Sunday night was topped off by cooking some DELICIOUS veggie stir-fry and watching both 2012 and Accidental Husband before bed. We throw our pillows and blanket up on the giant sectional in our room and cuddle up for movies every night. These two were brilliant! If you haven't seen 2012, I highly recommend it. And if you like sweet romantic comedies (and Uma Thurman!), Accidental Husband is for you! Two of my new faves!

Yesterday was nice because I didn't have to report to Print 2 class... In light of an unfortunate occurrence, we were granted the day off to work on our books and print pieces to be shown on Wednesday. I woke up, catered to a sickly boyfriend, packed my shark backpack and set out for the coffee shop. With a tall house-brew in hand, I sat and worked tirelessly on my project... or did I? It's pretty safe to say I actually spent my time accommodating a huge influx of Formspring questions and watching people get their cheeks pierced via YouTube (I'm still toying with the idea.) Then I spent hours researching all the things that could go wrong, just to be prepared. I headed back home before too long and just hung around with Mike and Georgia for most of the day. We had the windows open, the back door open... Yesterday was THE most beautiful day of the year thus far. We made cookies for dessert after we made quesadillas for dinner and we ended the night by watching Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (It ended before we knew it began....) and Super Size Me (interesting...). Then it was cuddles and snuggles and sleepy good times.
I sat my alarm for 9:30am and I woke up in a wonderful mood. I had a feeling today's weather would play a major part in my overall spirit for the day... Sure enough, it did. Glorious! I put on a white sundress with pearl buttons and a black cardigan, packed my stuff and headed to class. It was a good day at school. We just went over our current projects in Portfolio class. I like that class because everyone is doing a different project at the same time. It's nice to have the distinct differences. My new campaign is an advertising campaign for Happy Tales Humane Society and I'm running them like old school newspaper personal ads with goofy animals and super-imposed props (think: wigs, pipes, bowties, etc). It should be fun!
Some Georgia:

All cuddled up. D'awwww!:
After class I came back home to check on Mike because Panera was packed. I opted to do homework here instead. We made runs to Michael's for crafty stuff and I proceeded to spend a few hours hunched over my computer at this very desk churning out a design for an email blast, oversized postcard, and a book for a $2.3 million dollar house's real estate listing. We made some yummy veggies, rice and quesadillas for dinner and we're going to pop some popcorn and settle in to watch Pretty Woman. I haven't seen this movie in SO long. It was one of my favorites when I was little (it's still tied with Clueless and Grease as my favorite movie EVER). Silly that it's about a prostitute but I love Julia Roberts!
Tomorrow I have to go to school early, get printing estimates for the presentation, mount all of my spreads and then give an award-winning presentation speech to knock 'em dead!
Just gotta get through 3 classes this week and I'm home free for Spring Break! You can bet I'm looking forward to going to work this weekend because money is nice. I'm hoping a friend of mine can swing by a few apartments in NYC for me and check them out so I dont have to fly up there and find them myself. So far a place in Williamsburg Brooklyn is looking promising. Maybe being out of Manhattan will help me reign in my spending! Eep! I'll probably go visit my parents for a day or two during break and I can't wait to see their progress on remodling the house! It'll be nice to just kick it and relax for a bit.
Off to watch our movie! Hope you're all having a fabulous Tuesday!
That second picture of Georgia completely melts my heart! <3
ReplyDeleteyou rule for the title of this!
ReplyDeletei'm feeling fat and sassy.
i absolutely adore clueless & grease!
ReplyDeleteeverytime they're on tv, i gotta watch it.
georgia makes my heart melt every time! she's precious.
good luck with your NYC place too.