Okay, I'm looking a little ~Jerseylicious in some of these thanks to the lighting outside. I couldn't be bothered to really mess with anything in Photoshop so you'll get an orange glow in all it's glory! Oompa loompa, anyone? Well, untill you see those legs! Yow! Mama needs some fake tan! ;) I used to be really into the whole "tanning" thing but once I started getting fairly tattooed I opted against faded colors and voluntary skin cancer. I went the fake/spray tan route for a bit but it was expensive and I always managed to mess it up. Now I have a little can of my favorite spray tan ever (which was discontinued long ago) but I haven't tried any this year. It has a nice subtle sparkle in it, too! (In case you're wondering, it's Sexy Hair's "SexSymbol Aero Tan"). After seeing my blinding white legs I might try some just to see if it works still!
Work this weekend was... work. Nothing too exciting. Except I walked in last night and there was a big "Congrats" graduation sign hung on the back wall and a card full of well wishes and a little graduation bear on my register. They even collected money as a graduation gift! I was oblivious at first but Angie pointed it out and my heart just swelled! I love my little bar family. It truly meant the world to me.
This morning I woke up and drove 100 miles west to see my family for Mother's Day. Mike had to work so I went solo. Man, that was a horrible drive. Between backroads and slow drivers, I was frustrated. But it was nice to see my mama and nana, and the rest of my family, too.
Now I'm home and I gotta get down to business! So many design things to do and not enough hours in the day. I'm surprising Mike with a belated birthday gift tonight, even though we picked out/up his new camera strap already. (I'll give you a hint, since he's at work: I bought him Aperture!) Now he can feel like a fancy schmancy photographer!
Happy Mother's Day to all you fab mamas and mamas-to-be out there!
Random/No-Brand dress from Ross
Qupid wedges via Ross
Not Made In China tote
love your hair in this photo,so pretty! i've never noticed your ankle tats before,cool. what are they of? take care! and happy mother's day!
ReplyDeleteThey tattoo's caught my eyes too! I am obsessed with tattoos at the moment maybe because I am getting my first one in 7 days! *SQUEEK* Still obsessed with how nice your hair is - Outfitt is super cute too!
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Your hair looks a completely different colour in this post, must just be the random lighting. But it's as pretty as ever :)
ReplyDeleteI have a dress really like that, but it's just a plain white top. I've only worn it once because the weather hasn't been all too great here since I bought it, but I did snag a wonderful swallow belt to go with it. Keeping my fingers crossed for fine weather tomorrow!
i agree with you on the tanning! haha that top photo i thought you were wearing lighter color nylons!
ReplyDeleteanother cute outfit as usual =) love that you're rocking that Not Made In China tote bag!
you're hair is always rocking, girl! looove the stripes and those wedges are awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteI think I'm in love with this dress. And your eyes in that second photo? B-e-a-utiful! Oh, and don't worry, your "blinding white legs" have got nothing on mine, haha. I'm glad to hear you had a nice mother's day. I hope Baby G and Pip spoilt their mama today.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, one last thing! I like the little colour thing you've started doing at the bottom of all your outfit posts, it's a nice touch.
i love this outfit! i must recreate this!!! oompa loopmpa?! your silly! you look fantastic!!
You look wonderful! There is definitely nothing wrong with looking slightly orangish at times!
awesome!! love the dress & wedges!!
ReplyDeleteYou look beautiful, i love this outfit! Enjoy your evening!
oh how pretty you look! and i really like how you've put the color palette to see =)
love that skirt !!
ReplyDeletepale is the new brown lady! slap on plenty of moisturiser so your legs look lush, but I think that pale doesn't have to mean pasty, and it can be quite beautiful! (which you are proof of in this picture. stunning as always kaelah!)
Omg doll you always dress so cute I only wish I could do half as good as you :)Keep it coming <3
ReplyDeletep.s. I came across this cute bottle opener at fredflare and thought of you
<3 Christian
You know what? All you need is a bunch of tattoos on your legs too!
beautiful lady in pretty clothes! i love all your outfits :)
ReplyDeleteHave you ever tried Dove Energy Glow tanning lotion? It's what I use to get my scary white legs skirt/short ready.
ReplyDeletethis outfit is beautiful!
ReplyDeletethe coloring with your hair and those little wedges, love it!
Can I say that this is my favorite outfit post of yours so far?? You look adorable!
ReplyDeleteThis is a sweet dress & I just love your dimples, haha! Also, it's refreshing to see a style blogger model things from Ross!! I am a bargain shopper and it seems like so many bloggers are wearing designer stuff that I could never afford.
ReplyDeleteLove this dress! I also love that you only wear dresses!