I just realized that I haven't shared a "Small Celebrations" post since February! What! There are so many things to be stoked about right now! After spending the entire day on Wednesday in the hospital, and trying to play a mad game of "Catch Up" the rest of the week, I could use some positivity. How about you?
My list of (awesome) little things includes:
- Nightly cotton candy skies! Isn't that photo up there unreal?! I know the gorgeous pink is partly due to entirely too much pollution in our atmosphere, but I really do love seeing those skies. They only linger around for a few minutes, so you have to catch them at just the right time. Totally a great reminder to just take a few minutes to yourself and look up.
- Being so close to meeting Baby Flynn! We were pretty sure he was coming on Wednesday thanks to pitocin-induced contractions (3.5 hours of contractions 1.5 minutes apart! AH!) but luckily he managed to pass the Oxytocin Challenge Test and we were sent home. It was a huge reality check in the sense that he will be here any moment now and we're still not really "ready"... Though are you ever?! I can't wait to kiss his face, fingers and toes... I keep lingering around his nursery, picking up his tiny socks and shoes, and thinking about how crazy different life is going to be so soon!
- Family who have gone above and beyond in these last few days. My mom has carted me to my last 3 doctor's appointments, sat with me in the hospital on multiple occasions now, and taken many days off work just to ensure I'm not overwhelmed with everything that has been happening lately. Mike's parents have been so supportive and attentive, and they've offered to help take Toby off our hands during the busy/stressful parts of this whole "birthing a baby" thing. It's so great knowing we have so many people to rely on if/when needed.
- Finishing up design projects. I'm finally at the tail end of my insanely-overbooked-schedule and I'm am so excited! I only have 1 design installation and 1 logo project to complete, and then I'm pretty much just hanging out until this kid decides to show up. I'm not convinced I'll finish either project before he shows up, but that's mainly just due to client schedules. Crossing my fingers!
- Shaving my legs (all by myself!) at 38 weeks pregnant! This one probably sounds absolutely ridiculous, but when you've got a big ol' belly between you and your knees, shaving is tough! I may or may not have gotten stuck in the bathtub at one point. Lesson learned: don't turn sideways with your legs over the side of the tub when you have absolutely no way of hoisting yourself out... That was a bit of a challenge. I was able to shave my legs, but there's no way I can paint my toenails... so Mike stepped up to the plate for that one haha! He's a good egg.
- My editorial calendar/planner. I'm a few months into using my new editorial calendar and planner and I'm still loving it! That's so rare for me as I've always wanted to be a "planner girl" but eventually I just work my way out of it. This planner I picked up from Target seems to be just the ticket though. Don't worry, I'm still planning on sharing more about it soon so you can maybe benefit from the amazingness that is an editorial calendar!
- New ink pens! I love when new pen day rolls around! haha Right now I'm alternating between 12 different fun Paper Mate Flair pens (they're sort of felt-tipped, like Sharpie pens, but they don't bleed through the paper and they're so pretty to look at!)
- These last few park dates with just me and Toby. Pushing him on the swings, watching him climb like a monkey on the jungle gym... They're small but special moments.
- Waking up in our "new" bedroom. We still haven't totally completed the "makeover" just yet, but I love waking up there each morning. The light bouncing off the soft blue walls, seeing the big tissue paper flowers floating over the side of the room, and hearing the hum of the fan. It's amazing what a little tweaking to your space can do for your mood.
- New client inquiries! I know #4 was all about finishing up my project obligations, but I'm already excited about my schedule once I return from "maternity leave" (Ha! Like that's a real thing when you own your own business...) I already have some design clients lined up, as well as some Him + Honey photo gigs, and plenty of sign orders. It's definitely helping me feel more at peace with stepping away for a few days/weeks.
- Getting Him + Honey photo scans back! AHHH! It's like Christmas every time our FTP email comes through.Whether it's personal work or client work, we get so giddy when we open them up. There's just something so incredibly magical about seeing a photo for the first time after a shoot. It's so gratifying!
- A clean house. One of the (ridiculous) reasons I was totally not ready to bring Baby Flynn into the world on Wednesday was because I kept going over in my head "Oh my gosh, our house is SO not clean! I need to mop! And do laundry! And clear off the carport!" haha Of course I certainly wouldn't let that stop the kid from making his grand entrance (uh, how could I?!), but I'm glad we had the opportunity to devote a little time and energy to the state of our abode yesterday. I just feel so much more relaxed when things are neat and tidy... though it's rare these days. I know my house will be the last thing on my list of priorities soon so I'm trying to at least help myself feel comfortable at first!
There we have it! I know some of those are much more major than "small" celebrations, but even still, they're on the list! I'm feeling especially happy and excited today, even though I'm headed back to the doctor for yet another non-stress test this morning. Here's to hoping Baby Flynn plays it cool and I don't get carted off to the hospital again for an induction! But if I do, let's just hope it all goes well and he makes it here safely!
What little things are you celebrating today?

Oooo small celebrations. I love that! Your "shaving my legs" description cracked me up. :)
ReplyDeleteAll of this. I just love all of this. Most? I love your dates with just you and Toby. What a special, awesome, fun time! I am so glad that I stumbled across your blog, and then pestered you for a sign project (SO. EXCITED.). You have been so fun to "chat" with, lady. :) I am so chuffed for you and your wonderful family and can't wait to read more about your pregnancy and your meeting of the wee baby Flynn. <3
ReplyDeleteAll of this!!
It is the small things in life.
My bedroom is in desperate need of a makeover as well. I know it will totally change my mood.
LOVE those pens. Need in my life! I hate pens that bleed through, so, these seem perfect!
Can't believe Baby Flynn is almost here. :)
Cleaning is like instant therapy for me, so I totally relate to #12. I just feel so refreshed when the house looks tidy. And jeez, your leg shaving story made me giggle. I can only imagine what that's like.