Mike and I got to talking about hobbies the other day... how it was fascinating to learn what different people choose to spend their time and money on. Of course there are low-commitment hobbies when it comes to both time and money, but typically speaking you have to play part in at least one of these traits. The hobby that started the conversation was cycling... like Tour de France type stuff. For many, many years Mike was a bicycle mechanic. He worked in various shops around Nashville and he rode his bike everywhere. If you're at all familiar with nice quality bikes, they don't come cheap. Mike was telling me about his set up which was probably worth about $2,500 in the mechanisms alone. I was flabbergasted that it cost that much! But apparently that was just a drop in the bucket... he started telling me about some of the "super serious" hobbyists in town who rode $12,000 bikes... WHAT! Bikes are cool and all, but twelve grand?! It became very apparent that cycling wasn't something I had any desire to invest in. Mike loved cycling (though he didn't typically wear the ultra-tight cycle suit getup... ha! just kidding! Apparently he did... Oh my law!), but all I can think about when I think of bikes is my butt hurting for hours. But that's the beauty of hobbies... we each have different values and desires.
We shifted the conversation to what our hobbies were... in present day. Then I got wide-eyed (and embarrassed) when I realized I don't have a legitimate hobby anymore! We talked through it because I became sort of bummed out, feeling like a total failure... who doesn't have a hobby?! (For the record, I don't consider internet surfin'/Pinterest/TV to be a hobby... for me, at least. I hope that doesn't sound as snooty as it felt!) During our conversation I came to realize that it's almost impossible for me to invest time into a hobby when it doesn't have a "productive outcome." Like a product or something with some sort of benefit at the end. And that's really really sad. It's almost as if I don't know how to check out from work and just do something to relax. (Which, to be fair, I totally don't. But I want to!)

I love reading, but I don't do it an awful lot because I feel guilty trying to find the time (I have it... I just don't use it). I love sewing, but I get in way over my head and end up feeling frustrated. Not to mention I hate small tasks where you have to read instructions (Awful, I know!) I think my real problem is that I just haven't "tested the waters" to see what types of (non-work) things I would enjoy. That's my new goal! To find a hobby (or hobbies) that I don't mind dedicating time and/or money to.
I'd like to dedicate more time to small sewing tasks... Things that can be used around the house or with the baby. And maybe learn how to knit if I can sit down and do it. At least with knitting I could do it while lounging around the house. I also plan on toting around a film camera more often. I feel like I never shoot film anymore outside of Him + Honey, and I'd like to remedy that. Even if it's expensive, it's good practice for our actual business.
But I want to hear about your hobbies!
How did you get started? Why do you love it?
Are there any hobbies out there you'd love to try one day? If so, what are they and why?

Maybe you can help inspire me to stop being such a workaholic haha I know time for hobbies will be greatly reduced once Mike starts school in a few weeks, and even more so once the baby comes, but at least I can play around with a few options and see if anything sticks.
This was like, the most depressing blog post to write haha! I'm just trying to step up my self-awareness game and you know, be a functioning member of society. Most normal people have hobbies, and all of a sudden I feel very weird about it.

I decided in the past few months to try to learn to paint on my own. I started by going to an art store, buying an acrylic set and a watercolor set and some corresponding brushes, and some sketchbooks with good paper for those mediums. It was a fairly expensive/fun shopping trip. Then I went home and tried to copy what I've seen other people do. For the most part I suck really bad but it's been SO FUN for me to try and fill the pages with stuff that I don't even care. I watched a couple youtube videos and they helped immensely with the basics. And just like that I've got painting as a hobby. I also spend a lot of time doodling tiny fiddly decorative things and I'm working on a fiction novel. With all of these things the way I got started was ... just starting. haha hope that helps?
ReplyDeleteI picked up calligraphy and brush watercolors last year after wanting to learn FOREVER, but I let it fizzle. I'm not sure why! I still have all of my supplies. Maybe I'll try again and look to YouTube for some inspiration as well!
DeleteKaelah! If you're interested in Calligraphy, I highly recommend Molly Jacques class (Modern Calligraphy) on Skillshare. It's excellent!
DeleteI feel like anyone who wants to get into painting and thinks they're bad at it should read this thread in it's entirety: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?t=870&s=f96060bf9345688e833aff79d30b4ad2
DeleteBasically this guy decides he wants to get better at drawing, and so he starts doing it every day and practices all the basics. By the end of the thread, he is painting Master's Style Fine Art pieces that will just take your breath away. SO inspiring.
I've always enjoyed sewing but have had a hard time improving for the exact same reasons you said :) I set a goal at the beginning of the year to sew one clothing item a month, and so far I've made a skirt and a dress. It's sometimes hard to keep re-reading the pattern but I already am having more fun with it! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteDon't be so hard on yourself! I think you just ended up being one of those lucky people whose hobbies turned into financial gain! Your awesome painted signs for example!
ReplyDeleteThis is a really great point, Bethany! I do definitely count myself super lucky that I'm able to provide for myself and my family based on just doing things I actually enjoy. But much like what Miriam said below, I want to find something that's "for me" - to help make me an overall better person, with no reason to commodify or sell it, ya know? Though I'll always be amazed and so grateful that my sign hobby turned into what it has! My life certainly wouldn't be the same without it! xo
DeleteMy new hobby is photography! I was just never particularly interested in it, but now that I created my own blog and wanted pretty pictures to go with it, I started studying more and more and learning lots (still a looooong way to go, but getting there!). Now I absolutely love it, I love playing around with all the different settings and see what different effects I can create!
ReplyDeleteI know this isn't helpful, since photography is already one of your passions, but it is my newly-discovered-totally-obsessed-with hobby ;-)
Veronica @ http://happylifeofacitygirl.blogspot.com
I would say my hobbies have been photography, sewing and hula hooping. For the photography I bought myself a new camera a few years back, and we all know how much those go for. And I don't regret it. I love my cameras! I got into it because my dad was into it, he gave me his old Zenit and now I own like 10 cameras. The sewing thing is sort of new, but I've been buying fabric like crazy lately... I just love fabric shopping and then I make them into hair bows and sell them locally. I was going to buy a sewing machine but my parents ended up doing that for me.
ReplyDeleteAnd the hula hooping thing is just fun. The classes aren't that expensive but it does add up. I also got my own hula hoop but I used it so much last summer I might have to buy another one soon. I try to take a class every other month. I got into it because I was looking for something fun to do that got me out of the apartment atleast once a week. Did a quick search online and found classes near me.
My hobby is knitting. I've knit for almost a decade and love to design my own patterns with bold patterns and colorwork. Most of my projects stem from "I wonder if I could knit a...". So I end up with a ton of finished objects. I would also count Instagram-ing my projects (@kelseyleftwich) and looking at other people's knitting as a part of my hobby.
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely have to check out your work for some of my own inspiration!
DeleteI came to the same realization a few years ago- that I didn't have a "hobby". I'm an artist and I was spending all my time making art or incorporating my various skills into that medium. I decided I wanted more opportunity to learn some new things without any pressure for it to be a part of my art making process.
ReplyDeleteSo I took up hat making and then leather craft- both taught me how to s.l.o.w. down and really focus on the details of craft. Now a few years later my artwork has gotten better and more detailed because I spent some time developing skills that changed the way my brain works.
I think there is a lot of pressure today to commodify every hobby that we have. If you are caught making something great, someone inevitability asks if you sell it and then tells you you *should* sell it. A skill you were learning for personal growth and learning quickly turns into a "business" in this day of etsy shops, easy blogging and social media- often one that never makes any profit and quickly saps "the fun" out of what ever love you had for the hobby.
I think more people should hold tighter to a hobby- something they like to do and is purely for personal growth. It was and continues to be an interesting way to teach my brain new things and it often has a positive impact on my business and other creative endeavors.
THIS THIS THIS! This is EXACTLY what I was trying to say, but I didn't even realize it! You said it so well. In the era of Etsy, blogs, social media, etc, it's so hard for anything to *just* be a hobby. My signs were a hobby like one of the gals up above said, but then it turned into a full blown business. I want to find something to keep just for me. Thanks for the inspiration!
DeleteThanks! Can't wait to see what you discover you enjoy making but don't start an Etsy shop for ;)
DeleteHi Kaehla, don't you write a lot of snail mail? That's a hobby! x
ReplyDeleteHi Kaelah, don't you write a lot of snail mail? That's a hobby! Have you ever had a look at swap-bot, it's such a great place to check out different crafts, create sth. and share it with people x
ReplyDeleteI really love making quilts, though I've found it hard to make time for it the past several years while I've been in school. I'm hoping to pick it back up again after I graduate in May! My cousin is having a baby girl in July, so one of the first projects I want to work on is a quilt for her. Good luck on your quest! :)
ReplyDeleteI really love making quilts, though I've found it hard to make time for it the past several years while I've been in school. I'm hoping to pick it back up again after I graduate in May! My cousin is having a baby girl in July, so one of the first projects I want to work on is a quilt for her. Good luck on your quest! :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with the idea that hobbies almost aren't worth it if there's no productive outcome. I started performing as a hobby and then worked and worked until it became my career. Now I write for fun... but then I submit the pieces I write to various websites and magazines hoping to get published, so I'm still looking for some sort of REASON for writing. It's like if a piece gets published, it's a justification that I didn't waste my time. I used to dance a lot as a kid and I quit because I felt as though it wasn't something adults should do and it wouldn't get me anywhere - but dancing taught me so many life lessons and skills... and it really helps get you forget about all the bad stuff for a while. So, I think I'll take Pretending To Be Beyoncé up as a hobby.
ReplyDeleteI'm a jack of all trades, and a master of none. Hobbies I've dabbled in/enjoy include sewing, casual cycling (nothing hard-core), photography, drawing, and more. I'd say the two hobbies I always keep up with are blogging and reading. Blogging is pure catharsis. I read anything and everything I can, and document it on my GoodReads.
ReplyDeleteI guess you could call cooking a hobby, but it's also sustenance. So I dabble here and there, and never get really good at anything.
I knit, and I think it's a great hobby for several reasons - you can start small with scarves, stuffed animals, hats, etc, and if you screw it up you just unravel it and start over! It's the perfect thing to do while watching TV...your hands stay busy while you relax and zone out.
ReplyDeleteGardening is another hobby that you can start small with. Start with houseplants and flower boxes, and if you like it, then move up to an actual garden plot.
My hobbies are baking (I try really hard not to blog about baking that much because I want it to stay something I enjoy and don't feel is part of my online persona, you know?) and scrapbooking (another thing I don't blog about). I started baking with my mom when I was young and I just really love it... and not to brag, but I'm pretty good at it! I started scrapbooking in high school and my hobby became serious in college when I worked at a craft store. I don't make dedicated "scrapbooks" anymore -- I just scrapbook into my Moleskine journals, planners, etc. It's just a part of my life now! :)
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about hobbies lately, too! Mostly because I've been realizing that everything I do as a "hobby", I try to monetize in some way and try to make it part of my job. My sewing, jewelry making, blogging, photos, etc... it's like I try to take what I do professionally--drawing and designing--and mix it up by doing different things to make it feel more fun and like a hobby. If I get too involved in a hobby unrelated to art-making, I feel really guilty about wasting my time. :/
ReplyDeleteAndrew's hobbies are all related to playing games. Mostly card games and video games. He feels guilty about it sometimes because he lives with me and always compares himself. He sees that my "hobbies" result in physical items so he feels like his are a waste of time. I totally disagree and think it's great that his hobbies are so fun and involve hanging out with other people and strategizing so much!
I realized I have no hobbies recently as well! My boyfriend has a million hobbies, and that's what made me realize I have none. I get bored/distracted easily - I've tried needlepoint, knitting, painting. I have a hard time finding my ~creative~ outlet, but I'm trying hard to find something I enjoy! I feel like I spend so much time working, cleaning, cooking that when I get a minute, all I want to do is SIT and relax. None of these hobbies are relaxing (yet) because I have to try so hard at them, so I usually end up picking up a book or turning on Netflix. This has given me a reboost of inspiration though! I've always wanted to try blogging, maybe I'll start there.
ReplyDeleteMy main hobby (if you can call it so?) is netball, which I've been taking part in since I was around 10. I've been at it so long that it has progressed into more of a way of life for me and If I am completely honest I cannot imagine what I would do with all my extra free time without it! Besides that, I love drawing and can spend hours just sat with my sketch pad.
ReplyDeleteI knit! It's easy to learn. Just look for a book called "Learn to knit visually." That book is very easy to follow.
ReplyDeleteMy real hobby is horseback riding though. I've been riding since I was three. Horseback riding is very expensive. It cost a couple thousand a month just to keep the horse. Then we have to buy tack and other things. Horse Shows can be very expensive too.
My hobby is quilting; which when I tell most people that they look at me puzzled since I'm 35, and not a grandmother ;-) Yet, the quilts that I make are not your typical type of quilt...they are useful for sure; but much more modern. You can see some of my work here http://www.pinterest.com/LoveOldHouses/made-by-me/
ReplyDeleteIt can be an expensive hobby with a decent sewing machine costing $1000 at the low end and $15000 on the high, plus fabric is about $12/yd. Yet, I wouldn't trade it for the world. It has allowed me to explore my creativity in more ways then I could have imagined, I even get to travel sometimes to give trunk-shows and presentations.
I also enjoy Crochet; but it tends to be an afterthought...hence why I'm still working on the same afghan from about 5 years ago.
oh wow, these quilts are amazing! i LOVE the swiss cross one! it's exactly what i've been looking for for the nursery. do you sell them online by chance? i'd love to check out a shop if you have one!
DeleteMy two main hobbies are knitting and reading (and I curse the fact that I haven't managed to do both at the same time yet, so for now I listen to podcasts while I knit), but I'm also really big on cooking/baking and come nice weather I plan to start in on gardening. I've had a few small indoor plants, but we're moving to our first house in a few months and I plan to dig right in (pun intended!). Just planning it out's been really fun for me.
ReplyDeleteI have a hard time just sitting still and watching a movie or TV, so I always have either a laptop or knitting in my hands. I used to knit a lot more but I've been doing a LOT more freelance work so I don't do as much as I used to. I do love to knit though. I crochet a little too and I have a spinning wheel and like to spin yarn - but I haven't dragged that out since we had the baby because I know he'd stick his fingers in the wheel and get hurt. Maybe when he's a little older!! I'd really LOVE to take up jogging as a hobby. I've always wanted to experience "runner's high" and there are so many really cool and fun 5K races now days -- plus I'm pretty out of shape and could really use a highly physical hobby. I'd also really love to try kayaking. We live very close to Lake Erie so I think that would be fun!
ReplyDeleteBaking. I love to bake. Cookies used to be my jam, but I have found a new love for baking cupcakes (when the little gaffer allows for that kind of time to be spent in the kitchen) and loaves. I have made so many loaves in the last six months (banana, pumpkin, zucchini-type loaves. Not legit bread. Not yet). It's ridiculous. (I also love to write, but have been shying away from it lately, so I don't like to call it a hobby these days. Writing is something I strive to make more time for.) And reading - ugh. I have been failing at making time for that, too. I hate that cleaning the bathroom is more important than reading to me these days. That seems just really super wrong.
ReplyDeleteI love crochet, baking and cross stitching or embroidery. Out of them all, I love crochet more as it's just something to do which is nice an relaxing in the evening with watching TV or listening to some music. Until the Kindle invent a Benedict Cumberbatch reading to me app, I'll just stick to watching TV. I learnt using mainly Youtube videos and the baby toys and clothes you can make at the end are adorable!
ReplyDeleteRhiannon x
Oh my goodness that totally needs to be a real thing...Benedict Cumberbatch reading EVERYTHING! :) My boyfriend bought me a Sherlock Holmes audio book for my birthday that Cumberbatch reads. It's great :) I'd love to get into embroidery :)
DeleteHE READS SHERLOCK! I'm so there! x
DeleteI have too many hobbies- which is almost as bad as having none at all, because I switch between hobbies so often that I never end up finishing any projects! That's something I'm working on, personally (:
ReplyDeleteThat said, I enjoy crocheting, knitting, cross stitch, painting my nails, practicing yoga, alphabetizing things (that's a hobby, right? (; ), board games, video games, and photography, which I've always wanted to get into but never did until recently.
My mum taught me the basics of knitting in middle school, and I knitted swatches for a week and then lost interest; I started and stopped once or twice more until finally, about two years ago, I started knitting and actually kept knitting. With lots of help from Google, I self-taught myself the more advanced stuff and eventually started crocheting, as well. I enjoy both, and while I think knitting tends to make a nicer-looking finished product, it's also a lot harder on my wrists- plus, crocheting is a little easier to do on autopilot, at least for me.
The internet is an amazing resource, if you plan to get into crochet or knitting I simply cannot recommend Ravelry.com enough for patterns/community!
I read, mostly, lately. I used to draw/paint but haven't been into it for whatever reason lately. I keep meaning to pick it back up. I also write - poetry has appeared on mt blog but mostly I write short stories or chapters of books I never finish, haha. I really enjoy reading and writing the most, and wish I had been able to make a living out of one or the other but it didn't occur to me when I was in college and I feel a little lost for how to change direction now (part of the problem, of course, being that I work at a job with such insanely good insurance coverage/costs that I can hardly conceive of losing it!).
ReplyDeleteI also consider the photos I take for my blog somewhat of a hobby; it's not a job, and I do enjoy taking a ton of photos and having to suss out the really good two or three I might find in there.
I have felt mostly hobby-less lately, except for reading. Maybe I should take this as inspiration to pick something up ;)
I know exactly how you feel about the having a hobby that doesn't have a productive outcome. All my hobbies, I try to have some end benefit other than just the pure enjoyment of doing it. Photography and artwork have that focus to me that it has to be good enough to sell in my shop. A couple weekends ago I made some watercolor paintings and I did it just purely for the enjoyment of doing it. I don't plan on putting them up for sale. But, who knows with me! I'm just trying to take my current hobbies and do them just to enjoy doing it (painting, drawing, photography). We'll see how it works out!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly how you feel! I just graduated college almost a year ago and realized I had no hobbies outside of typical university things. I recently started taking sewing classes which I love and I've set "creativity goals" for the next dew moths with projects.
ReplyDeleteI love this post because I know exactly how you feel! I graduated college almost a year ago and had the realization that I didn't really have hobbies outside of typical university things. I always picked up craft hobbies but never stuck with them. I've been taking sewing classes and set "creativity goals" for the next few months.
ReplyDeleteMy husband doesn't have any hobbies--and I recognize that as a fairly unusual trait. But he seems happy the way he is. :) Crafting in general seems to be my hobby, lately with a special bent toward sewing and embroidery. Also writing and blogging, and I enjoy all of these little hobbies very, very much!
ReplyDeleteMy hobbies always turn into work too! I'm the exact same way. I can't think of anything I do as a hobby that I just do for fun. I haven't touched my sewing machine in forever because I spent 2 years making pet beds full time, sewing 8+ hours a day. Design was a hobby, but now it's a business. Blogging I guess is a hobby for me, as my personal blog is not a business (yet?). I also love reading, but I always do it before bed and lately I've been in bed super early from being exhausted with no energy to read.
ReplyDeleteI actually was thinking about this the other day and wanted to start a hobby. I GUESS gardening can be a hobby. One I am terrible at, but at the same time it provides us with food. Ha. I guess that's just our personalities: we only want to take on things that bring benefit.
P.S. I've got clutter phobia, so I'm not good with hobbies where I'll have a lot of stuff sitting around.
I'm the same way. I don't really have any hobbies and mine usually turn into a business or something similar. I learned to sew as a hobby years ago and then I had a business sewing pet beds for over a year and spend 8 hours a day sewing. Now I rarely touch it. Design was a hobby, but now it's my business too.
ReplyDeleteI guess my only real hobby is gardening and I'm not even that good at it. Plus, it still kind of is a hobby I do because I get something from it: food!
I was actually thinking about this the other day. I have no real hobbies. I also have clutter-phobia, so I'm not good at hobbies where you need stuff. Scrapbooking and all of the supplies you need? Dear lord, no thank you. I prefer digital hobbies or maybe physical hobbies like maybe hiking..
I suggest you try Nalbinding! I always found knitting a little tricky. I tried long ago and gave up but this year I made it one of my resolutions to get back into textile creating and then I discovered nalbinding. WHICH I LOVE! I was sold on it because all you needed was a modified chopstick to use as a needle and some yarn. I didn't want to sink a lot of money into something I may not like. You can also "sew" in a circle so creating hats/scarfs/mitts are really easy. I have actually started re-learning knitting because nalbind really sparked my creative side with it's simplicity. Honestly if anything is too hard, I will quit! haha sheepandstich.com is really good for learning to knit and thats what I've been using to get back into it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know that I have a hobby so much as a lot of things I enjoy doing. My main job is raising my kids, which takes up most of my time. So I guess my small business is my hobby at the moment. I make hand painted brooches and for now it's my time. I enjoy the whole process of painting and then photographing and marketing. It's a nice break from motherhood. Of course I say that now and it's still in the infant stages. I literally just opened my shop so I'll probably change my mind about it being a relaxing hobby once the pressure is on.
ReplyDeleteI've also recently taken up doing Project Life. I always wanted to scrapbook and document my family changing each year but it seemed so time consuming! Project Life let's me be creative in a different way then my brooches in addition to not being super time consuming unless I want it to be. It can be pretty expensive at first. I've probably spent several hundred dollars on it and I have only done one month but you almost have to invest a little in order to have enough supplies to make fun layouts. Shrug. We'll see how it goes. I have such a short attention span anything that requires directions like patterns and such, I just can't do! So I'm all about the painting brooches and Project Lifeing with Breaking Bad in the background :) Other then that I also like reading, cooking, and one day I hope to be able to learn my ukelele!
knitting is the best! i learned many many years ago, took some time off from it, and have recently just picked it back up again. i'm a little rusty, and quite the novice, but it's so much fun. it's one of those things that you can do while watching tv or having a conversation so you don't have to be holed up all by yourself working on it and it's also really relaxing. at least to me, anyway. c;
ReplyDeleteRecently I took up paper mache! At my work we were working on the store design and displays and one thing I had to do was paper mache and it really sparked an interest for me! It's a very, very messy new hobby but as far as money it's not bad because I can use newspaper which is one of the main materials I need. And I feel good that I'm getting to reuse and recycle the paper into something else!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to get more into it and try out making new things! I want to bring some of it to my blog but I'm still trying to decide the fine line between what I share, what would I be comfortable making to sell if people were interested and what I want to keep to myself! Hobbies are suppose to be stress-free so I'm still thinking of where I would draw the line! I made that mistake with going to school for baking, it became a job that I didn't enjoy and I'm still trying to rekindle my love for it. I don't want to do that with this! :)
x Sara from andalittlechaos.blogspot.com
So interesting to read all these comments, though I agree with all of them that you had hobbies- they have just turned into work. Which is wonderful because you are making money from doing things you love but also likely stressful as you don't have anything to do when taking a break from work. I'll look forward to hearing more about your adventures developing a hobby or two :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I take (or rather took. We've been horrible about going as we've been dealing with illnesses since January!) dance classes, which is a ton of fun, and also something I bet there is a lot of in Nashville. We two-step, waltz, cha-cha and a whole ton of others. One of the things I noticed too, is that people of all ages come out to do it. We've had high schoolers at the classes (and on other local dance floors) but also people in their 80s, and there's always something new to learn. We also enjoyed it as a couple because we were learning something new together.
I guess my other hobbies (besides blogging,sort of) is reading. I've taken to listening to audio books a lot since you can do other things. Plus, for nonfiction, I've fond I pay attention much better with audio books. Audio books can be expensive, but libraries are a great place to find them. The limited selection pushed me to read a lot of great books I might have passed by too.
Thank you so much for sharing this Kaelah! I have recently found my self in the same "hobby-less boat" that you have found yourself in. Since I'm a college student with 2 part-time jobs to pay the bills, I find that it's super hard to just find the time to invest in a hobby. I'm one of those people who if I'm going to spend time (and money!) on something, then I want to be really good at it, ya know?
ReplyDeleteI've been taking some sewing classes at school, and recently I've started learning how to crochet (though I have an embarrassing amount of half finished scarves lying about, and have thrown too many hooks in frustration from my apparent lack of ability, and you tube videos that don't make sense.). I've also been trying to teach myself HTML. Which is a BEAR. My goodness, you make it look so easy!
I feel the same way a lot of the time. I love to read but I feel like I'm wasting time when I'm just sitting reading. I play Fantasy Football but that is only during certain times of the year. I've always wanted to have a hobby that I don't mind spending a lot of time or money on.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way a lot of the time. I enjoy reading but I feel like I am wasting time when I just sit around reading books. I have always wanted to have a hobby that I can throw myself into but I haven't found something yet. I play fantasy football during certain times of the year but that is pretty much it.
ReplyDeleteI said YAY YAY YAY outloud when I read the title of this post! I'm definitely one of those people who goes from one hobby to the next, and can never quite keep up and finish anything. I love to dabble and learn new things. Some of the hobbies I've enjoyed include: Beekeeping, Jewelry Making, Crocheting, Photography, Herpetology, and Curiosity Collecting. I, without question, have a habit of always (well not ALWAYS I guess) thinking of hobbies as a means for making money. I struggle constantly with ideas for hobbies that I can turn into enough money to quit my day-job (that I'm not happy in). I feel like my life right now is in complete chaos and I'm scrambling to figure out what it is that I'm supposed to do.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking that that may just be the problem for me. Instead of considering every hobby as a potential money maker, I should just roll with whatever I'm into at the time and just enjoy it and have fun. A few hobbies I'd like to pick up include: Special Effects Makeup, Watercolors (I signed up for a class that starts in May! Woohoo!), Tattoo Flash Art, Blog Design, and more Photography. All of these are potential money-makers if I work hard at them, but I think I should approach it with the goal of just doing it to have fun :)
I'm not sure if Toby is into painting, but that would probably be a fun hobby to get into together! You could paint art for baby Flynn together! Mike too of course! I've always thought it would be nice to have a group or family hobby. Doing something collectively would be so nice! My boyfriend wants to do Special Effects makeup with me once I decide to start that. I'm really looking forward to having a hobby to share with him. Everything I've done in the past has been a solo adventure, so it'll be a nice change of pace and a great way to spend more time together :) I wish you luck and best wishes!
My hobbies are costume making, baking, reading, collecting (toys and oddities) and thrift shopping. Assuming thrift shopping is considered a hobby haha.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could sew ! Took a class but it never really came easy to me to sew - it is a talent for sure. SO - I have to admit - I have the hobbies you mentioned.... LOL TV, blogs, FB!! ox
ReplyDeleteIf you want to read for free, go to the library or host a book swap. Although paying for shipping wouldn't really be free. I love photography but honestly, it houses so much space- lighting equipment, lenses, cameras, but to me, it's worth it. How about blogging? LOLOL JK
ReplyDeleteMy problem is all of mine end up being too expensive, haha!! We're big into collecting things like books, manga, comic books, plushies, fan art (love to support me some conventions artists), etc but good grief comic books get pricey quick. I've also recently (well the last couple years anyway) taken up sewing, primarily for cosplay purposes, which also gets a bit pricey if you let it. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if I could just focus on one thing but I just love it all, haha!! That's crazy about the bicycles. I'm like you, I just think about my butt hurting. LOL. Though I did get one of those gel cushion seats that helps a little but not as much as one would hope!
ReplyDeleteY'know what? I don't know if I legitimately have a hobby. I've been trying to 'take part' a little more this year so I've joined a book club (only a Twitter one, but hey! A club is a club!), I really wanted to join a local sewing club but it clashed with my work schedule... On Saturdays I teach my seven year old violin (my childhood hobby) and take her swimming, but those are more me supporting her hobbies than anything else.
ReplyDeleteI just totally want to take part in every single hobby but, like you, I'm a bit of a workaholic and if I can spare time outside of work then I feel guilty not spending that time with my family. Is that a completely terrible thing to admit?!
I have honestly been feeling this exact same way lately and I'm the same where the outcome has to be a product or useful. I like seeing things happen!
ReplyDeleteI recently got into collecting vintage tea cups from thrift stores, melting down candles and pouring the wax into the cups to make cute vintage candles. The outcome is that they're pretty!
I've had hobbies my whole life. Never really considered them hobbies because sometimes I made money with them. However, any hobby I have gotten interested in has usually become obsessive. Owning 5,000 rubber stamps is a bit obsessive don't you think? Although, for a time I did make money teaching classes in rubberstamping. Anyhow, my hobbies usually always involve creating in some way, and I spend lots of $$ gathering all the needed items that the particular endeavor requires. I've made candles, porcelain dolls, done needlework, tole painting, woodcarving, sewn a lot of things,(quilts, home décor, etc.) done photography, gardening. Some of these I have made money at, some I have not. I guess in my mind what a lot of people consider hobbies, I consider necessary in my life for if I am not creating almost all the time, I become crabby and cranky. When I was younger and working 2 or 3 jobs to support me and my kiddos, I sewed and did needlework. It wasn't as costly then, and I had to have some creative outlet to stay sane.
ReplyDeleteI guess blog reading could be considered a hobby too. In the time I have read your blog I have thought it was so beautiful and so well done. I would never in a million years thought of you as a gal without a hobby, because you are so doggone creative in everything you do. So I guess the whole hobby thing for me, depends on how different people view the word itself.
Reading is my main hobby. I started intensely reading in 2nd grade when I realized that 1) I had horrible hearing so talking to people never went well, so I read instead. I was reading 3 grade levels above normal students in 2nd grade and continued to read under my desk throughout high school. I read all the time!
ReplyDeleteI have the opposite problem... I have way too many hobbies and as a perfectionist I find this really frustrating because I can't be amazing immediately at all the things!
ReplyDeleteI do hope you find something to relax with ~ there is nothing nicer than being able to sit down and accomplish something without any pressures.
bonita of Lavender & Twill
This post and all the comments made me feel better about my recent realization that I don't really have hobbies either! I met my boyfriend's family, and when they asked what I did, I talked about my job. Then someone commented that they meant what I do for fun, and I was stumped for way too long. I ended up saying I was into spinning, which is super crazy because I took one class months ago. It just popped into my head.
ReplyDeleteI have a slightly different problem - I have too many hobbies!! I don't have the time to commit to any one hobby, and this is a problem because I never achieve anything and get really frustrated with myself!
I do cycling, yoga, and collage.
ReplyDeleteI tried to take up sewing, but kinda failed. I took all 12 weeks of sewing classes at the rec center and just couldn't get it. It requires too much spatial knowledge, which is not my thing.So I can't make anything from scratch but I can put in zippers and I can hem things, which is good because I'm short.
Oh, hobbies. I'm kind of addicted to them. I crochet when I can (because I find it a bit easier than knitting), and I can't seem to fall asleep unless I read for 5-10 minutes a night (it kind of shuts my brain off....lol). I used to art journal and scrapbook, too, but not so much anymore - and sometimes I dabble in sewing and film photography: I seem to go through seasons where i do a lot of one hobby and then move on to another one. :)
ReplyDeleteWow! It's nice that you've some up with an awesome idea of talking about hobbies... great! I'd love to share mine... I love photography and I started it before as a personal studio assistant. Now, I can consider myself not a newbie in photography but a not a pro... haha...