One of the most frequently asked questions I get is "How do I get more readers to my blog?" or some sort of variation. While I don't believe there is a fool-proof way to go about it, I think there are certain things you can do to keep you on track of having a successful blog. (Plus, even if there were a fool-proof method, I wouldn't feel worthy enough to preach it.) I think one of the biggest hangups of the term "successful blog" is that people tend to judge success by the amount of followers one has. That's obviously not a direct measure of a blog's (or bloggers) worth! I don't believe success should be measured by followers, sponsors, or free products... instead it should be measured by the amount of happiness it brings to the person writing, the quality of the content, and the conversations between the audience.
Still, it can be hard to find the motivation to blog when you've only got 4 or 5 followers. I know this because I was definitely there. Heck, even with the amount of amazing readers I have now I still find it hard to motivate myself sometimes (like right now).
While there may be certain things you can do to ensure that you make the most of your slice of the blogosphere, things like this are always open to criticism and argument. What I'll share below is simply what works for me. The next blogger may have a totally different approach to how they do things.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Here are some tips and tricks that I've used (and still do!) to help keep my blog running smoothly. Maybe some will work for you, too! Here are my DOs and DONTs! (Seriously... keep in mind this is purely my opinion!)
DON'T let the lack of readers hinder you from creating great content. For the first six months that I had Little Chief Honeybee I was writing to the same 10 or 15 people. 95% of my posts received 0 comments. (You can go look for yourself!) Still, I stayed consistent and I put forth that effort and eventually the readers came.
DO be consistent and sincere. These are two very different things, obviously, but they're both important. Being consistent allows readers to stay engaged to your blog. When bloggers go weeks or months without posts we tend to forget about them and we're not so likely to check back. The best way I found to keep my blogging consistent was to set a blogging schedule. Every Monday I'd blog about music, every Wednesday would be weddings, every Thursday would be a list of things that I love that week, etc. This helped me when I was feeling less than inspired and it also let my readers know what to expect on certain days. If someone loved music they could come by on Mondays and they knew they'd find some tunes. When I speak about being sincere I mean being honest, open, and, to a certain extent, vulnerable. People like to relate to other people. They like to see into the lives of other people in the world and they like to know they're not alone. By being honest and real you're sharing part of yourself that these strangers may never see. Blogging about things that make you feel vulnerable helps show that you're a human. You're not a super-blogging-robot who does everything on an auto-function. You have emotions, you break down, you celebrate, you cry and you aren't invincible. You'll be surprised at how many others can relate to you and help you in your time of need. Plus, people can smell a fake blog from a mile away.
While we're on the topic of being genuine vs. fake... DO Blog about what inspires you. Don't blog simply to appeal to the masses. If you're not a girl who loves whimsical pictures, fashion and romance, don't blog about it! If you love metal, live music or certain animals, share those! You may not be an overnight success and you may not garner the amount of attention that someone who blogs only bows and cupcakes does, but your readers will be genuine! They will be there for you and the content. If you're constantly blogging about things that don't inspire you and keep you interested then your lack of enthusiasm will show through your work. If you blog something and your readers just "don't get it" don't worry about it! Make sure your blog is FOR YOU.
DON'T get into blogging to make money, get famous, get free stuff, or get invited to places. Those who get into blogging solely for those reasons are destined to fail. Readers will see right through your persona and realize that you're just in it for the "stuff." Don't rush into accepting sponsors! I didn't even think about accepting sponsors until I had well over 500 or so followers. Even then I was so afraid! Who am I to ask people to pay me to put their button on my blog?! I still feel that way! When you start to put a price on your blog you're also turning it into a business. It's no longer a "I'll just blog when I feel like it" or "I'm just going to stop" sort of thing. It's a "I'm promoting a business and I'm getting paid to do this, so I need to do it." That's not to say you can't have a day off. I take days off all the time. If I just don't feel like doing it, I won't. But unless something big happens I never go 2 days without blogging.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
DO source your pictures and content and always link back to other blogs if you get an idea or inspiration from them! Don't worry, your readers will not leave you simply because you linked to someone else! On the contrary, they'll probably love you for it and they'll think you're awesome for sharing another awesome blog with them! If you don't know the original source for your pictures, etc, be open to someone sharing it with you! Then link appropriately!
DON'T overload your blog with ads, giveaways, reviews, and unnecessary mumbo-jumbo! While they're great for treats and to help get your voice out there, they're not the best quality content.
DO network! Get your name out there in ways such as networking, saying hello or emailing your favorite bloggers, asking someone you admire for an interview, trading buttons with someone with a similar readership as you and even taking out sponsorships on larger blogs that have a following you wish to have! Don't be afraid to branch out to other "genres" of blogs... crafting, recipe/food, fashion, mom blogs, etc!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
DON'T feel like you have to be a fashion blog to be successful! I don't think I could ever run a full-fashion blog. I like sharing too much to limit it to just that, so Little Chief Honeybee is a lifestyle blog. My lifestyle just so happens to include outfit posts a few times a week! Don't feel like you have to limit yourself to just one area to gain followers. Also- Don't feel like you have to be a size 2 to rock some outfit posts! You don't need designer outfits, skinny jeans or platinum blonde hair to get noticed! Show your personality and your personal style!
DO find something that makes you unique and run with it! Whatever it may be... maybe you live in a really cool town/state/country... maybe you have crazy colored hair on the daily... maybe you wear only the color green... Whatever it is, play it up!
DON'T feed the trolls! You will get haters.. You will. It's the simple (and sad) truth of blogging. It may take them a while to find you, but you'll tick someone off for no reason whatsoever and they'll set out on a mission to tear down everything you've worked so hard to build up. Don't let them! If you receive a negative, rude, malicious or just unnecessary comment on your blog, you have three choices: 1) delete it and go about your business. 2) leave it and let the tension build with other commenters (I've realized that this is never a good thing. While it's nice to know my followers are willing to stick up for me, it's no one's battle but my own.) or 3) You can feed right into their trap with a reply/blog entry/etc. This is something I've also learned firsthand is never a good thing. Don't let a "hater" control how you feel about yourself or your blog! They will look for any way to weasel into your confidence whether it's telling you look bad, have crap writings or that your blog sucks... don't listen to them. Anyone willing to waste their time bringing down others isn't someone you want to please with your blog anyway. Easier said than done, I know, but establish a protocol for how you handle mean comments and stick to it!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
DO get business cards with your blog link on them! Don't be ashamed of your writings or blog! It's still so hard for me to share my blog with people I know in "real life" but they find it eventually and it's fun to get emails from people I know who say they've been reading for months. Don't be afraid to share it with people you meet! It's a great way to keep in contact and yes, "blogger" is an acceptable job title!
DO be engaging with your readers! Ask questions and be sure to follow up to comments left on your posts! I wish Blogger had a better way to reply to comments (C'mon Blogger! What's the deal?! Should we start a petition?!) but since there isn't, I tend to either respond in the comments or I find the commenters blog/twitter and reply that way. Every blogger handles it differently but it's important to not leave your readers hanging! Why would you want to talk to someone who just ignores you?!
DON'T spam other blogs with your link! Nothing is more infuriating than someone leaving a 2 word comment (if anything at all!) and then 3 long lines with their blog link and why everyone should go check them out. That's just a no-no in the blogosphere! If you leave a thoughtful and sincere comment, you should absolutely link back to yourself so the blogger can check you out! But don't spam every comment with a lot of nonsense about following you. Some bloggers have a comment policy on their blog so be sure to pay attention to this if they do! (I allow links in comments on my blog, but I only approve them if the person isn't solely fishing for followers). I'll say that it's totally okay to leave a short comment... absolutely! Just knowing you're out there reading is awesome... my point is to not let your link and request for followers overpower your statement. It's totally fine to say a short something and leave your link, but I think we can all decipher the difference in a sincere short comment and a "I'm just going to say 'cool post' so I can leave a 3 page long link and plea for you to come check me out" haha!
DO have great quality pictures! While not everyone can afford a luxury DLSR camera to take outfit/blog photos, you must realize that people will judge your blog based solely on the quality of the pictures! There have been many times I had to rely on my iPhone for blog photos and it's okay in small doses, but you can't base your entire blog off of that. There are plenty of quality point-and-shoot digital cameras available and as long as you photograph them on the highest quality with good lighting then you should be good to go!
DO pay attention to the aesthetics of your blog! Just like your pictures, people will judge you based on what your layout looks like! Don't choose colors that are too bold. Don't choose patterns that are too wild. Don't choose typefaces that are too hard to read. Do choose simple and calm color palettes. Do choose to make your look consistent. Do make sure all of your photos are the same width! (This is such a big one for me! I feel like if you use your content area to it's utmost potential then you're sure to see results! Nothing annoys me like pictures that aren't the same width in a blog post! Then again, I'm a bit anal about those things! Several website applications such as Picnik can be used to make the pictures a certain width!)
ETA: DON'T have auto-play music on your blog! This tip comes courtesy of Miss JLYoungsma and she's so so right! Just don't! That's the quickest way to ensure someone will leave faster than they arrived! If you're going to have a playlist on your blog, put it conveniently on the side and make sure the auto-play function is turned off! Nothing is worse than hearing someone else's music over your own!
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While I could probably go on for days about things you should and shouldn't do, the truth is that it really all depends on who you are and what you decide is best for you and your blog! The only wrong way to blog is to not blog at all so I say dive in, get dirty and fall in love! Blogging has opened up so many doors for me and it's let me meet some of the most incredible people.. people that I call my best friends even! It's taken me all around the country and it's brought me an immeasurable amount of happiness. While it may feel like a full-time job (it really is!), I couldn't imagine my life without it!
With that being said, maybe you'd like to share some of your blogging DOs and DON'Ts in the comments below?! Even if you're not a blogger yourself, what are some things you love/hate about blogs? (You don't have to name names! In fact, you probably shouldn't, but please share!)
What tips would you give to new bloggers?
what a great post kaelah! when people have asked me for blog advice the best thing i can tell them is 'blog like everyone's reading'. hehe, that goes along with what you said about having only a few followers. even when i had 1 person following my blog and no comments i just pretended lots of people were reading and tried to blog fairly often. it is fun for me and that's all that matters!
ReplyDeletei'm hesitant to share bad things/negative feelings on my blog. i don't mind when other people do it at all but it makes me uncomfortable to do it myself. i save my complaining for ivan, haha, he's a good listener.
keep up the great blogging :)
These are fantastic tips! It's so hard when you start off blogging and you don't really know what you're doing all the time, so it helps when the seasoned veterans help us out every once in a while. I'm definitely going to take all your tips into consideration for my blog. Thank you so much for posting this!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I would be honored if you checked out my blog:
thanks so much for this post!! i'm just starting to really invest in my blog and you can definitely tell your advice comes from an authentic and beautiful place. i'm so thankful to have found your blog :) happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteThis post offers some excellent advice to bloggers (: You've definitely included a lot of valid points. I think the main piece of advice is to network and write the blog for you. I hate arrogant bloggers. I think it's much nicer to view blogs and keep in contact with the blogger behind it. My link is: www.vivatramp.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteIt's going under transformation soon hopefully so please excuse the terrible header ;)
this couldn't come at a better time! I'm just starting up my blog and I definitely looked up to you as my inspiration. I'll keep all of these in mind whenever I update! thanks :)
I really loved this post. As a new blogger I am still struggling with the "is anyone listening out there" feeling. I've been told that this too shall pass, but it's always nice to be reminded. Love your blog, miss. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, very well written! Love it. It's definitely tough not to get irritated with people who comment on other people's blogs and are like "I follow you, now come and follow me back? xoxoxoxoxo" that's a biggie for me, the sig being four hundred lines long, I try my best to keep my signature short and sweet.... and, I try not make the blog owner feel like they HAVE to come over to my blog because I simply follow their blog because I love it. I think a lot people tend to just follow or comment on other people's blogs for the heck of it and totally comes off as just that. But anyways! Great post, chick!! ♥♥
you asked about if blogger had a better way to respond to comments... I suggest switching to Disqus for comments (works just fine with blogger in my experience). first off, your responses look visually different than other comments, and also it can directly email the commenter to whom you're responding.
ReplyDeleteawesome post. i just started blogging and loved reading your advice! thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is such an awesome post, Kaelah! I remember reading your blog when it first started out and I enjoyed it just as much then as I do now. You put your all into your blog even when you didn't have all that many followers and it's sure paid off for you now.
ReplyDeleteI might not have as many followers as some but I'm still amazed that there's anyone reading my little space of the internet! There are even a handful of people that I've gotten to know quite well and that's honestly been my favourite part about blogging.
I do feel like I need to be a bit more consistent with my blogging but university is taking priority for the next couple of weeks. After that I'm going to take a few more of your tips on board and see how that goes. In fact I made a start last week by finally getting rid of my somewhat garish layout!
My link is http://dear--yournamehere.blogspot.com. It was yourself that inspired me to eventually start my own blog so I have you to thank for this! I really have come to love the blogging world.
oh yeah, here is a link to my blog (since you asked): http://melinabee.blogspot.com/2011/01/8-tips-on-how-to-leave-great-comments.html
ReplyDeleterather than direct it to the main page, I felt that this post from a while ago relates directly to your post. hope that isn't spammy
These are great ideas and will help me out with my blog for sure!
ReplyDeleteI haven't been blogging for very long but I've been reading blogs for a long time so hear are a couple of my thoughts:
DON'T constantly apologize for how often/what you post/what you don't post on your blog. If you are blogging for yourself and because you enjoy it you don't need to justify yourself to your readers. When most of a person's posts start with "sorry I've been a bad blogger..." or "I don't think anyone is really going to enjoy/care about this but..." it's make me very reluctant to keep reading.
DON'T just repost the same pictures/links etc that are out on all the really "popular" blogs. Some things are fine but there are some days where it feels like you read the same blog post over and over.
DO find some other bloggers who have smaller readerships and read and comment consistently. We all know how discouraging it can be to feel like no one is reader so make sure someone else knows their efforts are appreciated!
oh this is awesome! thank you for sharing. i could definitely take a few (or more and then some) pointers since i am a pretty new blogger. thanks again :) btw, loved your guilty pleasure playlist and def rocked out to it a couple times haha.
ReplyDeletebeautifully written love!
ReplyDeleteall wonderful points!!
as you know, i basically just do outfit post..but some of my all time favorite blogs have NOTHING to do with fashion or clothing...
i also dislike GREATLY when people spam with their blog or write "follow me, follow you"..BIG blogging pet peeve of mine.
have a wonderful weekend love! <3
What a fabulous post. It's comforting to know that many people get discouraged with the number of followers they have...and you have great tips on getting motivated!
ReplyDeleteI love what Elycia said, "blog like everyone's reading," because that's really true. I have a lot of people in my life (folks on Facebook that I rarely talk to, old high school friends, acquaintances of my husband's) that will tell me how much they like and read my blog. I always think "wow I had no idea you were reading."
I hope you have a sweet weekend!
It's like you could read my mind! I've been wondering recently what I could do to improve my blog experience, both for myself and whoever drops by, and this helped heaps.
ReplyDeleteI'll certainly be taking your advice!
AMEN. I don't mind short comments though. Even if you don't have a lengthy response it's nice to know you're out there :)
Keep up the GREAT bloggin'
These are such great tips, you are awesome for putting this all together and sharing!! I'm still getting used to the fact that people I don't even know care to read about my crafts and the randomness of my life! One thing I've found is that my blog actually inspires me to craft more just so I have something to post which is a total win-win for me! I've been thinking about posting more about myself recently. I admire you for letting people in to so much of your life, I love seeing your outfits and hair and tattoos and puppies.
ReplyDelete<3 Jamie
when i first started blogging regularly, i used pictures from other sites rather than my own, and did what i thought other people wanted to see. once i made my blog my own and did what i want with my own pictures, that's when i started to see more of an interest. i definitely think you have to be yourself, because that's what people are truly looking for!
ReplyDeletei like your suggestions, and i like that you kept it all positive!
Awesome! :) Great blog tips!
ReplyDeleteMy biggest, biggest 'DON'T' tip would be when people misinterpret the 'leave comments on other blogs and maybe they'll visit your blog, tip', and then they post 'nice - come visit my blog here!', all spam-like. it drives me *crazy*! The point is to connect with the blog you're reading, leave a thoughtful comment, and make them *want* to click through to your blog - spamming like that is such a no-no!
Anyhoo - thanks for the other tips! My blog is right here: www.michelleclement.typepad.com/blog
This is actually really really helpful. I think I'm following most of these already, and I don't think I'm ready to just blog for others. LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this. It's always so nice to read tips from someone who has more experience and skills than I do! Blogging has been an incredible experience for me so far, and I'm totally addicted. I love reading your blog and seeing your smiling face!
ReplyDeleteGreat advice! And I completely agree about not having auto-play music! As soon as it starts I navigate away from that page. I also hate auto play video, and while you don't run in to them as often, they are out there.
ReplyDeleteAnd agree with the person who said to comment often on other blogs, especially those with smaller readership. My blog, though it has been around for quite some time, has a very small readership, so every comment feels like a treat. I try and let other bloggers I read know if I appreciate something they have shared, agree with something they ask about or just generally enjoy their post.
The only other thing is that I always try to make sure I have friends' permission to post pictures of them. Some people really don't want their pics out on the internet, so if I take a picture at a party or something and its not someone I regularly post, I e-mail and ask them if its ok. Doubly so if it involves their kids.
This was great and I completely agree with you on every point you made. Especially the anonymous haters. I see so many people stop because they get to that point where they all of a sudden have someone that keeps pestering them and its sad! Oh and don't worry, I feel the same way about image sizes in posts. That drives me nuts!! That's why I have it set in my HTML/CSS that my image can't exceed a certain side!!
ReplyDeleteThe Sweetest Life♥
The other day I saw a girl who sponsored someone's blog every month for free. I thought that was actually really nice. I think its important for people (bloggers) to make themselves into a tight knit sort of like a family. See what's going on, don't just write solely for you! read what other people are doing and comment!
ReplyDeleteOh and even if you have haters, take all of that as constructive criticism. I am the worst speller in the world and when someone notices it, I almost have a mini panic attack. But my spelling has gotten better.
hah...i laughed out loud about the not having automatic music. there is one blog that i absolutely love what she writes, but i often forget that she has music playing until it's too late. and it just bugs me for some reason.
ReplyDeleteAwesome tips thanks so much for this post!! I totally agree about the auto play music.. my biggest pet peeve is when music randomly starts blaring out of my computer it scares me haha!
These are all GREAT tips and thank you so much for sharing! My favorite tip of yours is about being real and vulnerable. I love blogs that feel like a "real" person is behind it and I try my best to keep my blog like that as well.
ReplyDeleteMy own tip? I am honestly still learning day by day, but quite frankly....being kind and responsible with one's word is the #1 rule that I go by.
I would love it and it would make my day if you came by to say Hello! :)
This was so interesting, I've started a blog recently and sometimes it's hard to keep a rhythm. I'll take this advice in mind, especially the one about music haha! Thank you so much for sharing this! xx
it was really very kind of you to type this all up. this sounds a lot less sincere typed out that i mean it, but really, i was surprised to see how long this post was and impressed at how much care you took to help out fellow bloggers. and to top it off, i think everything you said here is completely valid and great advice.
ReplyDeletethe main objective is to make blogging enjoyable for yourself. i have blogged for years on other sites and for the most part no one knows who i am in the blogosphere, but for the few that do, it is bcos we have connected and have even built friendships based on commonalities. being truthful to who you are and doing so with heart will always be most important to me. it's a matter of integrity and honesty.
Thanks so much for posting this! Great ideas/ tips. I've been trying to figure out how to make my blog better, I never thought about size of pictures!
These tips are SOO on point. Thanks for sharing kaelah!
ReplyDeleteWhat I've found helpful is to learn as much as you can about the blogging platform that you use. I use typepad so I wanted a book on typepad. I've had to go to several different borders and B&N locations just to find one. The location that I found it in had 17 different books (with multiple copies) for wordpress and literally one book for typepad but once I read through it I was glad I bought it because I learned sooo many things behind-the-scenes-wise.
Another thing I like to follow is to link correctly. It takes a little getting used to because you want to say 'click here' but it's not the best for SEO.
I actually purchased 31DTABB because of you and I highly suggest everyone try it. I've learned alot from there as well.
my link is: http://lie.typepad.com
Thanks so much for posting this! I think everyone sincerely appreciates it. I totally agree with blogging being something for the writer first and foremost! I think you should always start blogging for YOU and because YOU enjoy it, not for anyone else. Such a great post girlie!
ReplyDeletehere's my little address on the web if you're ever keen to stop by! :)
These are some great tips! I'm a new blogger myself and I'm looking for all the tips and advice I can get! I'm not really concerned with becoming a popular blog, right now I'm just enjoying posting my outfits, but I would like for my blog to become something more than that. This advice will definitely help me in developing my blog into what I want it to become.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Kaelah!
i love this so much. seriously, i just tweeted about how annoyed i get when people leave comments on my blog where it's obvious that they don't read my post, but they make sure to leave a link to their blog in the comments! i want to go in and delete them, but i don't think it's worth the time/drama.
ReplyDeletehi little chief. you speak the truth, my darling. it is true, (especially for myself with my wee-little-blogs), it is hard to keep putting myself out there. i just love to write and document so much, i just keep going.
ReplyDeleteif people read, they read. if they don't, they don't. i only have about two-hundred followers, but i am glad that i have them!
i do love this blog dearly - so glad i found it!
sarah of (www.sarahjaneink.com) ... only linking because you asked. lol.
i LOVE this post.
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing these awesome, insightful tips.
one thing that i would say helps me is that i blog like i talk. which doesn't mean that i'm a bad writer, but i make sure not to sound like i'm writing some term paper.
i want it to seem like my readers are dropping by and having a real conversation with me.
it's great to be personable. : )
kaelah, i so agree with you on all of these things! everything. i was even afraid to start sponsoring and i had around 700 or 800 followers when i started. it kind of bothers me when i see people with 20 and are selling ad space. but oh well.
ReplyDeleteand i blog about things that i wouldn't mind my mother reading so i never put too much personal stuff out there, but i don't want to ever regret anything i write about either. i'm sharing this post on my blog now :)
oh, and i also recommend Disqus for commenting. i have it installed on my blog and i love the way it looks and its super easy to reply to comments that way. its as easy to install as a regular blogger widget.
ReplyDeleteGreat tips...especially the ones about spamming people with links to your blog. It's always upsetting to see a random cut/paste post from someone who wants you to enter their giveaway, or do a "I'll follow you if you follow me" kind of thing. :(
ReplyDeleteYou're so right about everything. I especially enjoyed the photo-width point. I am anal about that and I've noticed in my older (lazier) posts that I wasn't making sure of that. A blog that has uniform-width photos just looks so much cleaner and aesthetically-pleasing! (We are such design nerds...) <3
ReplyDeleteThis is such an excellent post!! So so so very helpful for a new blogger like myself.
I couldn't agree more on the 'automatic music' point. I immediately leave a blog with music if my speakers are on.
ReplyDeleteI'm linking this post on my blog. It's a lot of great advice.
This is a great post! I love your blog & have loads of bloggers like you that I look up to. I admire how you genuinely share your life with people you don't know as if to say, "hey you! You're not crazy!" I know it makes me feel less crazy when I see a blogger wearing bright tights & sharing the same stuff I am interested in. I started my blog a way, way long time ago and had no readers. So I stopped blogging. I think it was probably a good year before I started Cross My Hooks up again. I have a few followers & as soon as I hit like 10 followers I felt like a "real blogger"
ReplyDeleteAt first I was crazy with buttons & ads, etc. I just recently changed my blog layout/aesthetic so it was more consistent. I guess that one Graphic Design class helped a lot :) :) :)
I just know that I want to know more people like me so why wouldn't people want to know me??
Have a great weekend :)
Love this! It took me so long to let real friends know about my blog
ReplyDeleteThis was really well written!!! Xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love this post, I have just been blogging about 6 months and I love reading your advice, thanks!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
Thanks for this tutorial. I've learned a few good tips :)
ReplyDeleteP.S i love your blog ♥
I love these tips! I feel that these are pretty much essential rules. I learned the hard way about the music player. I thought it would be fun to have music playing, but it really isn't. People might check out blogs at work or during class (like I sometimes do lol!), so you definitely have to consider your readers!
ReplyDeleteI guess my tip would be (and you touched on this..) stay true to yourself. I have had two or three blogger blogs and different blogs at different site and one way or another I ended up deleting them, because I wasn't being true to myself. Now I make it my own personal rule to continue to always be me. Some people may love it and some people may hate it, but at the end of the day, I know that I wasn't (as my mum likes to say) "faking the funk". Hope you have a great weekend!
Agree with the image link back and music. I don't like to listen to music on someone's blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm working hard with the design and really, it's hard to make an engaging pictures, also layout.
This post gives me spirit to go on. Thank you, Kaelah!
This is really helpful, especially about posting even with a low amount of followers. I just started out so any followers I get are great. The idea of interviewing others for your blog seems brilliant as well. Having an interior design blog it'd be nice to do a weekly or bi-weekly segment on what inspires their style for my blog. You're blog is amazing, thanks for the tips!
ReplyDeleteThis was a great post! I am (fairly) new to blogging, so I really appreciate when other, more experienced bloggers take the time to write up a post like this. I recently had some blog friends ask if I would trade sponsorship with them, and that has been great for me (and them I hope!). Neither of us has to pay, but we are still spreading the word about our blogs.
ReplyDeleteI've only been following you for a couple weeks, and you are so inspirational!
ReplyDeleteI've had 14 followers for months now and sometimes I feel so sad about posting something to only 14 people.
I have to remind myself that there was a point in time where other amazing bloggers only had 14 followers too. This post was just the pick me up I needed. Thanks so much!
-Cara Mason
Hey Kaelah, thanks so much for this! I've been blogging for almost 8 months now, but am only just starting to take it seriously, so I can use all the help I can get. You're a constant inspiration and I appreciate the advice.
ReplyDeleteI actually did a two part blog post on what really bothered me! Hahha. I really loved that you wrote this because I completely agree!!
ReplyDeleteHere are the links that I think go well with your what to NOT do!
Ha! :) Thanks for posting! :) Hope you stop by my blog one day! :)
I genuinely appreciated this advice. I started my blog about 9 months ago, and I've just really gotten into it and get frustrated sometimes when I have nothing to blog about. I often look for inspiration from other blogs, but when I think about it, I want something that is completely me.(Although, I just adopted your 'Things I Like Thursday') idea. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks again for this great advice.
This is great advice Kaelah! Really really extremely helpful. I used to get caught up in what's cool and what I "should" be blogging about. Now I just act myself and I've noticed such a huge (positive) response from it! I'll definitely be keeping this post in mind the next time I blog. Thanks doll!<3
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome tips! I definitely agree with the autoplaying music. I sporadically put up a playlist every now and then, but I definitely make sure it doesn't autoplay. And I think passion is what sets blogs apart from others. If you're blogging because it's for you, you'll be less inclined to deviate off into getting lazy when you see no new comments or followers. And networking is a great idea! I definitely believe in forming strong, personal connections with other bloggers. I mean, I know I would never let my friends know I have a blog, haha. It's sort of my own little personal space to share with strangers. Maybe that's just me! (:
ReplyDeleteAnd my favorite part of the tips probably has to be where you mentioned your blog being a 'lifestyle' blog. Having some personal content definitely makes it easier for your readers to relate to you. I think it's more appealing when you see someone you admire having human characteristics - like a bad day at work/school or something.
♥ Julia
Just Like Judas
One thing: DO NOT post a bagillion times a day. One every other day is great! :)
I think this is all really good advice. I think people should post what they are inspired by. They should try to keep things as positive as possible but its okay to share negative things every once in a while. I went through a really rough time a few months ago and I tried really hard to keep those posts to a minimum because I know how that can get old really fast. Now that I am through that rough phase I have had a lot of fun posting on my blog lately. I love being somewhere and doing something during the day and thinking, hey, i wanna blog about this tonight!! Im lucky that my phone has a pretty good quality camera because I always forget my camera at home!! I am going to start using my boyfriends camera here really soon and once the spring comes I am going to go crazy with photography posts. I love the theme days idea too. I want to start something like that because I think it would help with always having something to post about when you aren't really sure what to post or have anything you are inspired by that day. I agree that there isn't really a fool-proof way to go about blogging. I know tons of people who blog just for fun and that only have like 3 readers, and then there are people who post like its their job and have tons of readers. Its all about trial and error and taking risks.
ReplyDelete<3 Erica
This is a really great post, I totally agree with you. Thank you so much for sharing all this with us!
Stacey Kay
“Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
Women’s Fashion Examiner-Cleveland
big thanks for the tips! =D
ReplyDeletei'm new in blogging. i've had my blog since 2009, but i started blogging actively a couple of months ago. i don't have any tips on what should and shouldn't be done, but i like blogs which don't take too much time to load. and also, i hate long text posts without any ilustration.
please visit may blog (http://sincerelyputdar.blogspot.com) and give me some tips on how to make it better, cause i know i suck =|
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Your post is very helpful, especially for someone like myself that is new to blogging. I now feel more confident that I will gain more followers gradually and I shouldn't be bummed out.
ReplyDeleteIf you could stop by my blog and tell me what you think, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks for the wonderful advice! I'm a new blogger, so it's good to hear the opinions of those who have been at it for a while. I certainly appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post, and at a perfect time. As a design student I've been neglecting my fairly new blog the last couple of weeks even though I know I shouldn't. Thanks for the tips! Would love any advice you might have.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog. And you sure made me feel better about not having many readers. But I didn't start my blog for other people. I started it for me. Because I love writing. These tips are super helpful too.
ReplyDeleteWell, I am one of those wih 4 or 5 readers, so thank you very much for the great tips. I am already trying to do many of these things.
ReplyDeleteIf I could add one thing I would say: don't overload with colours, I mean, the background has to be visible and easy to read. And maybe don't add too many pics, because a post like that is very heavy and people son't want to wait 5 minutes before reading, right?
Thank you so much, I love your blog!
People who follow you and then say, "Follow me back?". My dashboard would just be a mess and I wouldn't read a blog I didn't love.
ReplyDeleteYES YES YES!!! I am completely in love with this post!!
ReplyDeleteI love this & have been dying for you to post one of these "blog tutorial" type deals! Haters will definitely find you and make it their personal goal to break you down, I agree. My best deal is to delete it before it ever hits my comments section. I sure don't want to read what a troll has to say, and I'm sure no one else does either!!
ReplyDelete& YES!! Blogger petition for being able to reply to comments. I've been waiting for this day since I switched here from Livejournal!!
I love this post! I read it through and must agree with every single point that you wrote! So true. I especially enjoyed the "haters" part. I myself haven't experienced any bad feedback yet but I'm sure that some will come eventually and you somehow made me fear less :) Also the visual part of blogging is very important in my opinion as some readers tend to only watch the pictures and sometimes they don't really read the post. They judge by their eyes so it's good to have a good blog design as well as the pictures in it of a certain quality.
ReplyDeleteMy advise to other bloggers (although I myself blog only a couple of months so I'm not the best person to give advices) is to make friends with other bloggers as the community is what makes blogging so much fun. It's priceless to share the experience (like you did in this post) or just to be there for someone else and know that someone else is there for you!
Also, don't necessarily go with the crowd just to fit in - just be yourself.
xx, Meg
This is a really good post. My blog has been mostly about crafts but just now I've started to blog about more personal things (it's in Finnish, though). Your blog has definitely encouraged me to do so. These tips are awesome, thank you!
ReplyDeleteI love this post! Thanks for sharing some great advise! I definately agree with the whole commenting 'cute outfit' then leaving a massive essay about how you should go enter their giveaway and whatnot! Irritating or what?! I added a different comment system to my blog called DISQUS, which lets you reply directly to the comment made and also emails that person telling them you replied. It also imports all of your blogger comments too, so they're not lost :) You might want to go check it out? I love it! I feel so rude doing this but heres my link :) www.everydayforgotten.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletethank you so much for this great tips post dear..
ReplyDeletei'm just starting to post frequently.
but because i have a final test this year, i can't do that. i must study.
this post is really helpfull.. thanks dear ;)
Great list of tips!
ReplyDeleteMy tip:
Try not to compare yourself to other bloggers - don't worry if someone else gets more followers/comments/whatever than you. Just blog at your own pace and enjoy it!
Wow, this is such a great article! I do agree with 100% of what you said. There is so many tips how to run a good blog, how to get followers etc over the internet but yours one is different and very true! Especially about layout, pictures, cause this is something I realized on my own blog too and definitely workin on it :-)
ReplyDeleteSo thank you for posting all these and wish you good luck!
great tips! iv started blogging years ago but i now blog more regularly recently-the more blogposts i submit,the more readers came. and i totally agree with you about being totally ourselves, using our personal style etc.
ReplyDeleteim deaf, my english is not perfect-i do feel abit self conscious about it even though writing is my passion. but thanks to my readers, they have brought the hope and faith in me :) thats why i love blogs!
kat xo
Thank you oh Thank you for this honest and warm post. I do feel very intimidated by all the talent out there in blogland. It is so important to follow your own voice and source energy. Thanks for the tip about mellowing the colours on the layout. I tend to be draw to blogs with a calming display anyway. Much love and light your wayx
ReplyDeletei am a new blogger and have been reading your blog for a while now. these tips are helpful for a newbie!! thank you!!!
ReplyDeletei used to use livejournal (for years!) and just thought i needed a change of venue. so came here for a fresh start. i love blogging for me and your post is a good reminder for me to just keep it up.
:) thanks for such a fun read everyday!
Great advice! My blog is definetely a work in progress. But I think that's what the whole blogging world is about...finding your own path. Staying true to yourself is #1.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome post!
This post is great! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a genuine person, and I think it's incredibly nice that you took the time to write all of this for us.
I love how you address topics that are frequently brought up to you... I feel like you truly care about your readers
You have a lot of followers, but unlike a lot of other "popular" bloggers I feel like you really take the time to create a personal relationship with each follower.
There are quite a few blogs I follow that have a huge readership, but they never address things that people are curious about, and if they do, you have to pay to read it.
When I leave a comment on your blog, I know you're actually going to read it, and I don't feel like "why am I posting this? They aren't even going to read it"
I'm just rambling on here, aren't I? Haha
My point is that you are such a wonderful blogger/person and I hope you keep it up! :)
This is a super helpful post for a newbie blogger like me =]
ReplyDeleteHaha, I tooootally agree with the auto-play music. I guess I see the attraction to it for some people but it really is a turn-off!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work.
I am one of those newish bloggers who needs the push right now to keep on putting in the effort!
So thanks :)
i love when blogs have a list of blogs they read on their pages too! its shows there not just in it for people to just read their blog and also if you like that persons blog your more than likely be interested in what they read.
This is so useful, honestly. I'm new at this blog thing and I love it.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for taking the time to help us :)
oh my, Kaelah! You totally hit the spot this time. I love your blog, but this post just lifted my spirits.
ReplyDeleteI had a couple of haters comment on my blog and for some reason that just discouraged me so much, I deleted 2 years worth of blogging! I shut down and stopped blogging for a long time. This post of yours was just the encouragement I needed! You are precious to me! haha :)
Thank you for these tips :) I'll (try) to remember them.
ReplyDeleteI think you've really hit the nail on the head with this :) there is a real etiquette when it comes to blogging, whether we like it or not. I think its sometimes hard to communicate what can often seem like 'unspoken rules', but you did great here miss :) can totally relate to all of them, so... thank you! its so easy to get caught up with what other people are posting about, follower count, and if you experience any hate, etc. But like you said, we need to dive in and get dirty, work out what is best for us and hopefully the tips youve written will help new bloggers and veteran bloggers alike! :) xx
ReplyDeleteI just read Elycia's comment and I totally agree with everything you've said plus her comment! My blog is still a baby and I definitely write it as if I have thousands of followers. My 13 or so followers deserve quality content. It's always nice to get advice from more seasoned bloggers :) Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI don't have any advice, per say, but I do appreciate this post a lot. Since you are one of the few blogs I recently started following, it's given me a new interest in writing and sharing my art with others. Winning the giveaway and being interactive with your blog definitely helped! I was so shocked, (and still am!) that i won something... I was like, "what?!".
ReplyDeleteThese type of tips will hopefully start me off to my own following just at least to my friends and family, if not anyone else who may be interested in my art.
Thanks so much Kaelah!
Very well written. This was an inspiration to became a better blogger. And I agree with you on all points. I'm a Norwagion blogger, and has just started a new blog, so this advice I'm going to take on in my blogging^^
ReplyDeleteHere's the link to my blog, since you asked ;) http://www.siridottkom.com/
wow what a great blog. im new to blogging so i really thought everything you wrote was fab and gives me a better insight to blogging. out of the few comments i have received ive been getting links to give aways and it really does my head in. thank you again for a great post. have a lovely day
ReplyDeleteAmen, sister. So many good points. The one about colors/layouts though... perfect. I will not read a blog based solely on what it looks like. If it's too cluttered or mismatched or anything, whatever you read gets overshadowed by how it looked.
ReplyDeleteI know you already read sometimes, but just for fun:
plain vanilla memoirs
I love your post. You are definitely an inspiration. I decided to start blogging for myself, as a sort of therapy, get it off my chest thing. And I fell in love with it and I began to discover other bloggers much like myself. But on occasion the followers thing can really get you down. I just have to remember that my blog was(and is) for me and I still love it!
ReplyDeleteThese are excellent tips and very useful for newbie and more experienced bloggers. I blog for myself and to share my experiences. But then I also blog for the community feel and I really appreciate the returning visitors to my blog (like a virtual family). I have made new friends as I have met up with fellow bloggers so it has been such a positive experience.
your post really hit home for me because i just recently started up my blog on blogspot. everything you wrote about rang true to me, especially about how its tough to blog when you know you only have 10 or so readers. but alas, i know i just need to be persistent and patient!
ReplyDeletehowever because i have been following a bunch of blogs for the better half of two years now, the one thing that really bugs me the most is blog clicks. not to say that its lame to have close blogger friends. but it really does get a little irritating to a reader when only one blog friend is linked to over and over..and over and over in another person's blog.
here's my little attempt at the blog world:
such great tips. thank you for writing this. you are such a smart lady! i do it because i love it, and thats what draws me to it, i hope others do the same..and none of that "follow me bs"
ReplyDeleteI totally agree about the DON'T let haters get to you part. I have an ex who leaves negative comments on my blog from time to time and I simply edit his comments out before the public is able to see. It is difficult to disregard those people who want to bring me down, but in time I realize that I'm the better person for simply ignoring.
ReplyDeleteI am not a super efficient blog commenter, but I read yours a ton. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing these tips! I love blogging and won't stop, but I do wish I could I had more readers to interact with.
ReplyDeleteI also have to say that I feel horribly uncomfortable telling people in real life about my blog. Also, I totally agree about the auto-play music.
xx Abby
such a great post!!!
ReplyDeletei have just recently started a blog (mainly for my family over seas...), but i like these tips for just that too! it all about being genuine and yourself :)
thanks again for posting this!
Great post! Very informative and helpful. I have two blogs, and one is slowly 'dying'. But you've given me some ideas on how to revive it (for myself, anyway). Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI think that the best blogs are written by people who have lives outside of the internet. My advice to bloggers is to get out and do things. There's only so much you have to write about if you sit on your computer all day.
ReplyDeleteOf course, it depends what type of blog you're writing.
Great post Kaelah! Found it really helpful! Haven't stopped by here for a while but your blog is looking really pretty! :) x
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog for a few months now and it is one that I look forward to reading daily. This post was so on time for me. I have a notebook full of ideas for blog post and for some reason I have been a little apprehensive about posting them. I will definitely take your advise and even if I have 0 followers I should just keep writing regardless. Thanks for sharing this post. It definitely was a little kick in the butt that I needed. :)
ReplyDeleteMy blog if you want to check it out is www.tendercookie.blogspot.com
Great tips! Love your blog as a fellow Tennessean (well, I'm a transplant, but still...)
Thank you so much for this post, this is the first one I could find about Blogging that had nothing to do with making a profit, but to blog for the love of sharing your life with the world. This is probably my 5th attempt at a blog and I do not want to get discouraged again and stop doing it. It's not only fun but it's kind of therapeutic as well.
ReplyDeleteIf you have the time, please take a look and tell me what you think. Thank you!
I am taking all these tips to heart; thanks for taking the time to share! I just recently discovered your blog a few weeks ago and have been having fun delving in. :)
Thank you for this post! There was some great advice in here. It's hard to find unique points, I feel like I read a lot of the same advice over and over.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I am just getting comfortable with my blog. This came at the perfect time!
Thanks :)
absoultely love this post! have saved it, printed it, and have it hung next to my comp for reference. great-great post my dear!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for providing such candid advice! I'm just getting started and your tips have encouraged me to just keep typing away!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to thank you for posting this up. It actually got all the wheels turning about starting a blog for people who weren't just close friends and family. I got all inspired and went for it.
ReplyDeleteSo...thank you! :)
I am so glad I came across your blog. I found this post to be incredibly helpful. I am a stay at home mom who started blogging just three weeks ago in attempt to connect with the outside world. I have found it to be extremely cathartic. I'm not really sure where it will take me, but I'm excited about the journey.
ReplyDeleteIt was difficult opening up about my struggles with my weight, being a mom and life in general, but so far, people have been kind.
I will take a great deal of your advice to heart. I really want my blog to be a place where women like myself can connect.
Thank you again for your help and honesty. Should you have a moment to check out my site and offer feedback I would really appreciate it.
Keep writing and I'll keep reading!
Caroline www.beauty-full.net
thanks so much for this post, I've been reading your blog for awhile and this may have just been what I needed to hear (see) in order to get the courage to start blogging myself. Hopefully one day you'll be able to come across my blog when its up and running.
ReplyDeleteall my best,
Loved reading this! I've never even thought about the picture width portion in my posts, but from now on I'm changing that!
ReplyDeleteKat Skull
This is a great post! I am fairly new to the world of blogging, have been an avid reader of many blogs for months, but have only just started my own. I am choosing to ignore the fact that I have no followers yet and keep posting regularly. It's a great creative outlet for me. Thanks for all the tips!
ReplyDeleteOh and I sincerely agree with the auto play music one, nothing more annoying than random music suddenly coming on, and normally it takes a while to figure out which tab it is coming from!
I know i"m responding kinda of late but I wanted to say THANK YOU for this post! You have lots of great tips and this post has really inspired me to blog more and with better content (more meaningful to me). I've just started to make a real effort to blog more often and be more personal. If you'd like to check it out : http://rxqueenash.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteIf you feel moved to give feedback , please do. You've become one of my favorite reads and you're so approachable (in the online sense of course). :)
Brilliant post. Ive just started blogging and your do's and dont's are going to help me big time. I try and "blog like everyone's reading" and i'm keeping at regular.
ReplyDeletehoping to become a better blogger lol
thank you so much for this post !
ReplyDeleteI am a new blogger ( two months , 25 followers whoot whoot haha ) and have learned ALOT.
Love following your blog !
Cathy. X
Thanks for the post. I started a blog a couple of months ago and even though it is new I was starting to get a little discouraged about the readership. I appreciate the encouragement.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say a big thanks for such a fantastic post. I loved every single tip (and could relate to many of them.. like feeling shy/odd about people I know in "real life" finding my blog even though I am perfectly okay with strangers reading it!) You are so right about being authentic and true to yourself. I am a very new blogger (only a few months old) and I love that everyone is so supportive and that people like you are more than happy to share your blogging wisdom for us newbies. Thanks again! x
ReplyDeleteI've just started my blog and this is so unbelievably helpful. I'm still having trouble finding my voice and finding what makes me unique. I'm going to come back here and remind myself why I love doing this. It's a collection of my life that I get to share with the world.
ReplyDeleteKaelah, I have been inspired by this post of yours a while back and I just wanted you to know that a lot of the time, I hang around for the idea that I will get to that point where I am satisfied with my blog. ;)
ReplyDeleteThought you might want to see for yourself:
Thank you so much for this post! It's like a little handbook and I now have it added to my favorites! When you first start out blogging, it's easy to forget that the known bloggers had a rough start too!
ReplyDeleteHi Kaelah! So... I set up my very first blog and wrote my first post today! I have actually been looking at your blog for a few weeks, so thankyou for helpin gto inspire me in getting going! This post has made me feel determined to make a blog that really does reflect me and what I am doing/thinking about!
ReplyDeleteLove from Laura (The 'Bridestock' Bride). xXx
Thanks for this post! It's incredibly helpful. I'm happy for all yr success with yr blog, and I hope you keep it up a long time. :]
ReplyDeleteWow! I am so very pleased to find this post and all the great advise as well as a host of new bloggers! I have not got through all the comments yet, but will visit all the new bloggers to see what they are blogging about. I started my blog only 3 weeks ago and this is just so helpful and much aprreciated! Thank you !!!!
This is SO help full Kaelah Thanks so much! I just started following you and if I allow my self could spend hrs of "neglecting my children" on here. This is definitely your gift. I just started blogging and I'm still trying to find my identity. I think Im gonna blog for my kids...I don't scrap book and never could keep up with those baby books of dates when they get or lose teeth, sleep through the night or pooh in the potty. So I'll blog about it and there they should be able to read about there lives growing up. I love your style and WOULD kill for your hair...really...jk..........kind of. My hair just isn't the same after bearing children and Im considering hooking my self up with some wigs. You have TOTALLY validated the thought for me! Just a quick hello from a fan from the New Mexico dessert! Chief Honeybee fan fo life xoxox. ~Lisa http://shesmyrushmore-lisa.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeletewow this was a great post! for being a new blogger this is extremely helpful! i appreciate immensely all the tips and will take them all in to consideration. my link is:
it's still a work in progress, so please excuse the not so great layout.
This is really helpful and encouraging. I especially like the bit about not feeling shy about your blogging among people that you know in 'real life'. I have only just started, but that is something I massively struggle with already, and I can tell it will be my biggest thing to overcome.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Thanks for these tips! They're very helpful :)
ReplyDeleteDo you have any advice on how to know which images found online are ok to use? (ex. how do you determine which images are ok to use in your Things I Love Thursday posts?)
I feel as though if I knew how to add images other than my own, it would greatly improve the quality of my blog.
Any help would be appreciated.
such a good post kaelah.. i post 4-5 posts per day (across our 4 blogs) and on weekends at least 1-3, i think posting often is such a good tip because if you love a blog, the more the merrier as the saying goes! (as long as it's not just blogging to blog but actually quality stuff the person is interested in).. it's also very encouraging to read that more readers might take a year or more..lets everyone know it's the same for everyone (; everyone starts small.. very well written, detailed, informative post.. thanks!!
Kaelah, I have just discovered your blog by way of... well, I'm not really sure. :) But I'm glad I am here.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was one of the best "do and don't" lists for blogging that I've seen. I agree with everything you've written, and am thankful you added the autoplay "don't". That's a pet peeve!
It's also nice that you tossed in a few design tips, too. Having uniform image size, a pleasant layout, and not-to-bold colors and fonts is key to keeping people on your page - and coming back.
Nice to meet you. I'll be back!
Thank you so much for this post. I'm new to the blog world and stumbled across yours...LOVE. I am needing all the advice I can get and this post helped with tips and encouragement. I think I found you through Just. Lovely. Things. but I can't remember. I do however remember seeing your face on Sunshine and Carousels Etsy shop! So yeah, I'm a fan. :) thanks for the tips!!
Wow, it's a great post Kaelah! Before that, i would like to introduce my self. My name is Irene, from Indonesia. I'm started blogging since i in junior high school. Then, i never know how to get a readers. But now, after i read your post, i know it! really inspired me! Can you come to my new blog? it's called "It's Not Easy Being Green" this is the link http://lovesimplegreen.blogspot.com/ hope you can comment and give me another tips for my new blog! I really love blogging! And now, i just know what i really wants to share. Before that, i always write in Bahasa Indonesia this is my blog in Indonesia http://sihijau.wordpress.com/ and now, i have to blog with a different character. :) Please give me some advice! I would like if you be honest. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
I have been reading your blog for a while, but just recently checked the FAQ. These tips are really helpful! Somewhere I've already commented on how hopeful you've made me, but I don't think it would hurt to say so again because it's been a discouraging day. Thanks for being so helpful!
ReplyDeleteSweet! now I know what to do and don't on my blog too =)
ReplyDeleteI want to be a better blogger =P
i'm a fairly new follower of your blog, so I haven't seen this post yet, but this helped me so much (thanks for link!), this might be the greatest post ever... i just want to thank you for the tips & tricks... i'm a new-ish blogger, so I'll keep these in mind!
and if you have any advice to share, I would appreciate it :)
Great post, seriously. I am a beginner and it's nice to know those with larger followings didn't shoot straight to success overnight. I haven't committed fully, I am dipping my toes in, and finding that I really enjoy it, regardless of who I reach at the moment. I wonder if it would be okay if I edited this for my blog with a link to your blog/post and something about your awesomeness? or something like that? I think pretty much all 15 of my followers are n00bletz, too. It's okay if not, I wont cry! :) xx
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this post! A friend of mine linked me here after I approached her with some tips for starting a new blog- these will definitely come in handy for me (: You can visit it here: http://ofthegreatperhaps.blogspot.com/ & if you have any comments I'd love feedback (:
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the tips. I enjoy your blog very much!
This was a great idea! And very helpful. I am new to blogging and sometimes I do find it hard to keep posting with 3 followers... but I try to continue to do so. I use my blog as a getaway from the constant military life I live right now and a way to not lose myself in all of this chaos. I will take all of these into consideration!
ReplyDeleteI love your Music Mondays and Wedding Wednesdays. They have been fun to read over.
<3 Jenn
Thanks so much for your amazing tips!! They are great! Your book is bound to be amazing! I need to check it out!
ReplyDeleteI think this is about the best summary of blogging do's and don'ts I've seen. Most summaries don't really apply to my type of blog, or they'll just basically consist of a few variations of the rule "be true to yourself" - which is good advice... but there's so much more to talk about too.
ReplyDeleteUmmm... I guess the bit of advice I've been trying to live by lately is to try to gain followers in a more organic way. Blog link-up parties and stuff like that are a nice idea, and I've done that sort of thing... but it never seems to produce actual readers. Just people who are following me because they want me to follow them back.
Also, giveaways can be counter-productive, and can deter sponsors from wanting to renew their ads. I had a giveaway once for a book which I paid for. I just really believed in this book and wanted to give a copy away... and as soon as I mentioned the word "giveaway," I lost several followers. I know that, if I'm considering taking out an ad on another blogger's page, I consider carefully how many giveaways they post, because too many giveaways seem to just attract people who aren't interested in the content, and drive away those who ARE interested in the content. It may sound great to host an individual giveaway for each and every sponsor so they all get the spotlight, but that's a lot of giveaway posts to drive people away with. I like that bloggers like Elsie at A Beautiful Mess are smart about having just one big giveaway post, so she's not driving away the readers whom her sponsors are paying good money for access to.
Oh! And my blog is http://worksofanselm.blogspot.com
Thank you for the friendly advice Kaelah! Although I've been blogging for a while now, it is always good to be reminded of the blogging path you want to be on. I recently switched all my content from an old blog to a new one and found it was the perfect opportunity to find my true voice. Now I am blogging for me and I look forward to what the future holds.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the advice Kaelah! I recently switched over to a new blog and have found that I am comfortable sharing things on a much more realistic level. I was kinda going through a blog identity crisis and decided I needed a fresh start. And it is always good to remember that just because you don't have any followers doesn't mean no one reads what you post. I will definitely keep your post in mind when I need to be reminded of the reasons I blog.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day,
ps - thanks again for helping me get all pics the same size - it's a day & night difference!
Thank you for the friendly advice Kaelah! Although I've been blogging for a while now, it is always good to be reminded of the blogging path you want to be on. I recently switched all my content from an old blog to a new one and found it was the perfect opportunity to find my true voice. Now I am blogging for me and I look forward to what the future holds.
ReplyDeletelove this post :)
It sais a lot of things people tend to forget when starting to blog. I think blogging and making your blog popular is a lot like networking in real life - You don't advertise your company well by rubbing it into everybodys faces.
Thank you Kaelah! :)
Great list Kaelah, thanks so much for sharing. I already was thinking similar things for most of them but a few I never even thought about. It has been interesting joining blogspot, before this I wrote in livejournal for over a decade and before that, I had a paper journal that I wrote in almost everyday since grade 5. So writing about my life and things I'm interested in is definitely not something new. But blogspot feels a bit different. Livejournal was a pretty tight knit community and it was very easy to connect with each other as everyone wrote so personally (as our journals could be friends only). In the blogging world like blogspot, it feels so huge! Sometimes I feel like I'm never going to find people to connect with as easily as I did in livejournal but then I remind myself, it takes time. Also that I'm not writing just to gain readers. I'm writing because that's just what I love to do, ever since grade 5! I wasn't complaining when I only wrote to myself in all these paper journals! :)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you gave me some stuff to think about, thanks! :)
Thank you sweetie for this post! It's great hearing there are other bloggers out there thinking like me :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know, I'm really struggling with this. It's been almost a year and I still get under 20 views a day. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong!! But I do love blogging :)
ReplyDeleteI guess the best thing I could do would be networking and making sure I post regularly. Thanks for all the tips!
Allie @ call me sassafras
I used to blog all the time and had no followers and got very discouraged. But I recently got a bee in my bonnet about blogging again and am going to take your advice to heart and really apply myself, after all "if you build it, they will come" should be motivation enough. Plus I might even blog about the getting started process.
I found your blog about a week ago and I cannot stop browsing through it! Thanks so much for taking the time to make this "tip sheet". I just started a blog. Although it's mainly just for me, I would love to have the reader interaction you have!
Absolutely fell in love with your blog two weeks ago. I cannot stop opening it, clicking, wanting more. I love your style, ideas and inspirations. I hope my blog grows to be as successful one day. Thank you! xo
ReplyDeleteThis is the best blogging tips post I have ever read! Thank you so much for giving advice to new bloggers including myself :) It's lovely to see that you've taken the time to give personal experiences of the process :) It's also really encouraging to be reminded that the most successful bloggers were at one point receiving 0 comments and had very few followers!
ReplyDeleteThanks again :)
Emily/ emerlilly.blogspot.co.uk
Oh man, thank you! This has been the most comprehensive list of blogging tips that I've seen so far! I used to blog a whole lot, but had a fairly niche interest that doesn't grab me anymore. Now, a few years later, I find that don't seem to know how to blog anymore, haha! Since my blog is about trying to figure out a way to "be me" and still have a fulfilling life, it's actually kind of tough to figure out what to post. This, at least, reminds me that I can't post as someone else. I have to be Elyse, and the people who like Elyse will come if they enjoy what I have to say.
ReplyDeleteYou're one of my inspirations, so it's awesome to see your personal advice! Thanks so much!
You are definitely one of my favorite bloggers, I have been following you for a while but I just now stumbled upon your blogging tips and found them completely helpful. I have been blogging for about a year but sometimes I find it difficult to stay inspired and continue to write, which is why I have had a couple of long absences from blogging. Your advice about blogging for yourself totally helps though. I definitely need to keep in mind blogging to make me happy and blogging about things I truly enjoy, I think that's so important.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing all your advice, I really appreciate the insight! :)
well, these are great tips. I also hate that music thing. Really?? I love music to, but I post once a week the song I listened the most previous week. I think that is much better solution for reader that actually not into that kind of music so they just can skip it.
ReplyDeletealso, I'm in that faze when I'm thinking to stop writing blog, because no one around me support me, but after this post I wont give up. I LOVE writing my blog. I have meet so many great people all around the world who actually are better "friends" than my real one. And because of them and their supporting and great comments, private messages and emails, I'll just keep writing it :D
hugs, Mirna
To be honest I only read informative and/or inspiration blogs, the ones that are too personal and the blogger just talk about himself/herself is annoying! If I wanna know about people's lives I can buy gossip mags :D Also negative posts are depressing and I tend to run away from this kind of blog.
ReplyDeleteI think that connecting your blog with facebook and twitter is a great way to get more readers. Everytime you update your post leave the link on FB or twitter so your friends know about it. Then, if they like, they will come back and will tell their friends.
Thanks a lot for sharing your ideas Kaelah, also congrats for the blog, it's pretty interesting!
This just helps me a lot! I have been blogging for about three months already and the numbers are really getting in my head. thoughts of leaving the blogging world even passed through my mind. "Why should I share if I have no one to Share it with..." was on my mind for a couple of days. But after reading this helped me a lot. Maybe I tried so much to actually gain readers that I forgot why I even started blogging.
ReplyDeleteAnd because of that, Thank you so much for this post!
themiasalazar { life | thoughts | pictures }
I Love you tips for blogging. thank you very much for this post, I been gone for a while and what you was saying about being consistence is very true! hahaha I have lost 8 followers but Im back and ready to jump back on my horse :) also if you like may you please check out my blog?
ReplyDeletehttp://michcealrenee.blogspot.com/ Its aBout random things that i love and been going threw but im working out a theme schedule. but once again thank you. I am a talker my apologies for this long comment ;)
These are brilliant tips, so down to earth and true!