Love is sweet...

pink hair

I fully intended on having this outfit post up sooner but that minor sickness that Mike and I were both battling on Sunday has come full swing. We are both down and out. He was sent home from work today and I haven't even thought about getting out of my pajamas. Sore throats, coughs galore... we're a pitiful couple today. Luckily he's off work tomorrow so we're going to stay in, drink Nyquil, and battle it out [with bubble baths!]. 

I'm also in the middle of a redesign for the little ol' blog but I'm trying to teach myself some things that college skimped out on. 

I really loved dressing up for our anniversary. We didn't do anything extravagant. We went looking for promise rings (but opted for Etsy), ran a few errands (how romantic!), and ate dinner at Macaroni Grill (where our first "date" was). We ended the night by coming home, climbing into our jammies and watching Dexter and a movie. 

pink hair
♥ dress: jessica mcclintock, tights/flats/cardigan: target, headband: c/o sunshine and carousels

pink hair
pink hair
pink hair

Typically Mike and I never get sick at the same time. Usually it's one after the other so we can kind of manage the household. Now we're both out of it and the pups need to be played with and the house tended to. Hopefully tomorrow proves to be a healthier day! 

I'll be back and better than ever soon! xo


  1. <3 Love love love!!!

  2. Total confection of a dress, love her stuff and your hair.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Christmas bracelet giveaway

  3. I love what your hair does to your eyes. beautiful.

  4. That dress is sooooo pretty pretty! Happy late anniversary!

  5. Hope u two feel better soon. You look pretty in that dress & pink hair.

  6. Love your outfit (and the pink hair!) Get well soon ya'll! :)

  7. i seriously want your hair. its sooo awesome!!

  8. love your outfit and your hair is to die for! hope you both get to feelin' better real soon.

  9. You look so lovely! That dress is so sweet :) Happy Anniversary! Hope you two feel better very soon!

  10. girl you are rocking that wig! love it!!

  11. Cute!

    Here's the promise ring I got from Etsy. It looks even prettier in person.

  12. Sorry your sick, hope you guys kick it soon.
    Your outfit is adorable, the hair and dress really compliment each other. :)

  13. I just adore that pink hair on you. So darling.
    A toast to you and Mike and to many more fabulous years together. Hope you guys get to feeling better soon.

  14. you are absolulty positively beautiful!

  15. love the dress and the pink hair! gorgeous!

  16. I LOVE your new hair! Looks awesome on you. Great outfit :)

    KF x

  17. i love how girly the dress is!

  18. Love your dress!
    Love is good, and pink :D
    Get better soon for both of you.


  19. that dress is probebly the most amazing thing ive ever laid eyes on <3

  20. I'm digging the oufit... hope you guys feel better!

  21. hope yall feel better asap!
    love this dress- jessica mcclintock is one of my faves! and im lovin' that pink hair :)
    happy 1 year- so exciting!

  22. Where to begin...
    a) I adore your blog and am so glad I stumbled upon it!
    b) I love finding other feminine women with a little spunk and tattoos. Go us!
    c) I have a slight obsession with bows, so I am smitten with your entire outfit.
    d) I'll be coming back to visit soon! xo

  23. I love the outfit and I love your hair!!

  24. That hair rocks! Can I live vicariously through you??? You can pull of the pink hair. Wish I could.

    I like the dress but I love, love, LOVE the hair. Looking seriously at Miss Violet Lace's wigs. Need a virtual try on site. :)

  25. Not sure what I love more - the dress or the wig!

  26. you are so stunning n.n... i love the pink hair :)

  27. Your pink hair is gorgeous!
    My boyfriend and I celebrated our anniversary today! Its so fun to dress up, even if you're just going to a coffee shop :) I'm wishing you both many more wonderful anniversaries!

  28. GORGEOUS!!! Loving the pink hair and the puppy pics above are just ADORABLE! x

  29. well don't you look like a stunning star in this dress!!!!!!!!!!!!


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB