Things I Love Thursday

♥ this is so dreamy! ♥
this place looks beautiful ♥
this is funnier than it should be ♥
♥ i'd kill for this bike. ♥
this! ♥
this is so cute ♥
♥ is this not the cutest mini janelle monae EVER or what?! ♥
this. you laughed, admit it. ♥
this tote is the best tote. ♥
these are cute tights ♥
♥ v-day is my favorite holiday + this card is the cutest ever!  (+ so true!) ♥
♥ i've yet to see the last few eps + someone ruined it for me. :( ♥

// I loved this New Years post from Shelly. These are some of my very favorite posts to read each and every year.

// I've been a little absent from my Jux as of late, but I'm excited to pour all of 2013 into that little space. I love that it feels like "my" space ya know? (btw - you can now easily invite your FB friends! If you're into that sort of thing :P)

// I'd love to add this thermos to the little collection we've built over the past few years. That color!

// When Is Wearing Makeup A Choice? Interesting article. How do you weigh in?

// 99 Problems But Mitt Ain't One. (Are political jokes/apparel still relevant?!)

// Did you know that there are women out there who tattoo their gums black for "a more beautiful smile"? 

Any links you're loving lately?
I'd love to take a peek!


  1. LOL! I just watched seasons 1 -5 of Gossip Girl these last few weeks. I'm totally hooked! Thanks for posting some lovely and funny pics and gifs!

  2. Great finds, as always! :) Especially love that super awesome house up top!

  3. That treehouse. Amazing!!

  4. I love the treehouse and whimsical tights, and yes, I did laugh. I admit it. Plus, ahhhh the mini Janelle Monae is TOO CUTE! Bahh!

    I thought this video was adorable! Enjoy! ;)


  5. AHH I love Roseanne Barr. She's so awesome!

  6. Thanks for sharing these things, the top two images are completely stunning. Also hooooow badly do I want those tights? Verrry!

    Love the blog as always.

    Lauren xox

  7. Nooooooooooooooo I posted the SAME tights on my sunday favorites last sunday :D
    Too cute!!!
    ps I love the first house *_*

  8. i love julie anne's art cards! i found her "you're my favorite thing to do" card recently and couldn't stop laughing— it's so cute! ( )

  9. Oh, I forgot. This is an amazing link to a blog post with amazing household tips. I find that post really useful!

  10. The unicorn bike. THE UNICORN BIKE. ((mind explodes))

  11. As usual, love the post!

    The make-up article was especially interesting even though I find it a bit baffling. I almost never wear make-up, so it still seems like a choice. Not that I'm making it for any other reason than laziness and a certain uncertainty about make-up in general, but it just doesn't seem all that necessary.

    Also, I used to coach speech and debate and a student did a speech about healthy issues surrounding make up. I'd never considered it before, but there are some...mostly that germs can get into the containers and thrive....

  12. Despite having to maintain a somewhat professional appearance on the regular, I want that tote.

  13. The little girl dressed as Janelle Monae! Too cute :) I just did my TiLT post today. You should check it out!

    xo Ashley

  14. Hmm - the makeup article struck a chord with me. it's so funny to think about, but while reading I realized that I only ever wear makeup "for myself" when I do really crazy stuff to go out for the night (I'm the neon-glitter-blue-cat-eye sort of girl). That's when I really enjoy putting it on and feel great wearing it. As far as day to day, I know it makes me look better (tiny eyes - a bit of mascara does so much!?) and that makes me feel better. But apart from that, it's just another reason I can't rub my eyes. I don't know. Something to think about while I get ready the next week. Awesome spread of cute stuff!

  15. I love those tights, there so cute!!
    i'm so sad Gossip Girl is over, but i liked how it ended!

  16. so cute! you have great taste!


  17. I just started watching Gossip Girl on netflix (I usually don't get around to seeing shows until they're over) and I am COMPLETELY ADDICTED. If you know of a support group, please let me know.

  18. This is one of my favorite weekly posts that you do! The things you post always make me laugh or smile. :) This week I'm loving that some of my childhood Disney movies are on Netflix and I've been making my way through them. :)

  19. i'm trying to pick a fav but i cant! on a side note shame about a gossip girl :( i still recommend you watch it!

  20. Aw the fawn and kitten are so cute!
    And sheesh, when that girl fell I had the same reaction I always do when I see videos like that: giggle maniacally, feel a hot surge of guilt for laughing at someone else's pain/humiliation, giggle, prepare for bad karma.

  21. I'll admit it I laughed :) Nice post!

  22. I recently discovered this site and I'm in love! I'm definitely visiting this site whenever I have a bad day.

  23. This is a good common sense article. Very helpful to one who is just finding the resouces about this part. It will certainly help educate me.

  24. oh my, tattooed gums :\ and i love roseanne barr's resolutions, their spot on!
    xo, cheyenne

  25. I did laugh hysterically at that gif! With the girl falling! Also, I'm not even on the last season of Gossip Girl and multiple people posted spoilers online for me to see. Awesome, people. A little head's up would've been nice, right?!


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB