Behind the Scenes

The past week has been full of craft-show exploring, discount rack digging, fuji apple salad eating, funny hat wearing and traffic navigating. I'd say that's been pretty successful, yes? Yes indeed! I'm lucky to share my life with someone so spectacular. I've got pretty stellar friends and family, too! BRB, Pinching myself.

The song is Follow the Arrow by Rosi Golan. Love love love. Sets the mood for today so perfectly!

Blogger's technical difficulties aside, I'm working on getting things ready to gooooo! I'll be sharing with you a bit later today the new name (and branding) of my shoppe! Stay tuned!

What did you do this week?

PS; Day 5 of no soda! Diet or otherwise! So far so good! I feel like I've actually kicked the craving already. Now I need to keep refilling our PUR pitcher so I can stop wasting plastic bottles (& money!) How is your #30DayDetox coming?! The Twitter feed is so inspiring! xo

PPS; Hopefully Things I Love Thursday will fix itself! Blogger promised a back-up. If not, it'll be back in rotation next week! 


  1. These are great photos, that dish looks yummy! I love that hat on you with the red hair, you look so pretty!

  2. I hope you bought that hat b/c it has to be the most fabulous thing in the world - well second most fabulous, after you ;)

  3. ooooh I can't wait to see the shop post!! :D Also I love that black and white dress with the yellow sash!

  4. I love that one with you and all the bags :P great pics! sounds like your having a fun week!

  5. I had my math exam today! What a lovely thing to have on Friday 13th, isn't it, haha? :P

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I'm on day 19 of no soda. It's been my hardest habit to kick. Good luck!!
    (ps...I've lost 9 pounds in the last 19 days, and nothing has changed except no soda!!!!)

  7. Those first couple of pictures of food look infinitely more appetizing than my sad, little turkey sandwich.
    Great job on the no soda thing! The first 2 weeks or so is the most difficult. It will only get easier! Your body will thank you. :)
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  8. The food looks yummy, and you look pretty! love the hat on you, and the white bag!

  9. Beautiful pictures, definitely a new follower!

    Beth xo

  10. lovely post. i love all the photographs you posted. you really are quite lucky to have your loved ones in your life, and all the luckier (and humble and intelligent) than you can appreciate it and acknowledge it. :) so many people get so discouraged in the small things and forget how amazing certain aspects and people are in their lives.

  11. lovely post. i love all the photographs you posted. you really are quite lucky to have your loved ones in your life, and all the luckier (and humble and intelligent) than you can appreciate it and acknowledge it. :) so many people get so discouraged in the small things and forget how amazing certain aspects and people are in their lives.

  12. Your hat looks amazing! And I love your beautiful hair colour - it looks incredible!


  13. one. Is that an Asian Salad?? It looks AMAZING. Honestly!

    two. Love the photos and your hair is so pretty. :]

    three. That song is perfection. Literally! I love it. <3

    four. I failed at the 30 Detox because on my tumblr I actually vented about something and I think it was pretty negative. SO, I am starting over. Try, try again! Right?! ;] ♥

  14. Good luck on the no-more-soda girls! I can assure you, it really pays off and your body will be very thankful ;)

    I'm celebrating my birthday this weekend, and I just got a KITCHEN AID! Bring on the cookies baby!

  15. I love craft markets! Can't wait to hear more about your shop :)

  16. Huuum the salad looks so yummy !


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB