Taking A Breather

First and foremost, thank you all so so much for the wonderful support you've shown me with my little Hive+Honey shoppe so far! One week into it and I've already sold over 45 pieces and that's not including the custom orders I'm trying to fill right now! Every single one of you that has supported the shoppe has truly truly made me smile. Miss Elycia and her bridesmaids will be wearing them on her very special day, Susannah looks fabulous in the turquoise, and Miss Krista dazzles in the denim. I can't tell you how excited I get when I'm packaging these little babies up to send off. I've restocked the store with about 30 new pieces so there's currently 39 up for grabs! I'll be working this next week on photographing and listing some bows, headbands, and even more fascinators, too! 

This week has caught up with me and so far today has pretty much wore me out. After responding to a ton of emails about photoshoots with Mike, shipping about fifteen packages, wrangling my two girls into the car and off to the vet in 2pm heat, and facing the unfortunate news that infections are plaguing Georgia once more, I really just wanted to break down and cry. I don't blog "sad" things often because let's face it, they suck to read. But Mike and I have worked so hard to organize everything in our lives and really "grow up" and be adults. We're making wedding plans (which I can't wait to share) and budgeting like we should. Yet I still feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. Maybe I'm just putting too much on my plate at one time. I need to learn how to say no to certain things. I need to realize that it's okay to politely decline a guest blogging opportunity or interview. But you all give me so much in the way of this blog that I can't imagine missing the chance to give back. So the To-Do folder grows and my patience thins. And once we get the girls' surgeries taken care of we get whacked with another vet bill that rivals them. Poor G is on ointment, pills, and ear meds and it just breaks my heart to see her not feel her best. Today we were told she has an ear, eye and skin infection. And her "Seasonal Flank Alopecia" isn't helping matters any. Just wish there was something I could do for the poor girl! 

Even though Mike will be working all weekend, I've decided to format and schedule posts all the way through Monday and I'm stepping back. I'm taking a little breather from the internet. I'll be around on Twitter, of course, and I'll still be reading along. But I think not worrying about the blog for a handful of days could be a great thing. We all deserve a vacation, right? Even if this one is a staycation! It'll be nice to work on new things for the shoppe with all of the goodies picked up at Sirs Fabrics!

Also - since today's doozy of a vet bill was unexpected, I'm working on moving the shoppe inventory out even faster so for the next week, you can receive 15% off Hive+Honey with the coupon code: PUPPYLUV! All orders come with a coupon code but I'm only advertising the 15% off on here! If you see something you like, snag it up because I can't make any guarantees that there will be more! A lot of the fabric I use comes in very limited quantities! All proceeds are going to pay off all of G's debts since she really knows how to rack 'em up! I'm quite convinced she's much more expensive to maintain than an actual human child. (Word to the wise: If you want an English bully, do your research!). But goodness knows I wouldn't trade her for the whole wide world! 

Now I'm off to get ready for work! I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the posts that will go live between now and Monday! I'll work on returning all of your comments early next week!

How do you handle emotional stressors in life? What's your best technique to combat life's way of "raining on your parade"? (Sadly our loft doesn't have a bathtub, so my usual bubble bath method won't quite work!)

PS; If you've received your Hive+Honey package and you've blogged about it, leave the link below or email/tweet it to me! I'd love to look and share with everyone! If you don't have a blog, feel free to send me some photos of you wearing your piece! xo


  1. Poor Baby G! :( I hope the meds kick in soon so she's feeling all better. And I hope you start feeling better soon too. It sounds like taking a blogging break for the weekend will do you the world of good. Have a lovely time. x

  2. Have a restful staycation! You deserve it, because God knows you're one hardworking lady! :) I'm going shopping on hive & honey tonight- get well baby G!

  3. Good for you! Like I said over Twitter earlier, its totally okay and even necessary to take a much needed break at times. We put a lot on our plates as bloggers and sometimes we need to just step back and re-prioritize.

    You do your thing, girl <3

  4. Awww :(

    Well, I hope you get some much deserved R&R over the weekend! Have fun :)

  5. Everyone definitely deserves a vacation, just as everyone deserves time away from the computer. You deserve both! Even if you're only giving yourself a few days & a staycation. From what I can tell you are the hardest working blogger out there.

    I hope G starts feeling better soon! I, also, think she needs to start working to help out. Maybe guest post or something. =)

    Enjoy your weekend off and pamper yourself as much as you can!

    P.S. I just snatched up the satin snowflake & sweet heat fascinators. I'm very excited! So much so I forgot to use the coupon code...oops. =) Oh, well. Take care!

  6. Aw Kaelah, I'm so sad to hear about your poor little pup! I hope she gets to feelin' better soon!

    And I hope you do too. :) I know my blog isn't near the workload that yours is, but I suppose in that case I stress out trying to *get* to the point where it is! If that makes sense. So I work and work on it, and sometimes everyone just needs a break. So take your breather, you definitely deserve it!

  7. Girl, you definitely deserve a rest! Take time to take care of you and your family and enjoy life. We'll be here when you get back. <3

  8. Oh honey, stressing about our animal babies is so horrible! I have been there with the vet bills and the heartbreak that can go along with them.
    PLEASE take a step back and enjoy/relax this weekend. Your sanity and wellbeing are much more important than this blog!
    I suggest listening to some music that picks you up, watching some guilty pleasure tv/movies, and get a favourite snack! Sometimes the simplest things put us at ease.

  9. I have a child and a bulldog, and its true, his vet bills cost more than anything I have paid for her! Although, he has something wrong with him more often than she does. They're so sensitive!
    I'm sure no one minds if you take a breather, I'll miss your posts! Have a relaxing time and take care of that cute bulldog!

  10. I used my new fascinator in my outfit post today :) I love it! http://terasue.com/?p=1832

  11. Hi dear. I'm sorry about your not-so-good news. That has happened to me and my hubby. We found out we needed to find a new apartment and we found out our bunny had a small "growth that couldn't be removed" last month. It was devastating! Take one thing at a time and spend at least 30 minutes a day breathing or listening to nothing. I like doing that when I have a lot going on.

  12. bummer that your loft doesn't have a bubble bath, and that photo is super cool!

  13. I really hope your Baby G feels better soon! Poor pupperoo. Enjoy your much-deserved break, too. I hope you come back feeling renewed and revived!!

  14. oh i'm so sorry to hear about georgia. we adopted an 8 year old pug from the pound almost a month ago and we've already spent almost 500 on her at the vet so i feel your pain. we're battling ear infections that won't quit. and a nasty upper respiratory one. it's so hard to see them in pain!

  15. Enjoy your time of rest/breather, sweet lady! I hope you come back feeling refreshed and ready to rock! ;] ♥

  16. i understand what you mean. wish there was more time to do all those errands and have the time to relax.
    aw, georgia. i wish her the best.
    and i cannot wait to read and see what you guys have planned for your wedding :)

  17. It's very important to take some time all by yourself.

    Sometimes I just let it all come out and have a big cry session. Afterwards I feel so much better, and after a good night sleep I look at things in a more positive way.

  18. Ahhh Kaelah. Thanks for the personal post. I find the best way to manage my time is set myself daily & weekly goals (what do I need to do today/by the end of this week?). To try & beat the blues, I catch up with a friend for a cup of tea or drive a couple of hours to a cafe with my man & forget about the world. Also, the book 'The Blue Day Book' does the trick - read it through once (takes about 5 mins cause it is a picture book) & you will feel a tone better.

    Kelly xo
    Elegantly Academic

  19. PS this will also make you smile


  20. English bulldogs are indeed expensive to take care of, but they're so so loveable! Ours just got prescription eyedrops for chronic dry eye and he has ear infections, as always. Poor George. But we love him! I hope your feels better soon! It's always hard to see them itching and uncomfortable.

  21. You seriously are so amazing, girl! You dedicate yourself to this superlovely blog here, which must be lots of work to keep running, and then you also run this little hair accessories shop too? Are you Wonderwoman? Kudos! Please don't ever stop being so awesome :)

  22. I've always found that getting organized is the best way to relieve stress! I am constantly tidying up things around my desk so that I have a clean place to sit and breathe. Naps help, too. ;) Hopefully your break will work wonders for you-- you deserve it! <3

  23. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet puppy.

    You are so awesome, and you definitely deserve a little vacation! =]

  24. Have a good vacation! Everyone deserves some personal days for sure. Make sure to watch some trashy reality tv, make a yummy meal, and have a little home spa night. Those are some of the things I do when I'm stressed.

    Take care!

  25. I read your blog every day - I really look forward to your sunny outlook on things so to hear that things aren't as tip-top as they could be makes me feel sad for you. I hope you have a restful couple of days. Give the pups a big smooch from me. :-) xx


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB