The Next Step...

I recently shared with you all my trials and tribulations with my current job. While the hours are minimal, the grief and headache are plentiful. I'm just not happy. I plan on staying there as long as I need to, however, because I know jobs are hard to come by. A few weeks ago I started daydreaming about the idea of taking my shoppe mobile before trying to plant myself in a brick and mortar shop. My career goal has been to have my own independent retail shop since I was in 11th grade. I took a detour from the course for a short time to fulfill my NYC magazine dream (I did it... twice!). Now I'm back on course and more determined than ever.

If you guessed the camper doodle was the secret yesterday, you were right!
What got me thinking about this was my lovely blogger pal, Amy (Punky) and her Haberdash. (Fun fact: Would you believe that she was the first person to ever blog about my outfits? Truth. Four years ago today! We were friends on MySpace and StyleMob! So long ago!) I've also taken Indie Biz 3.0 and was inspired by Jill of Lune and her first mobile branch! I know mobile vintage shops and the like are really trendy right now, but this will allow me the freedom of movement... to change location and destination. We had every intention of staying in Nashville permanently after finding our little home sweet home at the end of March. We nixed Wilmington because of all the competition. Well honeybees, it seems new little boutiques are sprouting up everywhere these days and unfortunately the supply currently outweighs the demand. I think competition is a vital necessity to a flourishing business, without a doubt. But when you enter a crowded market with the same inventory, you're bound to be let down. With that being said, a mobile shoppe will allow us to travel to new destinations, meet new people, spark interest and network. And once we find that sweet little home for our brick and mortar, the little shoppe will always be part of it. The mobile branch will also allow me the ability to buy wholesale from other small, indie designers and offer their wares around and about! This will give me buying experience when it comes time for the big deal!

The exciting thing: We've already found a little family biz that will do all of the renovating for us! We had thought long and hard about whether we wanted to do it or not, but with our lack of handyman ability, limited schedules, and all around absentmindedness, we thought it best left to professionals. We looked at 4 or 5 campers today, but we're waiting until we find "the one"... and I know she's out there!

We have our heart set on a 1960's Shasta camper. Something about the little wings on the side gets me everytime. We have paint colors and a custom paint job already picked out (Pale peach and white, with small scalloped lace-like edges!) The tough part will be parting with everything on the inside. We haven't fully narrowed down exactly how we want the interior. Both of us want to keep some of the features but know that it will be hard if we plan on having a lot of the inventory on the inside. We'll figure it out though!

With all of that being said, from here on out, 100% of the earnings from Hive + Honey, Kaelah's Closet, and 50% of the earnings from Little Chief Honeybee will go toward our little mobile dream shoppe! I can't wait to make this a reality and to share with you all of the branding we've been concocting! It's going to be so much fun! xo

PS; My bike is going to match the trailer! How cute is that?!

PPS; Are there any other mobile retail shops you just love and would like to share? I'd like to pick the brains of so many of the fabulous ladies! I only know of Jill and Amy in the retail world! xo


  1. Totally love this idea! love that bike too!

  2. This is SO exciting! I'm so happy for you :D I hope your little mobile shop will make it's way up to Toronto someday :-D

  3. This is so exciting, Kaelah!
    Have you thought about doing some fundraising via Kickstarter or IndieGoGo?

  4. @SoYeahSo Actually no, I hadn't! I'm honestly very fearful of things like that! I feel like more often than not they come off as "begging" and I'd hate for anyone to think I was trying to take advantage of them! :)

  5. Lovely idea and so exciting! Best of luck!

  6. This is wonderful news, Kaelah. So exciting. Congratulations on having the courage to venture into this and good luck, you'll obviously do great :)


  7. So exciting! I think I saw this type of shop on.. maybe it was and I've wished I could do that, too. Good luck!

  8. I feel your pain! My business partner and I just purchased a 1964 Yellowstone camper and have been doing "pop-up" sales around the Des Moines, Iowa metro area with our vintage store. You can check us out here.

    Also email at if you have any questions. We researched for quite sometime before taking the plunge for the same brick and mortar precautions. I love your blog best wishes!!

    And check out these ladies as well...

    xoxo, erica

  9. @ Erica: oh how wonderful! I liked you on Facebook and I'll be shooting you an email soon! Hope you don't mind! <3 <3

  10. Such a great idea. I love it. Good luck to you. I sent you a message on FB but I'll post a link here also for you to look at.!/media/set/?set=a.10150144236932495.330029.109406972494 So amazing, I just love it.

  11. Kaelah, this is so exciting! I am so happy for you and am really looking forward to reading more about this adventure of yours! :]

  12. How exciting! I totally guessed it too had to do with the camper but I did not think of a mobile shop! I'm so happy for you and I know you'll do great. Best of luck!

  13. This is a GREAT idea and so exciting! Can't wait to hear all about it along the way :)

  14. you never fail to amaze me on here...what a fun and exciting venture! if you ever need artwork for the inside, please don't hesitate to ask...i'd love to illustrate you and your camper:). and mike.


  15. i saw the haberdash one the other day for the first time ever, genius! just another way your business can be practical and lovely!


  16. I'm so happy for you! I'm sure you'll get a lot of joy and adventure out of a mobile shop :) I can't wait to see where you go with this!
    Love and Turtledoves,

  17. Wow, what a cool idea Kaelah!

  18. @ Krista (saturated canary): that's the sweetest thing, thank you! i might just have to take you up on that offer! how cute would THAT be?!?! eep! xo

  19. Wow! This is extremely exciting. Best of luck to you. <33

  20. Like I said before, I am super excited to see your dreams coming true and I hope one day you can make it up to Toronto. I can't wait to see the finished product, the lace edges are going to look SO cute!

  21. That is an awesome idea!!! So excited for you!

  22. So freaking excited for you!!!

  23. i'm sure someone has pointed you in their direction already but the girls of
    are such an inspiration!

  24. Awesome! Lots of fun things ahead for you! There's a local clothing shop where I live (Guelph,ON/Canada) that has a mobile component as well--if you want to pick their brains, here is their site!

    I second other people's thoughts of doing some fundraising via Kickstarter or something like that! Make the dreams happen sooner, and please visit :P

  25. I love this idea! I can't wait for it to come true for you. My blog the last few weeks has featured trailors of all sorts that are shops and food carts! We must be on the same wave length!

  26. Yeah yeah of course-anything you need!


  27. This an amazing idea! I am so excited for you and all the wonderful things this will bring! Best of luck. :]

  28. What a great idea and also mobile food places are really trendy in Nashville right now! Are you guys going to be living in it at all or just selling items? Just curious.

  29. Kaelah! this is SO EXCITING!! I can't wait to see what's next for Hive + Honey. Congrats again for taking the plunge and I CANNOT wait to continue reading about your adventures!

    As for other shops that have gone mobile, have you heard of Monika Politan before? ( She has a mobile shop that she takes around TX for shows. Hopefully you can pick her brains about this?


  30. The Oh So Lovely vintage girls have a mobile shop.

  31. Oh my gosh, this is just so exciting! I am so happy for you. I am looking forward to reading more about lovely adventure! Best of luck, pretty lady. <3<3 xx

  32. Congratulations Kaelah, well done on you for having the courage to follow your dreams! I can't wait to see how it all goes, best of luck! <3 xxx

  33. Honestly, I would never go to a vintage shop. Well, okay, maybe to just look around. But I can find my own things at goodwill and thrift stores for a lot cheaper.

  34. Please do visit Wilmington again, I moved near there shortly after following your blog and you had just left!!! I'd love to visit your mobile shop!!!

  35. I just adore your style. I've just given you the Best Blog Award. Stop by and read the details here


  36. Hey Lady!!!
    Why didn't you tell me!!!
    Email me have you seen my site? It will be good inspration.


  37. What an excellent idea! I can only imagine how fashion starved alot of small town girls are & to see your pink caravan roll into town must be quite a treat (or it will be). Surely you can get a grant of some funding for your idea???

    Kelly @
    Elegantly Academic

  38. What an excellent idea! I can only imagine how fashion starved alot of small town girls are & to see your pink caravan roll into town must be quite a treat (or it will be). Surely you can get a grant of some funding for your idea???

    Kelly @
    Elegantly Academic

  39. Wow this is awesome! Would you consider selling from independent designers on consignment? I'm just getting started as a designer and would absolutely love the chance to do consignment with you, although I am not able to wholesale.
    I'm interning at a design collective right now and know quite a bit about working with consigners and even wholesale if you have any questions for me or the ladies at my boutique. I love working at a collective, it's just so great to be able to promote and support all the designers we carry at the store.

    Best of luck!

  40. I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to read about all the developments as this comes to life.

  41. Wow, this is so exciting! I know you can do it. I'm sending LOTS of good vibes your way - hopefully you'll find "the one" soon!
    - Mandi

  42. There are several similar mobile shops in Austin, TX.. maybe try a Google search and see what you can find?

    Super exciting news -- I wish you the best of luck!

    x Hilary

  43. There is so little of that kind of stuff here in detroit. When I first saw the camper business idea I was completely blown away! Maybe you guys could take a trip up here, you'd probably clean up!

  44. Congrats! This is so exciting, I wish you the best!!

  45. EEEP! SO STINKIN' EXCITING!! I am so happy for you Kaelah!

    Random, but I feel like you stole this right out of my mind: "While the hours are minimal, the grief and headache are plentiful. I'm just not happy. I plan on staying there as long as I need to, however, because I know jobs are hard to come by." AMEN! I am in the same boat.

    And also am working on a dream of mine that I hope to share more of soon!!

    anyways, i am super excited to see you following through on your dreams and I can't wait to watch the progress.

    Many Blessings! <3

  46. I really love that bike!! :)

  47. Oh this is a great idea:) have you seen wanderlust in Portland? She's sell vintage and handmade and travels to different craft fairs around, really smart idea:) her blog is . Hope this is some help

    Claire Ann

  48. Hey Kaelah, this isn't really retail, but there's a lovely lady tattoo artist in Queensland named Mimsy who has a studio operating from a trailer, I included a link to a picture of Mimsy's Trailer Trash tattoo below;

  49. The bike is super adorable, I'm in love with it and I think the shasta camper is amazing!

  50. Best of luck!! I've never heard of these mobile shops before, but it sounds like a great idea. Can't wait to see how it turns out for you!

  51. This is the most amazing idea! I love it! I never thought about having a mobile store like that. It's genius.

    And... You got the bike that I have been eying myself. I just haven't decided if I really want to go for it. Mainly, I can't decide which color combo I want. Hehe. Please let us know how it turns out. I'm so curious about them!

  52. what fabulous and creative idea..all best wishes sweets! and looking forward to your adventure in a camper! ;) xoxo

    Check out my lovely Giveaway...

  53. Awesomest of awesome ideas!!!!!! You are going to be fantastic doing this!!!!!!

    And I love your peach bike...I have a vintage baby blue one :).

    Best of luck to you and so excited to watch your new adventure unfold.

  54. Dude, this is sooooo fun and exciting!! <3

  55. i am sure you probably have seen mimsys trailer trash tattoos - straight out of her pink and white trailer?

    she is fucking awesome, and is an aussie too! :D

  56. I love those colours!! How exciting. I love trailers like this. I'm really jealous of your bike.

    You should check out Oh So Lovely! They have a traveling shop in a trailer it's really cute.

  57. This is SERIOUSLY exciting, Kaelah. I love seeing people go after their dreams and make them happen - I'm really excited to see where this takes you and I'm so proud! :)


  58. Kaelah, this is an exciting step! I'm definitely in love with the idea and wish you all the best! In support, I may have to shop your etsy and closet... it will be a true challenge... ;)

    And definitely look into Kickstarter; you can offer incentives and gifts to folks who donate a certain amount to your cause. Most people are happy to help act as a benefactor to something (or someone) they care about. In this economy, asking for help to get a business prospect off the ground is not unheard of, and is also practically necessary. You have tons of readers who are just as anxious to see you achieve your goals; I would say it's a "nothing to lose" sort of opportunity! Keep your readers informed if you choose to do this, you may be surprised at the outcome!

  59. Finally something I can relate to ...with a degree in art and design only to serve people in a supermarket 20hours a week and no one ever really appriciating it .... it feels like a complete waste of time! I love reading your blog it really brightens up my day .... keep at it your ideas are amazing !

  60. That is such a cool idea! I'm so happy for you! My dream is to own my own shop, as well, so I can relate. I hope everything works out great for you! <3

  61. I spent all night the other night looking on a site called Tin Can Tourists in hopes of finding the perfect camper for my boyfriend and I. We are thinking of living out of one for a while so we can travel (we like to take photos). We just can't seem to find a stationary place in town that fits us that is within our budget.

    I hope you find yours soon! :)

  62. Your blog is such an inspiration girl! To be so young & full of great ideas is a blessing! I am stuck in a 9-5 that I DESPISE..but full of ideas but I need to make a reality. Kudos to you for following your dreams! ;)

  63. KAELAH!!! This is SO exciting! Beautiful, ingenious, and a great entrepreneur endeavor! I'm gonna be sending you a little e-mail tomorrow with some exciting news :)


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB