Blogger is Being a Bummer

I had a fabulous Wedding Wednesday to share with you all today but due to Blogger's finicky nature I'm going to have to reschedule. Right when I was ready to jump back on the WW wagon, too! I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same issues that I am, but when I go to write the code for an img src tag, it overlaps the text below it and then all the pictures around it. It's wild and I can't figure out why. I think it's just because Blogger is getting too stoked on rolling out this new Dashboard and it continues to screw everything up... to put it nicely. I'm not sure if/when they'll fix it, but I have many errands to run today and can't be bothered with their inability to respond to complaints and questions. After sending out shoppe orders, driving a total of 3 hours for a fabric run, and shooting outfit photos, I will be delving into switching to WordPress or TypePad. I know many of you said you love those platforms but I just have to find the one that is the right fit for me! Hopefully I can make my mind up soon and get it rolling!

Here's an example of what my Blogger is doing:

Frustrating to say the least! Thanks for sticking with me, honeybees! Hopefully something will be resolved by the time I get home this evening! xo


  1. Ah, that's too bad! Hope it gets back to normal soon!

  2. Damn that sucks :/
    I have actually been getting into some "drama" with blogger myself- won't even let me log in sometimes!

    I'll try & speak to the blogger president & see what I can do (lol)

    hope everything gets back to normal on your end! :)

  3. I am having problems with my spacing. it takes at least 20 minutes just to get everything situated. sigh. I can't leave comments with my Google ID either.

  4. Yeah,
    I've been having tons and tons of trouble with blogger too.
    Luckily, I already scheduled a bunch of posts for this week.

  5. That's so ridiculous and weird!
    I'm always so surprised when you have problems because I never do, but the frustration is totally understandable. You would think making a blog post would be a pretty simple thing, huh? :|

  6. If you feel like it please pass along the info or opinions on typepad or wordpress- I would like to know. Blogger's been really making me angry lately, too.

  7. I've been having issues commenting on blogs. It has somewhat improved over the last few days. However, I am pretty blown away with the lack of updates and ownership of the issues by the blogger people. They give NO updates and almost act like nothing is going wrong, it's really a poor way to run a company. Regardless if it's a free service or not.

  8. what...a pain. I hope they get things straightened out soon. I was considering switching to WP, but I've decided to hold off for a while and give it some more thought. I'm interested to see what you choose and how it works out! Happy running around :)

  9. I've been having trouble with spacing too, and commenting on other people's blogs. I'm really considering trying wordpress or typepad too.

  10. I switched from blogger to wordpress about a month ago and I'm glad to say I'd never go back. Blogger was giving me way too many problems and I still am having problems with it!! I have a self hosted wordpress blog though and its a lot different than I love, love, love typepad but its just out of my budget for right now lol.

    Good luck with whatever you decide though!

    Oh Jazmyn

  11. Aw I haven't had any hassle with blogger yet and hopefully won't! Hope it clears up for you soon!

  12. I've been having issues with Blogger, I was going to switch to Wordpress and spent the whole of Sunday trying to set it up... have now gone back to Blogger. You're much more au fait with everything techy than me but I do think Blogger is simpler, amnd time is of the essence for me when it comes to getting my blog written and formatted. :-) xx

  13. I've been having trouble with my spacing, too. It seems that when I switch between "Compose" and "Edit HTML" that it likes to randomly add extra spaces between my photos and paragraphs. The other day it took me as long as it took to write the post to get it fixed.

  14. Grrr, what a bummer indeed! I've been having trouble posting comments on blogs. If the bloggers do not have the last two options for posting comments (Anonymous, URL), I just can't do it ...

    Hope you have a nice day!


  15. Mmmmmm. I've been with blogger since forever. I've tried wordpress and other interfaces and nope. I always go back to blogger. All of them have pros and cons, but I stick with the easiest/complete.

  16. Whoa that's crummy. :( If you ever want to go the route of self-hosted WordPress, I'd be happy to help! I've been using WP and had my own domain/hosting for years ... it's not nearly as difficult as you might fear!

  17. Okay, I just read through an old Q&A post of yours and you're in skinny jeans. I know you hardly ever ever ever where jeans so it's nice to know you at least own a pair. hahaha. But I just wanted to say you look awesome in jeans! KTHNXBYE!

  18. If any of you guys are interested in switching to a self-hosted wordpress blog, I am willing to host your blog for free with my account on 1&1 hosting. You'll get your own space, and your own ftp account. Let me know if you're interested!! email: =)

  19. aww, that looks like mine, too!

    have you seen squarespace? i've been thinking of switching over. just one small sponsor a month would keep it going, it's a paid service. my only hesitancy is isn't google, i'm such a google fangirl!


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