IT'S WEDNESDAY! but I'm blaming it on pregnancy brain... HA! enjoy this post a day early! Lucky you, right?! DOH! It's been a while since I accidentally published TiLT a day early, so I'm just going to leave it up. We're all wishing it was Thursday surely? xo

♥ these illustrations are my favorite. ♥

♥ this adorable little lamb ♥

♥ this is the littlest flynn's first plushie + i love it so much! (from plushkingdom!)

♥ this is the littlest flynn's first plushie + i love it so much! (from plushkingdom!)

♥ this silly illustration (original source?) ♥

♥ this interview with emily mcdowell ♥

♥ this gorgeous cake ♥

♥ this gorgeous art installation ♥

♥ this sloth + snow cone print! ♥

♥ this is gorgeous ♥
// 20 heart-warming random acts of kindness.
// BeauCoo just keeps getting snazzier and snazzier! Check out their new homepage! (I'm still regularly uploading my outfits over that way in case you're interested in the sizing and fit! You can check out my page HERE! Leave your link below if you're on BeauCoo!)
// HILARIOUS Snapchats starring this gal as Disney princesses! I almost spit out my drink when I saw them haha
// Roxy's recap of Austin makes me want to go for a visit!
// It Happened To Me: My doctor refused to refill my birth control. Because that's what we need more of... men telling us what we can and cannot do with our bodies.
// If you love statement necklaces as much as I do (I can't help it!), this is where you need to look! The Dash of Darling is one of my favorites!
// It Happened To Me: I had my breast implants removed while I was awake. This sounds absolutely terrifying!
// Remember those shoes I was wearing in yesterday's post? (These!) I've been thinking I might snag this necklace to go with them... but is that too much?!
// Picnics in the park make me yearn for Spring already! And seriously, I'm lurking CA's maternity series + archive for some outfit inspiration! DYING over this sweater of hers!
// Wishlist Wears: this is the next dress I'm snagging, for sure! // this gorgeous yellow necklace // i love the unexpected color this dress has // this dress is covered in kittens eating popcorn! you're welcome! // these zebra shoes are a little nuts, but i love them! // this (subtle) statement necklace // this mint bag is high on my wishlist // this varsity jacket // this wooden necklace is so pretty
// 8 valentines to send to the food you love. Yeah, you read that right haha!
What are you loving this week?

Sorry to come back at'cha with the unpopular opinion again but I think that girl who was refused her contraception was making a fuss about nothing. I don't know about in the US, but my local clinic has four doctors and one of them refuses to do pretty much everything that's in that letter in the xoJane article, because of his religion. So, every time I make an appointment, I ask for a different Doctor. If he's the only one available, I go another day. If I accidentally booked him and had to come back again, ah well! I don't write an article complaining about how anti-feminist and inconvenient it was. As far as I'm concerned, I'm lucky enough to have the free choice to choose contraception, have an abortion, not have an abortion, whatever IF I WANT TO. This Doctor has the right not to do this things if it bothers his conscience. He was not lecturing her or judging her.
ReplyDeleteAlthough perhaps he should have chosen another career.
Your unpopular opinion is ALWAYS welcome here! :D I think your comment makes a LOT of sense for a lot of reasons, but was I totally off base when I assumed this was her regular doctor? Or did she mean that she went to this clinic for 2+ years, but maybe didn't necessarily see THAT specific doctor each time? I do think it would've been a bigger deal if the entire clinic turned her away, but she was certainly lucky enough to be invited back on a different day. Thanks for bringing that point up, definitely something to take into consideration! (Plus anyone who feels like they get the "shaft" now takes to the internet to pen a post about it... maybe *I* should keep that in mind when choosing the articles to link! haha)
DeleteI definitely agree on the 'although perhaps he should have chosen another career' part. It reminds me of the first episode of Mad Men where the doctor tells Peggy he'll only give her birth control as long as he thinks she's using it appropriately.
DeleteThe "Girls Don't Like Boys" illustration is just speaking to me, man. I wonder if my boyf will mind me hanging it up in a place of prominence in the house, haha!
ReplyDeleteAlso. Those Snapchats, tho. Makin' me laugh out loud at my job (at the library).
Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus
Okay, so Thai Fisherman Pants. Bear with me here. Because I am staring at Motherhood Maternity and Gap and it's like, all that shit looks ridiculously uncomfortable and is $70. Then I hop on etsy and type in "maternity" and the first thing that pops up is 15 dollar THAI FISHERMAN PANTS. Infinitely adjustable. Nine thousand color options. FIFTEEN DOLLARS.
ReplyDeleteSo... now I know what my birthday present is going to be. I'm just gonna bury myself in Thai Fisherman pants. If I suddenly stop blogging close to early March, you'll know I suffocated under a delightful rainbow of adjustable cotton. I am in love with this necklace. I can't stop staring at it. This lady makes the BEST candles in the entire world. I am rapidly becoming convinced I am going to spend my whole summer living in these sandals. and also this striped maxi skirt. I want this blown up huge and hung on our bedroom wall.
I don't have any meaningful blog posts to link today, haha. Today it's just me daydreamin' about stuff.
Dudette! Please give me your firsthand account of how awesome they are because... seriously. Awesome!
Delete"Lost my shoe again." The princess snapchats are KILLING ME.
ReplyDeleteI'm seriously considering making that Valentine's Day card for my boyfriend. That is so us.
ReplyDeleteA woman I ran into today thought it was Tuesday, so you're not the only one with a mismatched day=) I love that mountain scene and so wish I was there right now. These are great finds and the little plush toy is adorable, babe will love it! Happy Wednesday and enjoy the rest of your week.
20 random acts of kindness... so amazing :)
ReplyDeletexo, cheyenne
OMG, love this. I don't know where to begin. I especially love the "Girls don't love boys" illustration. So cute. XO
ReplyDeleteEverything in this is great! At least pregnancy brain got that right haha
I read your blog on a daily basis and can't express how inspiring I find it to be. TiLT is always great - scrolling through this morning and seeing the photo of Cascade mountain made me do a double take. I live in Banff and drive that road every day and see that exact view but never really stop to appreciate it. Thank you for posting it and reminding me that I'm fortunate to call the mountains my home!
ReplyDeleteI love TiLT and what a wonderful mid-week pick me up to have it on Wednesday! It really brightened my morning to see Cascade mountain as I live in Banff and often forget it is such a beautiful small town.Thank you for the early morning inspiration!
ReplyDeleteCats and money for sure!!!! This is my favorite post you do. I always look forward to things to love. Its the best of the internet wrapped into one post.
ReplyDeleteI just spent ages looking through all the I Love Doodle prints. So good! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking to Emily McDowell! I saw one of her illustrations on Facebook and, of course, no source. I favorited her shop & can't wait to check out her stuff when she comes back from vacation!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a wonderful post!!! :)