anyone wanna buy this sweet baby for me??!?! miu miu, get in my life. i'm lusting after this in the worst way....
man oh man. busy busy busy. work went very well, i'm happy to report. very glad about this. i did have an unexpected conversation with someone whilst there but all is well so i won't let it bother me too much. i spent a lot of time at panera in cool springs yesterday working on some stuff, though i was fairly unproductive. if you follow me on twitter you know i have a silly (read: huge) crush on a fella that works there and i've never spoken more than a "hmm? yeah! thanks!" to him... and that was yesterday. followed by me putting my headphones back in and looking away, all the while he was standing in front of me, attempting to say something... i totally blew it. WAY TO GO, KAELAH! WAY TO GO! A PLUS! ugh... i wish i wasnt so awkward and weird and totally a wuss when it comes to boys. he probably thinks i'm a total jerk. man oh man. moving on...
right now i'm at the coffee beanery and i've been working on my flash project. its a cute little owl in a nest attempting to fly. except it really doesnt look like much now. ugh, as long as i finish that class with an A (or at least a high high B) i'll be slightly happy. oh, i forgot to mention, we got our grades back from advertising and everyone competes for stickers for "the best" etc, it sounds silly but its actually quite competitive, but much to my surprise i got a sticker for the best direct mail piece in my campaign :D this excited me. though he wasn't shy to write on my grade sheet that my typography needed some work (which i whole-heartedly agree, i just got lazy). it was a nice little pick-me-up after a long day.
i think bry is going to take off work early today and we might venture to opry mills in nashville for a bit before i have to go to work. i have gift cards that are just playing it cool in my wallet and i'd like to get a new dress or two. :) love love love.
i've been reading over the september TV issue of Nylon... as i really really do NOT like nylon magazine. i'm sorry.. i just don't buy into the whole LA-is-superior hype... though i will admit that the editorial layouts are PHENOMENAL! and they continue to be the only reason i even pick up the publication. well, that and the over-abundance of sans-serif typography. hmm..
i'll leave with you a silly picture of my babygirl, just for giggles.

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