Hello lovelies, my name is Shell, also known as Kitty. I regularly blog over at Kitty & Buck, but I'm so happy today to pop my head in over here at Little Chief Honeybee and say hi. I'm currently living in Sydney, Australia, but I've also lived in London, UK and travelled throughout the U.S.A with my best friend and fiancé, who is an Arizona boy.
Right now I love traveling more than staying still and am itching to explore Japan (I'm heading there soon!), more of Europe (especially Germany where I have some family) and of course, more of the U.S! I've travelled a lot in Australia, visiting the tropical rainforests of Queensland, the snowfields in Victoria and the Outback of the Northern Territory. I have some really awesome memories of visiting Kakadu National Park and meeting the traditional land owners as a small child. It is such an incredible place, red sand, rock formations and hidden springs to swim in. We did swim where there were crocodiles, but it is a terrible idea, it's very dangerous! I suppose people were less worried about that in the 80's! It's not all desert in the outback and it's a beautiful place to explore if you ever have the chance.

When my fiancé (then boyfriend) and I moved to London, it was very spur of the moment. I had never left Australia before (!) and one day, we just decided to do it. Less than a month later, our lives were in boxes and we were on a plane. The culture there was quite different to Sydney, which I wasn't expecting! Once I settled in though, I loved it, and London really does feel like a second home to me. I would love to live there again, it has so much going on and is so close to everywhere, even New York! London is all about music for me, it was a productive time for our band and I met so many lifelong friends.
Here in Sydney I work in television as a graphic designer and animator, and while my job is pretty cool, I dream of having more freedom and working on my own creative projects with other passionate creative types.When I'm not hunched in front of my computer, you're likely to find me making noise with my bass guitar (and keyboards, ukelele, violin, organ - even drums sometimes!).

I'm a huge fan of nature and love nothing more than a nice long walk amongst the trees and perhaps a picnic lunch. I'm pretty lucky in Sydney to live right by the bush (forest) so I can indulge myself pretty often. I inherited a love of sewing from my mother, and her mother before that, and I can also thank them for my obsession with baking sweet treats! I used to dance a lot, I even ran a ballet school for a while. I still try to attend classes regularly, dancing is one of the things in life that makes my heart sing :) I'm a coffee drinker, antique hunter and a crazy cat lady, it's true. That about sums me up!

February marks my first year of blogging, and I've loved my experience so far. When I started out, I hadn't been reading blogs for very long at all, so I learned the ropes 'on the job'. What started as a photo-a-day project has emerged as a full blown lifestyle blog where I do my best to push myself creatively through photography, fashion and graphic design and hopefully inspire a few others along the way. I'm a firm believer in being yourself and I love the fact that the blogging community as a whole embraces this idea and encourages others to be the best version of themselves. Through my blog I have met the most open, friendly and caring group of girls all across the world. I'm almost scared to come back to the states, I think it might turn into a full-blown blogging-buddy-meet-up-road- trip. On second thoughts, that sounds amazing!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Congratulations Chelsey!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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PS; Did you win the JewelMint giveaway?! Check out the results!
Love the Photo 101 feature! Great info.
ReplyDeletex Hilary
hilary . l . adams @ gmail . com
I loved Kitty + Buck's design work and this post in particular was super helpful!! http://www.kittyandbuck.com/2013/01/photo-101-getting-to-know-your-camera.html
ReplyDeleteI would love a blog makeover! xoxo, Marc
Following Kitty and Buck on Pinterest! So much inspiration and many project ideas! - Marc
Following k + B on Twitter. Can't wait to see what Shell has to say! -Marc
I love the fashion inspiration on Kitty + Buck, so adorable. Following on twitter and IG :)
ReplyDelete<3 Meg
Oh what an awesome prize! I love, love, LOVE the colour scheme of kittys blog - infact I've been following her for a little while now via GFC!
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed!
I think the real question is where Shell got those great yellow shoes!
ReplyDeleteHi Kaelah! What a cute blog, just added her on bloglovin' :3 My favorite part of Kitty and Buck is the design style. I love the combination of harsh and feminine qualities. The color scheme is adorable as well. Thanks! <3
ReplyDeleteLove her variety of content! Would love to win this. I'm way over due for a blog makeover.
ReplyDeletesnbadgett AT gmail DOT com
I would absolutely love to win this! I went over to her page and checked out what she has done with her own blog. I love how sophisticated her blog looks and how simple it is to navigate around. I also really like how she used neutrals to set the tone.
I love Kitty's positivity, her writing style, and of course- her hair!
ReplyDeletejadziadance at gmail.com
Love the simple layout of her blog, a great header and the 'found' blog posts.
ReplyDeletefingers crossed I'll win!
I have a lot in common with Shell. I too am a cat lady who loves photography.
ReplyDeleteI terribly need the blog makeover btw.
Uh, uh, I really want a blog redesign!
ReplyDeleteHm, first thing i noticed is that Kitty has awesome hair - bright colours are the best! And then I also like the kitten tights she posted once, I need to read more, her blog looks interesting.
I actually love the blog of Kitty & Buck for the clean look, fresh colors and most of all for the sidebar look. The little follow widgets and the separation into those different topics looks so pretty! would love to win a blog redesign and I definitely see some inspiration in the Kitty & Buck design!!
Followed Kitty&Buck on Instagram :)
ReplyDeleteFollowed on twitter. @sarahcomo
ReplyDeleteFollowed Kitty and Buck on Pinterest.
ReplyDeleteHi Shell! Nice to see you over here.
ReplyDeleteI like how diverse her pictures are and I also like how she uses sponsor money to donate to the cat protection society.
hello, my pretties! i think it is just lovely how Miss Kitty is offering to design someone's blog! I will put my name in the hat too, I think, but I don't think I'll get it. It's just fun to play with everyone & to find yet another creative person to be inspired by!
ReplyDeleteI followed Kitty & Buck on GFC!
ReplyDeleteI also followed Miss Kitty on Instagram!
ReplyDeleteMiss Kitty is being followed by me on Pinterest now too! wow, I am a follower Machine!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the color scheme.. really I love it all :-) megthecoolgirl@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI love the Photo 101 features, as well as the fact that she's from Sydney! It's hard to find good Aussie bloggers out there.
ReplyDeleteLoved reading this guest post!
ReplyDeleteFollowed Miss Kitty's blog :)
Followed her Twitter :)
I love the photos on her blog in general. So fun!
ReplyDeleteI already follow on twitter!
ReplyDeleteI also already follow on instagram! Yay!
ReplyDeleteI followed Kitty and Buck on pinterest ant twitter @4fourkidslater4. I love the colors (add pink and you have my fave color combo!) and the patterns in the background of the headings are wonderful! Kicking around the idea of writing a blog. I love reading your blog and get super excited when I see that you have a post :) thanks for inspiring me!
ReplyDeleteRebekah Fourkidslater@rocketmail.com
Ohhhhh love this blog esp the photo tutorial. Wishing could be jetting off to Japan after reading this blog. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love her "Found" feature! She finds some pretty things! <3
ReplyDeletephotos are of course fab! I hope to one day make my blog as good as yours!
ReplyDeletethe photos are fab! I wish to one day have my blog like yours
ReplyDeleteI love her kitty Nico! What a cutie.
I follow Kitty And Buck via GFC! cheltrl@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI follow Kitty and Buck on Twitter! cheltrl@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI love her kitty Nico! What a cutie! cheltrl@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI love her about page. Its very sweet and personal. I like to know more about the author when I get into a blog.
ReplyDeleteI hope I win! thevintagehoneybee@gmail.com
I am always interested to read post about traveling and living in different countries. I am a bit of a continent hopper myself...
ReplyDeleteI love her photos!
ReplyDeleteI might have to steal the wordless weekend idea from her Miss Kitty :)
ReplyDeleteI followed Kitty on Pinterest!!
ReplyDeleteI followed her on GFC :)
ReplyDeleteAnndddd finally: I followed her on Twitter!!
ReplyDeleteI have to say I love the simplicity of her blog, even though I love color personally, the blog suits her so well. And I LOVE her shop and the adorable bows she makes!!
ReplyDeleteFollowed her on Pinterest and Bloglovin' :)
the photography is simply gorgeous!! and i'd LOVE (and need) a blog redesign!
ReplyDeleteand i'm following along on GFC :)
ReplyDeleteand instagram :)
ReplyDeleteand twitter...
ReplyDeleteand pinterest - thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteI love her writing style!
ReplyDeletethisisroxanne at yahoo dot com
Following on Pinterest!
ReplyDeletethisisroxanne at yahoo dot com
What a great blog. I love the content, color scheme and design! :)
shirleyvilca at gmail dot com
On the blog of Kitty and Buck I like the simplicity ahd the conjugation of the colors. And the title of blog image it's fantastic! It's for sure my favorite thing!
ReplyDeleteFollowing on GFC with the name TheDailyMiacis
Following on Instangram with the name thedailymiacis :)
ReplyDeleteAs in the instangram I already was following on twitter too with the name thedailymiacis :)
ReplyDeleteAnd following on Pinterest with the name Sofia :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck everyone!
(forgot the e mail) thedailymiacis@gmail.com :)
ReplyDeleteI always love Shell's outfit posts. Not that theres' been a whole lot of them lately, with it being SO hot in Australia!
I love the photo 101!
ReplyDeletetwitter @PheobesLife
Nice site! I love the header! I am currently seeking ways to improve my very young blog, and this is a beautiful example of what I'm looking for.
ReplyDeleteI love Kitty's site! The branded header is awesome, and I am currently looking for a design for my very new, very young blog. This would be perfect!
ReplyDeleteFollowing on Instagram! :)
ReplyDeleteFollowing on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteFollowing on Pinterest, and ooohhh, she has some really cool pins!
ReplyDeleteI loved the Photo 101 posts. Very interesting and informative.
ReplyDeleteMisfit Librarian
Following via GFC
ReplyDeleteMisfit Librarian
I love the clean design of her blog...it's so easy to navigate and read. I also love all of the gorgeous photos in her blog posts, so much great eye candy!
ReplyDeleteI follow Kitty + Buck on Pinterest as alas3lads
ReplyDeleteI follow Kitty + Buck on Twitter as @alas3lads
ReplyDeleteI love your logo - it's so simple, but it really catches the eye.
ReplyDeleteEmail: galensdaysoftheweek@gmail.com
Following on Instagram as galenr
ReplyDeleteFollowing on Twitter as GalenCrawley
ReplyDeleteFollowing on Pintrest as Galen's Days of the Week
ReplyDeleteFollowing on GFC as Galen C
ReplyDeleteThis girl seems so rad! I love that she is a world explorer and that she ran a ballet school. So I guess my favorite thing about the blog is her! I'm thinking of starting a blog, but have been waiting until I can get a good design up before starting. This would be a great kick-start for me!
I love the personalized header, and the "follow along" buttons that go with the theme of her site. it seems like she really caters to each client's individual style and personality to make her designs really reflect that person. she seems so awesome. fingers crossed!
ReplyDeletedefinitely following kitty and buck! how can I not?
ReplyDelete(my email address is in my blogger profile, btw! http://www.blogger.com/profile/09986799063425825403)
and following her on IG!
ReplyDeletefollowing a slew of her pinterest boards!
ReplyDeleteand on twitter! :D
ReplyDeleteThis'll sound dumb but I'm loving the three orange dots at the ends of the blue lines in the blog banner.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm following on Pinterest (as Lilybett and Boy)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm following on Instagram (as Lilybett and Boy)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the Kitty & Buck blog are the Wordless Weekend posts. Great photos!
ReplyDeleteI now follow Kitty and Buck on Pinterest!
ReplyDeleteooh that's a great giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about her blog is her "What I Wore" feature!
ReplyDeleteI follow K+B with GFC: Katie Contests
ReplyDeleteFollow K+B on Instagram: katiecontests
ReplyDeleteI follow K+B on Twitter: @katiecontests
ReplyDeleteI follow K+B on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/katiecontests/
ReplyDeleteI love Kitty & Bucks gorgeous style and outfit posts. She always looks so cheery!
ReplyDeleteLou x
I follow K+B on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteLou x
I follow K+B via GFC!
ReplyDeleteLou x
I follow K+B via Pinterest!
ReplyDeleteLou x
I follow K+B via Instagram! (@littlelew)
ReplyDeleteLou x
OMG I love her fashion inspiration and her blog design!