Our Self-Shot Engagement Photos

I feel like I should start off this post with a giant disclaimer: I'm a mega type A personality, and a bit of a control freak when it comes to creative endeavors. If it's going to have my name on it, I like it to look just-so. Even if it's not perfect, I want to be able to take the blame for it and not get upset at anyone else (Hence the self-done hair cuts, dye jobs, etc). It's hard to relinquish control of something so special to someone else. Also, we're trying to save money for the wedding. Not to mention we have a very specific style that we go for in photos and the only photographers with a similar aesthetic in town are entirely out of our budget. So what's a couple to do? How about shoot our own! We have some wonderful friends with awesome photo-ability, but we wanted to give this a shot first. Mainly to just see if we could pull it off!

We were really taking a leap of faith by shooting these ourselves on film. Between the old F4 we were using, to the self timer and trying to focus just right, it was really a shot in the dark. We only shot 2 rolls of film because it's incredibly costly to have developed at the lab we use. It was sort of a "trial" run because we needed some photos for our Save The Dates. Well, we finally got the scans back yesterday and we were thoroughly pleased! Some of the photos were way out of focus, or just poorly executed, but we still loved them. That's one thing I really adore about film... you learn to love the imperfections.  There aren't a ton of "together" photos (uh, even though that's what engagement photos are all about) because we were really scared about nailing them, but we will definitely take more! You'll notice the ones that are slightly out of focus, too... but we don't mind. We ended up with 57 usable and lovely images out of the 72 that we shot... not bad for our first go! I thought I'd share some of them with you today. Don't worry, I won't share all 57! But I'm totally going to be that girl and break them up in a handful of posts over the next couple of weeks. (I know, no one cares about my wedding as much as I do, but I'd love to share them! If they're not your thing, I won't be offended if you just skip over!)

I'll share more in a few days! We went to our actual wedding location to shoot some, too!


  1. D'aww, the last three photos might be my favourite. You guys are so cute. Can't wait to see more!

  2. Aw, these are adorable.

    I particularly love the ones with your initials on! Schweeeeet! :-)

    Dayner x jewellery/fashion/lifestyle - mozzypop.com

  3. Goodness, these are amazing! They are absolutely beautiful! Not only did you save money, but they are 100% ya'll :)

  4. These are absolutely gorgeous! Give me confidence that the boy and I could at least attempt our own too. Tripod purchase, here I come.
    Lindsay xx


  5. These turned our great! Im impressed that you were able to do them yourself :-)

  6. These are amazing! I really love the last two - I always think its really nice when couples put a bit of themselves back into their wedding/engagement pictures. It just makes them so much more special. I'm excited to see the rest!

  7. They turned out lovely! :)

    xo Kayla

  8. I am a pro photographer and I love these! I think you guys did a really amazing job! Have you picked your photographer for the day itself? x

  9. Kaelah they are so pretty! and that dress is strait from a dream!

  10. The pictures look great! If I lived anywhere near y'all I would use Mike as my wedding photographer. We are on the hunt for one now and are not turning having much luck. I am so happy for y'all!!!

  11. Ahh, I love hearing about how your wedding planning is going! The photos are lovely, I look forward to seeing the rest. :) xx

  12. Oh my GAWD these are gorgeous! I do care about your wedding as much as you do (ok, maybe not as much...but still quite a lot!) & I love seeing all the DIY stuff you're doing for it. It inspires me for my own.

    My room mate & I DIYed hers & I love seeing others. So self shot Engagement photos are right up my alley...my room mate even did her own & it was so adorable!

  13. These images are beautiful! I love the one of you guys together kissing! So precious! And your brooch! I must know where you got it, I love it so dang much!!!!

  14. Wow i think they came out awesome, seriously and you just gave me a great idea to do the same for our engagement shoot, just pick an intimate spot with a tripod and shoot. Smart :) why not, its worth a try and if not then hire someone! Nice job!

  15. Love the gauges! Such a sweet little touch!

  16. Oh my gosh, they are so cute! Can't believe you took them yourselves-- nicely done

  17. Ok, these are absolutely beautiful! You two look lovely together and I adore that customised plug. Where did you get it?

    As somebody who is planning their own wedding, I am totally interested in your plans!



  18. These are just beautiful! I think you guys did a great job!
    xo, B

  19. I think they're beautiful! Love the soft focus & colors. Y'all are so pretty, gah.

  20. such a good job! you two are so inspiring!

  21. I love that you shot them yourselves and on film, they look wonderful :)

  22. Congratulations! Been following ur blog since the giveaway days and I'm enjoying ur wedding post =)

  23. Great pictures! I think it's awesome that you guys shot some photos yourself--only adds to the sentimentality of it all. :) Please keep sharing about your wedding--I love it! (And am recently engaged myself! Couldn't resist sharing!)

  24. All these photos look incredible Kaelah!!!! I love all of them!! The vintage cameras are so beautiful and I just adore your sweet outfit!!!

  25. They're beautiful! I love the lighting and setting, so sweet!

  26. Love the one of you two kissing! Adorable.

  27. awh congratulations! these are adorable i love this idea :) love your brooch too and hair! gorgeous! your baby pink hair on your blog button i adore, my hair never really went that soft a pink, what did you use?

  28. These turned out really great and I am thoroughly impressed!

    PS I care about your wedding stuff because I love everyone's wedding stuff. ;)

  29. they look absolutely gorgeous, you should be so proud! and you guys look so cute together! can't wait to see more :)

  30. These are gorgeous photos, the lighting is so soft and pretty and you make a very cute couple! :) Love the matching plugs!
    Faye x

  31. Kaelah! These are wonderful! I can't even tell they're not done professionally! Such a great way to save money and you guys look fabulous! Congrats!

  32. i LOVE them!! omg. they are so crisp and saturated and beautiful. i almost just got a little teary-eyed. so happy for you guys!

  33. Ohhhh maaaan these are so cute!

    xoxo Mama Wolf.

  34. They look lovely! You two are so cute together :)

  35. I absolutely love the fact that you guys took a risk and did these photos yourself. What a fun little adventure to go on together. I bet the anticipation was unbearable as you waited for the photos to be developed. Good luck with the wedding plans!!


  36. These are wonderful! You look beautiful lady.

  37. You two are the cutest! I for one am obsessed with weddings, so please, bring on the photos :)

  38. Kaelah! These turned out great!

    I'm not engaged or anything, but I have already decided that the photographs are the most important thing (and I'm sure that any engaged or married woman would agree with me)! You can come back, years down the road, and look at these precious moments. Just knowing that you two did this together, on your own... that makes it extra special for the two of you.

    I can't wait to see more!

    xo Krystin

  39. These look great, especially for self-shot! I especially love the one where you're holding hands and he's looking away. I don't know why but it's my fav.

  40. These photos are absolutely gorgeous! I wanted to shoot my own wedding photos (I'm a wedding photographer), but everyone talked me out of it. I wanted to at least take my camera with me to the wedding, but again, talked out of it. Everyone was like "you've hired a professional, let him worry, relax and enjoy your day" and now I am absolutely gutted I didn't take it as I ended up hating the photos. I'm just like you, I hate giving up creative control to anything.

  41. Like everyone else has said -- these are beautiful!

  42. Supa cute! I'm the same way, I would have done them myself too. I don't think you would have had MUCH better shots from a pro.

  43. Oh my so pretty! I wanna see em all!

  44. They turned out beautiful!!! I'm so impressed!


  45. You guys did a really good job, and you've given lots of people the courage to take their own engagement photos. I can't wait to see the rest of them.

    The Girl Collected

  46. They turned out wonderful! Love them.


  47. love the outfit you picked for them too :) the soft pink goes so great with your hair color!!

  48. I think the photos turned out great. You're a beautiful couple! Looking forward to seeing the rest. :)

  49. your engagement plugs are very cute!

  50. Your engagement plugs are very cute!

  51. They look gorgeous - you did an awesome job. I can't wait to see the rest. Post all of them up, I love weddings!


  52. These are so lovely! Great job!

  53. I'm a pro photographer and I think you did an amazing job. Love them.


  54. Wow these are so beautiful! I love how you used actual film!

  55. Turned out fantastic! What an undertaking. They'll mean so much more to you in years to come, knowing that you did it yourself.

  56. Oh gosh these photos are SO cute! You guys look adorable! And I LOVE seeing wedding photos and I wish that I could photograph a wedding for once or twice or.. ;) Anyway, you guys did an awesome job on making these photos! xoxo

  57. you both achieved the engagement photo shoots perfectly! some cool angles and hues. you have definitely save a lot of money too. i feel this way, it is more personal and romantic if you get me!

    if i ever get engaged we ll do ourselves! you both are inspirations xo

  58. They came out so beautifully! Especially for working with film! We did our engagement pictures ourselves but they weren't that great, haha.

  59. I am SO in love with these! My man and I were both photo students for part of our college careers and I know photography will be a huge aspect of our wedding! Your shots are so inspiring! I'll have to convince him to give some a go when we get engaged! :)

  60. I have to say for doing these yourself they look amazing. I love all of them and can't wait to see more! Film is just so, beautiful.

  61. I *love* the plugs with your initials! So cute!

  62. these are beautiful! I personally can't wait to see more :D

    XO Sahra

  63. These are lovely and the ear plugs are great! You should be proud of the results - are you getting the little one or pets involved in any of the engagement shoots?

  64. Wah! Doing it yourself and with film? You guys are awesome, kudos to you for taking the risk! Looks like it worked out well for you guys :)


  65. So adorable and so reflective of your personalities!
    I hope you have an amazing wedding day and are forever happy!

  66. Lovely photos! What a nice job, you are both adorable and such a cute couple! :)

  67. These turned out so Sweet! You two are so cute. I love that you took a chance and shot with film. Working with film is still one of my favorite things. I have an old F4 and it super expensive to use. But the pics in this case were worth it.
    Gracie B


  68. I just about died when I saw those plugs. Such a sweet and creative personal touch. You two are the loveliest couple! <3

  69. omg Kaelah they turned out soooo good!!

  70. adorable! love the way these came out. and the lighting is amazing!

  71. Aww, adorable!
    I think these came out so fantastic, great shot!

  72. Blog très sympathique!
    Très belles photos pleines de charme =)

  73. Wow! Such awesome pics...can't believe you guys shot them yourselves:)

  74. First of all: please, please, please share all the rest in other posts! I don't know why people complain when bloggers post lots about their weddings - I love it! Weddings are so fun, and the bloggers I follow always have the prettiest/most creative/generally most awesome weddings ever! <3

    Second of all: these turned out so well! You two are so creative and talented. I'm a little jealous (in a good way. ;D)

    Third of all: your earrings! *Such* a cool idea, and it fits you two so well! I love it! <3

  75. I loved how these turned out Kaelah. I can't wait to see the other ones, I am always scared to do self portraits with the self timer with film because well you cant see it to see if it worked or not until it's developed. Anyway the pictures are great.


  76. Oh man these turned out beautifully! You two look so adorable and in love. The lighting is wonderful too. Such a great idea to take these yourself.

  77. Oh I love these! Good work! We shot our own maternity pictures and they are some of my favorites.

  78. Beautiful pics! The style, location, lighting, and theme totally suit you as a couple. I also l-o-v-e the custom K+M plugs!

  79. OMG! These are freaking beautiful!!!!!!!! I love them and I love how you guys did them yourself! Man, I am all about self-timer. . . I might be a bit of a type A personality as well. . . nothing wrong. If you can do it, do it. I love how some photos blur out as well. It's so dreamy!

    New follower. . . and congratulations on the engagement! xo


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB