Music Monday: Aron Wright

This week's Music Monday came from a 9:30am text from Mike while he was on his way to work. I had never heard of Aron Wright before but he assured me it'd be enjoyable (and he was right!). I actually don't know anyone about Aron aside from the fact that he's a fellow Nashville resident and his music reminds me a little bit of Bon Iver mixed with Dallas Green (City and Colour). That was a quick assumption, of course, based on the first two songs I listened to. Probably not relevant after the entire playlist below Either way, I think you'll enjoy! The playlist was borrowed from Aron's website/blog/record label which you can check out HERE! xo

In the woods and singles by aronwright

What do you think? Into it? Was my quick assumption way off base?


  1. Oh wow...I love his voice. So sweet sounding. I've heard about this guy from a few friends but never heard anything from him until now.
    I, for one, approve! I'm loving these music posts, by the way. It's fun to hear what kinds of music others are into. Opens your eyes to new sounds.
    :) Have a good morning!


  2. Kaelah!
    I definitely get the Dallas Green feel from him. He's incredibly talented. Very mellow and folky. It sort of reminds me of Band of Horses with the acoustic guitar and piano.
    Also, I second Samantha's support of your Monday Music posts. I'm always on the hunt for new sounds and you've shared some great ones.
    - Eliza (:

  3. He has a nice voice and he's looks aren't bad either! :P

  4. Oh my gosh. GREAT voice. Love. Love. He's so cute too. xo, rv

  5. I get a Butterful Boucher feeling. ALSO!! This may totally not be your style but it has sharks and made me think of you:

    Thankyou for a beautiful Monday vibe :)

  6. The Music Monday by Aron wright is great know all about it

  7. Aron Wrights music has been described in the post here. Useful post


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB