It's The Little Things...

Like bright red smooches on the faces of your furry lil' munchkins...

 Mid-day coffee breaks on your inevitable Target run (with a really handsome fella, at that!)...

 Knowing that even though your best friend is over 500 miles away, you can call her up for any (or no) reason at all...

 Hot cider and a sharing a piece of chocolate cake (with Maya!) on a snowy day downtown...

 And even a 60 pound pup passed out across your lap, and another sweet lil' biscuit cuddled next to that...

Let's not even mention the tons of you who come here every single day to share your words of encouragement... always when I need them, and even otherwise. Sometimes it's nice to step back for a few days (even if against my will) and appreciate how awesome everything is. Today I'm looking forward to lots of emails, design work, and a coffee date with this sweet gal. Y'all are amazing. xo


  1. awww how cutee!!!!!lovely little doggis :)))

  2. Your dogs are fantastically adorable! The lipstick marks make total sense.

  3. how cute are the little kisses on your pups!?!?

    allister bee blog

  4. Those pictures are all wonderful! Your pups are so cute! Happy Monday xxx

  5. hi! i am a new(ish) reader and its my first comment on your blog!

    i think this post is amazing...i have a similar post sitting in my drafts folder right now. the little things are the best, if we pay attention to makes our life that much better.
    :) allison

  6. i love the last picture of your girls passed out. that is how my girls currently are on my couch, except they are BOTH in my lap.

  7. Everything about this made me smile! It is totally the little things that make everyday special =)

  8. Aww! When your pup passes out, she doesn't mess around!! That's too cute.

  9. too cute!!!! I thought we were the onlyones in the whole world that had to sit on their sofas with their pets lying around in wired positions!! cute!
    paris, our pet pig always gets the best spot on the couch. xx alice.

  10. the first photo of your kissed puppies is the cutest!

  11. Aw! I do love your instagrams. I'll be honest, a HUGE spout of motivation to make target runs is the inevitable starbucks coffee whilst there. It just makes cruising around Target that much more enjoyable. MMMM. You are so gorgeous.

  12. Everything about this post is lovely!!


  13. beautiful post, really enjoyed it

  14. This is such a sweet post Kaelah, your dogs are too cute! <3

  15. Oh, I am in love with your pups! xx

  16. You have the sweetest pups ever. And yay for coffee breaks at Target! Those are the best. :]

  17. Days where you just DO notice the little things more than usual are always bright cheery days :)
    Your dogs are so adorable!


  18. Awww this post made me smile all goofy-like. The lipstick marks on the pups are so cute, and you are absolutely beautiful! I second the sentiment about how comforting it is to know your best friends are always just a phone call away, even when they live across the country (which mine do). Happy Monday!

  19. Thanks so much for featuring my print! xo

  20. Love it! Your dogs crack me up :P And my best friend lives 1,034 miles away... and it's definitely tough... so I totally know how great it is when you can have a normal little chat with your bestie, even if it's just on the phone :)

  21. What great pictures! I love it.

  22. Awww, that last photo! How can sleeping like that be comfortable! It's always nice to take a step back to appreciate the little things in life ...

    Kel xo

  23. Ahhh!! That cute little chubby bunny would make my legs fall asleep! (I wouldn't have the heart to move though)


  24. You're so cuuuute. Kisses on the pup is the cutest thing ever. I am so jeals of your target date -- I can't wait till we get target in Canada!:) Also, me and my boy are so in to apple cider right now. MmMM.
    The little things rule:)

  25. :) i hope you are feeling 10x better my friend! <3

  26. Oh, I love Target trips, and cute doggies. Back to the Target trip, I spot a super cute purse on the table, where did you get that fabulous thing from?


  27. That first picture slays me. They are the cutest pups!

  28. YOUR DOGS ARE KILLING ME. AGH. Also, you guys got snow in Nashville? This weather is obnoxious. It's almost pleasant outside right now, but I know in a few days I will be freezing my metaphorical balls off again.

  29. LOVE the smooches are your pups! hope you are feeling better sweetie, i know before i went on vacation you weren't feeling well :(

  30. GAH!!! I need to get a bulldog!! I love them!!!!!

  31. My soon-to-be sister in law has bulldogs and she loves, loves, loves them. We're looking for a good dog-would you recommend them?
    -Kate from

  32. @Kate- YES! yes yes yes! the breeds are very different and have varying levels of needs so definitely do research. if you're looking to get an english bully, i'd suggest making sure you have some disposable income in case they need medical attention. they're a VERY illness-prone breed, but even after thousands and thousands of dollars in vet bills, i wouldn't trade georgia for the world! frenchies are a lot healthier, but have common ailments that you should brush up on. a lot of it can be avoided by making sure your bully comes from a certain bloodline, but they're just breeds that need more loving. we are without a doubt a bulldog family and i rarely give a second look at another breed! :D

  33. Such CUTE dogs! I wish I had them!!!!

  34. I love your posts like this!! It makes me think about all the things in my life that make me smile :) like my little animal babies!


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