Happy Honeybean Day!

Today is the day! We're opening up for our soft launch weekend! I know I've been non-stop talking about Honeybean the past few weeks but I'm sure you can imagine how full our hearts feel! Yesterday was a full day with getting tattooed and heading straight to the fairgrounds to set up. Turns out our booth was a whole lot smaller than we were anticipating (and told), but we decided to work with it and make it happen anyway! We'll know next time to reserve two booths instead! We don't know how successful the weekend will but we're happy to get the ball rolling! Brian and Christina were working serious overtime helping us set up. Thank god for amazing friends!

Last night Vanessa from Wanderlust stopped by for some chit chat and she's just the sweetest ever! If you're from Portland (or visit) then you should check out her little mobile venture! They just celebrated their first year and I hope we're in their spot next year! Yay!

We're opening bright and early at 8am and we'll be at the fairgrounds until 5! Saturday Mike is opening the shoppe at 7am and I'll trickle in between 9 and 10, same for Sunday! If you're in the area please come stop by! Lot 4 (parking lot), booth 98! Look for the silly little 'bean!

Here are a few photos of us setting up yesterday. We promise to take lots of pictures this weekend!

Mike building our sign!
Stocking the shoppe with handmade pretties!
Squeezing her in...
Handmade bird feeders!

And here's one of me getting my shin tattooed yesterday for good measure! I think I really psyched myself out for it and it was such a breeze. No pain whatsoever! But honestly it was all in Laura's machine! She was using her beau's instead and it is calibrated so beautifully! I hope the other leg (Friday!) is as easy to sit through! 

Happy Friday, friends!

What are your plans for the weekend?!


  1. Good luck! I'll be following along on twitter & Instagram with how you go & I'll be sending good vibes ... I'm certain it will be a success though if your blog is anything to go by!
    Kelly xo

  2. The whole setup looks really cute, I can't wait to see more pictures. And I think your shin design is amazing!!!

  3. lots and lots of luck for your soft launch! i hope it goes really well for u! x

  4. Good luck! I can't wait to see everything. Have a great day. xo, rv


  5. can I tell you I am total jelly over your cool camper? Is it going to be set up as your shop?? would love to see pictures. You know so I can drool some more :)

  6. Oh the tattoo looks like it'll be really interesting, the hand made bird feeder looks pretty cute as well :) I can't wait to see more pictures of it.

  7. Good luck on your soft launch! I hope it goes really well.
    Love and Turtledoves,

  8. :Sigh: You're making me want a shin tattoo!

    Congrats on the soft launch! Very happy for you guys. The Honeybean is looking great!

  9. Such exciting times for you! The little caravan is looking gorgeous! The tattoo looks incredible too xx

  10. Oops! For some reason I had thought you were at the Nashville flea market this weekend, not fairgrounds. Good luck at the fairgrounds :)

    What a FUN weekend!

  11. Goodness gracious! Being a state & 1/2 east of you is not looking good for me.

    Must. Drive. Now!

    you rock!

  12. SO exciting! Best of luck to you guys - based on what I have seen on your blog and your positive energy I have a feeling the honeybean will be a major success :).

  13. Best of luck this weekend! I love your blog and reading it makes me smile!

  14. I wish you lots of luck ,On opening you're new store! -Great cute stuff!

  15. SO excited for you! Have a blast! And your tattoo looks so gorgeous from what I could make out. Glad it went well! xox

  16. i can not wait to move back to chattanooga one day soon so i can see beautiful honeybean!
    good luck love..everything looks amazing.
    i hope the rain tapers off for you.. <3
    have a wonderful weekend.

    ps. your tattoo looks amazing..i can not wait to see the finished piece.

  17. How much fun!!! Good luck, and have a great time!!! :)

  18. Congratulations and good luck! Can't wait to hear about how the launch goes! xoxo

  19. Best of luck! Hope you're having a fantastic first day! x

  20. OMG. The place looks amazing!
    I love the bird feed.

    All the very best!

  21. Good Luck with everything this weekend!!! I just know it will be great!! Can't wait to hear all about it :)

  22. I am so excited to hear how it goes. I wish I was nearby so I could stop in and shop.

  23. Loving that bird feeder! Make sure to post a pic of the finished ink.

    ♥ sécia

  24. How exciting! I would be nervous about having my shin tattooed as well. I'm glad it wasn't so bad. I've had my spine done which was a piece of cake. Next up? Who knows!

  25. Happy happy day! I'm so excited for you guys- everything looks super and incredibly adorable. I love that little birdfeeder, what a perfect touch!

    Can't wait to see your finished ink, too!


  26. Awesome! I love that you are sharing your happiness with us!

  27. Yay looking forward to pics from the weekend!! :) I've been talking to my parents and bf about selling cupcakes at monthly markets and they're all for it but I'm so nervous!! Baby steps right?? Hope it all goes well and looking forward to more pics :)



  28. Congratulations Kaelah! I saw on twitter that it went really well, very thrilled for you! :)

  29. Oh congrats and good luck! I'm so excited to hear how i went for you! Gosh I love your little bean so much!

  30. the setup looks lovely. i am also digging the tattoo. is it a lady head with an animal on it? xox

  31. The shop looks too adorable, really! And that handmade bird feeder, what a great idea Kaelah! I hope the business works well, I know I love the mustard bow I bought from your Etsy :)

    Gnarly tattoo! I can't believe that didn't hurt, looks so painful! Although my sister says the ribs were her worst and I believe she has a few on her shins too. Eek. I am way too scared for a tattoo hehe. Go you though!
    You're so inspiring!


  32. wow! happy honeybean day indeed!
    i know it's all going to go beyond amazing for you!
    you deserve it. you are always so positive and creative. all the best xoxo

  33. I'm new to your blog but blown away by what you have done with the Honeybean camper! It is ingenius and came out so beautifully!!

    I hope your debut weekend went off without a hitch (pun definitely not intended, lol).

    I'm definitely going to check in on your blog from now on...your venture is very inspiring to this fellow entrepreneur :)


  34. How COMPLETELY exciting!! Good luck<3


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