Let's start this post with some not-so-appropriate advertising... This window covering place legitimately thought this was a good idea. We saw it at my bank and we couldn't help but laugh. WTF?!?! THAT IS A DECAL OF A LITTLE KID IN THE BACK OF A VAN! So wrong on so many levels. But hilarious.

Last night we stayed up pretty late watching season 1 of How I Met Your Mother (We are TV-on-DVD freaks). We woke up at 9am and got ready to head out and meet Toby (Mike's son) and Toby's mom, Sarah, at Centennial Park. She brought along two other friends and we sat and played with Toby for a while. Mike saw him walk for the first time and he even exclaimed "Dada!" and walked to him. It was the most precious thing. It really makes me think when I see Mike with Toby... You can see the love just pour out from him for that child. It breaks my heart when he has to leave him but I'm excited that we'll be picking him up Sunday to go to a little get-together with Mike's extended family. I'm excited to have the little guy around more soon. :)
After leaving the park a bit after 12, we headed over to the Frist Museum to meet Kayce and Merissa. We all strolled through a few of the exhibits, took notes, and headed out after to get some food. After many many failed attempts at parking in West End and then Hillsboro Village, we FINALLY ventured to 12th south and ate at 12th South Taproom. I had some huge stuffed Veggie Quesadilla with squash, zucchini, peppers, mushrooms... veggies galore! I barely ate half of it. Mike had a Veggie Sandwich. Kayce and Merissa went their way and we went ours. We came home and packed up some stuff and then I shipped 8 packages at the post office. If you bought anything from me in the past 2 days, it's shipped! We grabbed Ivey Cake cupcakes and came home. He's been playing a video game and I've been relaxing. I'm about to leave for work. bluh!
The U-Ram Choe exhibit at the Frist was incredible! Oh my stars, it blew me away! So serene but mechanical and robotic. Truly awesome. You should all go check it out! Here's the Frist page for it.
Anyway, I'll leave you with some words...
Wake up. Get out of bed and stop hiding under the duvet, no matter how warm it is. You will get nothing accomplished. Put some clothes on. Wear the red tights with the mustard yellow shoes. Arrange the 3 day old curls in your hair. Do something nice for yourself today. Get pretty for absolutely no reason other than to prove to yourself that you’re not worthless and sloven. Go to your favorite record store and listen to the old man’s playlist that usually consists of Howlin’ Wolf and strange 60s Middle Eastern music. Buy yourself your favorite garlic and tomato burrito, and make sure you get extra guacamole. Drive past Emily Dickinson’s house and imagine the lack of life she had. Spend the extra money on your favorite art magazine and plan a trip to Sweden in your head. Sing your favorite songs in your car. Make a pit stop to the reservoir. Collect the last leaves from autumn. Watch the sun sink into the horizon.Don’t stare at your phone and wait for it to vibrate. Don’t mope. Don’t think about the only men in your life that have belittled you this week. Don’t sit. Don’t wait. Don’t look at the time that you’ve always set to three hours behind. Don’t delay your life even though someone has attempted to delay yours.
That decal is SO SCARY!
ReplyDeleteThat decal is creepy! Seriously, why did they think that was good advertising??
ReplyDeleteahh! my fiancee and i love how i met your mother!
ReplyDeleteit's our favorite show. :)
we even named our puppy swarley, after a really funny episode of HIMYM in season 2.
lydia: the swarley episode is one of my all time favorites! oh my gosh i loved it so much! we watched it again last week!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, that decal is creepy. I would probably call the cops. haha. "What is that kid doing back there?!?!"