// Office Space: 15 Chic Home Offices

15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
Mike and I are in the process of overhauling my "studio" in order to make it our office. He went above and beyond to hang my huge industrial wardrobe from the attic's rafters, drilling holes in the ceiling and all, only for me to nix it six months down the line. Honestly I've just felt really bogged down by all of my "stuff" lately. Too many dresses, too many pairs of shoes, too many purses, etc. I think it's easy to fall into that trap as a blogger. I've thrown out nearly half a dozen bags of clothes so far, and I've only just started. I want to make room for us to brainstorm, build, and be productive. I've been working out of the kitchen for the past month or two because I just couldn't get anything done when I was surrounded by all of that junk. Some of it will go to storage, some of it will get heaped into a yard sale pile, and the rest of it will just get tossed or donated. I'm sort of sad about it in a way, but also super relieved. It's kind of weird to put emotions to silly old clothes, but I guess that's a song for another post!
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
Today's post is a happy one! An organizational wonderland! The idea is to overhaul the office for as little dough as possible. I'm really fickle about my surroundings so I don't want to sink hundreds or thousands of dollars into something I may not love, ya know? We've got a huge town-wide yard sale coming up in less than 2 weeks and I know we'll find some great things for our new office there. We're going to hunt down a second desk, some chairs, and hopefully some bits and bobs to tidy up the space. In the event we can't find exactly what we need, we're hoping we can just build it. I'm really inspired by light, airy colors and accent walls. I'd love to put down a rug and do some bold paint on the big back wall. I also want to incorporate as much light as possible since natural lighting is hard to come by in our home.
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
I've been scouring Pinterest for some inspiration so I can have an idea of what to look for at yard sales and shops. Right now we're leaning toward doing one wall as an accent wall for the room, then leaving the others light grey or white. There's not a single white wall in our house so that could feel strange, but I know it'll be nice to brighten up the space a little. Designing a space for yourself is really hard in my opinion. Whether it's for your home or for your blog, I think it's really difficult to get inside your own head and then execute your vision. At least I know it is for me! I feel like I "grow" a little bit each time I attempt to tackle such a challenge. These 15 home offices are definitely giving me some ideas though!
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration
15 chic home office ideas and inspiration - kaelahbee.com

I'll undoubtedly be back with more inspiration posts and maybe even a moodboard for the direction we're planning on going in. I know the space will be much more successful if I put forth the effort to really dissect my wants and needs in an office space. Plus who doesn't love buying adorable little office supplies?!

Do you have a home office? Or any words of wisdom on where to get the best organizational items and decor? Share your favorites with me!

credits: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15


  1. These are all so lovely! Good luck getting it together!

    Ladyface Blog

  2. I know all of these pictures are all a little different, but I want them all to be my office! I was lucky enough to get a dedicated office space w/ a built in desk with my apartment, but it's still very much apartment grade - ugly cream carpeting, white walls and a boring desk. No matter how much I spruce it up it's still boring. :(

    carelessly graceful

  3. I have a post just like this in my drafts from like June but never get around to finishing it. I think that gives you an idea of how redoing my office is going…

  4. I'm a college student with an "office" in my apartment, so I guess I'm already a step ahead of most other students. But damn, I wish I had the funds to make it look like these.


  5. It's such an exciting process creating your new office! I know what you mean, I was so stuck last year before I moved into my bigger space. I felt everything was just a mess and I ended up working in lots of different areas of the house (making more mess). My biggest tip would be to have a unit that can hold a lot.. I have a habberdashery unit with glass frontage - which means I can see everything easily and the drawers are deep which is great for storage.

    Hanging things on the wall and stacking vertically can also be really handy! I hope this helps..xxx

  6. oh man, i totally need to re-do my studio space. these are giving me some great ideas :))

  7. Awesome inspiration! I love all the texture and white fur goodness in the first few images. That gold striped wall is also a standout. Good luck with your room transformation!

  8. I'm obsessed with pretty jars and boxes to hold my supplies. I also like to try and have as much as possible in my workspace to be neat and clean. I can not focus if things are chaotic... I'm totally type A like that.

    - April

  9. Im slightly obsessed with the idea of having a really cute home office..cant wait to see how yours turns out!!

  10. These ideas are awesome! I long for the day when I have a studio office for all my junk. It is so hard to get in a creative headspace when you have no space.

  11. Ikea has some awesome clear chairs that remind me of you. I think no matter what you choose your new office will be fabulous! It's in your blood.

  12. When we move, unfortunately we won't have the space for an actual office, which sucks because we both work from home on occasion. We're hoping to either put a small desk in the living room, or use the dining room as an office. Some of the desks in your pictures look small and like they could work for us. Thanks for this!

    xo Ashley

  13. I've actually been spending the last week browsing home space designs, and the general theme I seem to adore is the light neutral hues and colorful streaks here and there.

    I think You'll find Yourself twice as inspired and productive with a light and airy surrounding :)!!! And personally, I think the furry chairs and the flowers would be enough on their own to brighten up any office space *^_^ My knack for the sweet and feminine*!

    Waiting to see what You'll come up with!!!

    Loads of love, SJay.

  14. I'm in the middle of redoing my office too! So far I've painted the walls (white with a teal accent wall) and painted an old lab desk white. The end. I'm fickle too, so my problem is pushing that aside and decorating despite the fear that I might not like it. I'm excited to see what you come up with! I find all our furniture at yard sales + thrift stores. And what I can't find and can't wait for? Ikea ;)

  15. We just moved into a new place... like two days ago & yesterday I posted my own studio inspiration so your inspiration is like the best thing i could see this morning! hahah. good luck with yours! i'll be checking back. you always make things cute.

  16. When you and Mike put this all together, definitely share it with everyone here. We'd love to see (or maybe its just me?)!

  17. How is the studio/office coming along? Is it done by now? The way you speak of your office is kinda exciting! I hope to see the end-result. I'm sure it is one fantastic space! - Angela

  18. I absolutely love this design - I'm about to do a major home improvement next month, so I might even ask the home expert to create something similar for me.


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB