maybe I'm biased but my heart melted and I felt like that was the sweetest thing ever! I mean, he knocked!! At our own house! Love!

I grabbed my purse, gave him a kiss and off we went! He said the dinner plans had been foiled as the restaurant he had planned on taking me to was closed on Sunday. Instead we opted for a little sit-down restaurant in Mt. Juliet on our way East. He never let on to what we were doing but about an hour later we are driving in the middle of absolutely nowhere and I start to get an idea. I didn't share the idea because I thought he'd think it was silly if I were wrong, but sure enough we pull into a sweet little drive-in theater! Double feature, please! We settled in to watch Harry Potter (so good!) and Horrible Bosses (so funny!). 

He had planned it all on his own and best of all, he kept it a secret! I have a tendency to figure out what he's scheming so I tried really hard not to this time around! It was such a wonderful date and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world!

Isn't he the best?! xo

PS; I had to do the picture below to assure people that we hadn't just gotten engaged! I guess the 2nd picture up there hints of it but I'm assuming these people weren't aware that we got engaged in March! hehe That picture is the lock screen on my iPhone! I love it (thanks to Susannah and Chris for snapping it!)

PPS; I feel bad for basically begging for votes but I had a look-see through the AE rules and prizes and get this... If I'm in first place tomorrow at midnight then I'm automatically in the final 4. If I win the final round then I'll get $3,000 to put toward my small business dreams! AKA my mobile shoppe! AKA I wanna come visit you with it! This would mean I wouldn't have to take out a small business loan! It could speed things up like no other... so with that, I beg of you.. please throw a vote or two my way! If you could share it with your friends I'd be infinitely grateful! I don't even care about the campaign part... not having to rely on my credit or anyone else for funds to start my business would be amazing! Here are my three entries: ONE // TWO // THREE! (If you go to the LCH Facebook page, you can just click "SHARE" underneath the post and share with your friends! <3)


  1. I LOVE that he knocked on his own door. So stinkin' sweet. And aren't drive in movies the BEST? Love the feel! Glad you guys had an awesome night! I'm going to share your vote links on my FB now! Good luck!

  2. What a wonderful date night. Drive-in movies are the best!

    Also, I'm just curious since I don't own an iphone, are those banners with type added in instagram or did you do it afterwards in another program?

  3.'s posting!! this would be SO awesome Kaelah!

  4. what a fine young fellow you got yourself there! glad you two had fun. its always good to be spontaneous (especially in relationships) every once in a while! :)

  5. How sweet! I love that he picked you up with flowers in his hand - what a keeper. :)

  6. @ Megan: it's the free app called Labelbox! :D

    @ Heather: THANKYOU! <3 <3 <3

  7. Oh how incredibly sweet of him! I dont blame you for melting:) about to throw some votes your way, hope you win!!

  8. I voted, and so far you're 1 or 2 in all three categories! I can't believe he knocked on his own door, that's so stinkin' cute!

  9. You've got a keeper but you probably already knew that :)

    -Amber P.

  10. Such a sweet guy you've got there! I love when my husband does things like that for me.

  11. Aww, that is so cute, and I am so jealous that you got to see Harry Potter and Horrible Bosses in one sitting, both films are ones I've wanted to see for ages!

    I really like the idea of date night, maybe I should suggest it to ze boyfriend?


  12. ooo how cute! sounds like the perfect little date night to me! =)

  13. That is the sweetest evening ever. I've never been to a drive in movie but always wanted to. Lovely post xo

  14. AWWEEEEEE! I saw those pictures on Twitter last night late late I didn't want to reply at wee hours in the morning, but I couldn't stop but melt with you! That is SOOOO sweet...and Mike is a very lucky guy, so of course he's brilliant for making you as equally lucky. Everything about this night is so freaken cute and I'm going to let my beau see this to get his head in the game! Haha. We barely have date nights anymore because of our schedules, but you make time for those you love, right? So happy for you sweetie. You deserve it all. :)

    Again, I will try to go on my beau's computer tonight to attempt to vote! I'm so aggravated that I haven't been able to do so already. You know how technology's knick knacks can be. Ugh. Haha.

  15. That's pretty adorable. What a sweet guy. Lucky girl. :)

  16. AW that is so, so sweet! You sure did pick a good one!

  17. Soooo adorable that he knocked on the door. And the drive in!!!! I have yet to go this summer.... but I NEED to... never gets old. :D Glad you 2 had a great time. Sea Marie

  18. so so sweet!! aren't drive-ins the best!!:)


  19. that date night is awesome and so sweet!

    i voted for you in all 3 categories, i'd love if you won!

  20. VOTED! fingers crossed for you baby!!

  21. That is too precious! I love that he kept it all a secret. <3

  22. That's super adorable! Looks like you had the best time. PS: I have that brown floral dress! :)

  23. OMG that is the sweetest thing ever! It's hard after you've been together for a while but little things like this are so important! Best date with two awesome movies!


  24. Aaaaawww this is just waaaaay too cute ^^
    I really liked reading this post! You're very lucky with your man, he's the cutest ;)

    Cotton Candy

  25. What a sweet night! You've got yourself a catch there :)

  26. Awwww this is so so sweet, I love that he put in so much effort and that he even knocked at the front door with flowers! <3 <3 <3 x

  27. thats really really cute:)
    such a lovely surprise,very sweet...

  28. voted!! date night looked fun!! :)

  29. He is SO sweet! You have a great guy! and knocking on his own door is super adorable, I'm smitten with his romantic style ^_^

  30. Best date ever? I think yes. I've been DYING to go to the Drive-In's lately! Perfect summer night date.

  31. the stardust!!! i went there once!! (college roomie's parents moved to hendersonville that year)

    dress up dates are the best :) so cute!

  32. oh my goodness, what a prince.
    he is such a good man!
    glad you guys got to go on a date night.
    look like an amazing time.
    have a wonderful week love.

  33. love that he dressed up
    love that he rang to doorbell like he was picking you up
    love that he got roses
    love that he planned it all on his own

    this is so cute! love it!

  34. That has to be one of THE cutest dates I have ever heard of. That he knocked on your door is so cute, and it's things like that keep relationships fresh! Take it back to the basics!

  35. Oh my goodness!! That is such a sweet date night!! I hope that when I get a boy friend that he will be as sweet. <3

    Also, I voted for all your outfits, and I wish you the best of luck!!

  36. so sweet!
    it's on my wish list to find a drive in theater in south america (fingers crossed)
    btw, the tweaks you did on your blog look great!

  37. aww, i miss date nights! that's adorable that he KNOCKED! and what a strapping young fella, looks like a lot of fun!

  38. that is the sweetest thing i've ever heard... i love that he got all dressed up, brought flowers, and spent so much time planning! and a drive in theatre?! wow... he's quite a catch! :) xx

  39. Awww Mike's such a sweetie! Drive-in theater + Harry Potter sounds amazing :)
    Good luck!

  40. Ohhhh that is so so cute!! He looks great, and I love that you went for drive thru movies, I wish we had them over here!!

  41. I try voting but it takes me to some iTunes thing, is it supposed to do that.

  42. Voted on all three for you :) best of luck, lovey!

    Miss Cherry Princess

  43. That is the cutest thing ever! I wish my boyfriend would plan something awesome like that. That would pretty much make my day and my life. The drive-in theatre idea sounds amazingly fun. I don't think we have any around here. I'm glad you had a fun time on your date! It sounds amazing!

  44. Sweetest. Post. EVER.


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