This is what I wore to go to the pumpkin patch field trip last week with Toby's class. It was mighty chilly outside to start, so tights were an absolute must. I'm starting to warm up to the idea of having them in my wardrobe again, though I'm sad to see the warmer weather go. Luckily I can break out some slightly shorter dresses now that my legs will be covered for the season! One of the most important questions I ask myself before buying a dress is "Would I wear this without tights?" If the answer is no, back on the rack it goes. Of course I'll make an exception here and there, but at least this way I can buy a dress that's wearable for all seasons. Mint isn't necessarily the first color I think of when I think of Fall, so I had to Autumn-ize it a bit. A mustard cardigan and infinity scarf, topped off with a jacket Mike outgrew. I love me a good military green jacket, and I'm stoked on how this one fits me (Yep, totally from the dude's section). For some reason I've never found quite as good of a female-intended jacket. While I'm not huge on cold weather, I am glad it's scarf season! The only bad thing about scarves though... when you've got hair like mine, it's an instant tangle-fest in the back of my head. Seriously, these photos were from Friday and I still haven't completely untangled the bottom part of my hair. Hashtag-curly-hair-problems.

Several weeks ago I was sort of kicked out of my Twitter account (via browser) because it had been phished. I tried resetting the password but Twitter freaked out because I no longer had the same cell phone number and for some reason I wasn't receiving any of the reset emails. I tried talking to someone at Twitter Support and seriously, she was the most rude and unconcerned person ever. Basically she just told me "Well, that's too bad. We're not going to help you and you'll just have to make a new account" (Paraphrasing, but seriously, that's what she said) - WHAT?! I was able to provide proof of who I was, my passwords, my contact info, etc... but simply because I couldn't get a reset code via a text message they were like "WHOOPS! 2 BAD 4 U!" and then she blocked my email from asking for more help. Like, really. Blocked my email. I submitted two more support tickets over the coming weeks but no one ever responded to them. I was beginning to feel pretty crappy about it because if my Echofon ever signed out of Twitter on my phone, I'd have absolutely no way to retrieve my account. I know that sounds silly - getting worked up about a Twitter handle -- but I've had that account for over 5 years (August 2008! Holla!)... I've worked hard to make the connections I have via Twitter and I didn't want to lose them. Not to mention like almost 50,000 tweets (I talk to much and say too little, I know) Well, whatever - Long story short: Mike called my old cell phone number. No one answered. About an hour later someone called him back from that number. He answered, explained to the girl who he was and what he was trying to do, they laughed, and she agreed to text him the ### code that Twitter was going to send to her phone. I mean, that's pretty rad, right? I probably would've thought someone was totes crazy to call me like (but I totally would've obliged. I get it!) but it warmed my cold little heart to know that 1) Mike would call a random stranger for me (That phone number is sort of special, honestly) and 2) someone would be so kind as to help me out. In the end, I'm finally back into my Twitter account and stoked on it. Geeze, what a long paragraph for such a silly, non-important story haha! ~*~Tweet me~*~*

Today I'm going to try and get as much work done as I can in the office. Both Mike and I started feeling really crummy on our drive home from errands last night and I spent the rest of the night curled up with a thing of tissue and my inhaler. I feel a little bit better this morning but it's always worse in the evening so I'm going to try and power through as much work as possible and then crash on the couch for a while. I'm hoping it's just passing sinuses and not something worse. All the while I'll cross my fingers Mike isn't coming down with a stomach bug. Both Mike and I are pretty pathetic when we're sick, to be honest... but even after 4 years of being together, I don't think we've ever been sick at the same time. There would seriously be NO HOPE for us in that case. We're pretty sad, huh?
Jessica Simpson dress
ModCloth cardigan
Mustard scarf
Thrifted belt
Emilie M. purse (c/o)
Urban Outfitters sunglasses
Forever XXI (men's) jacket
Hanes tights (c/o) (*available exclusively at walmart - for under $6!)
Thrifted shoes
PS; Just in case you want to check out my fall staples and "Must Haves" for the cooler months, here you go! I'd love to hear what you can't live without in Autumn/Winter. xo

This post is in partnership with Hanes. All opinions expressed within are 100% my own. Visit Hanes Hoisery for style tips, trend alerts and additional information on Hanes Legwear.
I LOVE this outfit. I love how the mustard yellow turned this into a totally autumnal outfit. The picture with your cat rubbing on your purse is adorable. I'm sorry you had such an ordeal with your twitter account, but happy to hear that the stranger who had your old phone number was so kind and willing to help you out!
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better soon, lady!
Ladyface Blog
That is pretty sad and down right rude that a person who works at Twitter's costumer service would actively block an email that they know is an email of someone asking for help. Quite frankly, I would be lodging a customer service complaint.
ReplyDeleteThe girl who texted you that info though is awesome. yay for people being nice.
Also- I love the unexpected fallish-ness of the mint color.
Love your outfit! You look beautiful! So glad you're back in your Twitter account. That must have been really frustrating that no one at Twitter would help you. I would have freaked out, too. I don't have a ton of followers, but having to start from scratch would be annoying. Yay for Mike and nice people:) Hope you're having a great day!
ReplyDeleteAw yay, I love that photo of Enid getting a sneaky little pat. She's my faaaavorite!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I've only been sick with a significant other once (and it was less SO and more ~we are dating~ kinda thing), but it wasn't so bad. Something about being laid up all day in bed with someone who's just as disgusting and sick as you are, watching bad tv and falling in and out of NyQuil-induced sleep... kind of fun, ok! haha!
Oh gurllll. It wouldn't be a cute/cuddly/watch tv together type of sick. It'd be a "owwwww! i'm dying! help me! will you get me some tissue?" "urggghhhh i'm going to vomit." haha! we're pathetic in every way.
DeleteYou updated twitter with your new cell # right??????? Glad you didn't lose your account!
ReplyDeleteJenn - http://jennblogs.com
the funny thing is Twitter won't let me! It says it's being used by another account (it's not) and I can't update it. I was able to change my email to a business email though, so hopefully if it ever happens again I'll just be able to get a code via my inbox. I can't submit an inquiry and find out what username is using my phone number because Twitter won't get my emails! Isn't that totally nuts? Ahhh
DeleteIt is nice to know the person that has your old number would help you out! I love this outfit and that very first photo of you is so gorgeous! Love
Little Sloth
I hate having to deal with customer service/support with anything! They always seem rude or you can barley understand them or you get an automated recording. I'm glad you were able to get everything sorted out! Fortunately I haven't had any trouble with phishing thank goodness! (knock on wood). Anywho, you look amazing as always in your outfit and I'm in the same boat with you, I love love love scarves! I plan on knitting a ton this fall/winter. I've suddenly got a burst of knitting fever and just want to knit everything! I hope you and Mike feel better! I think I'm coming down with something as well :/
ReplyDeleteI'm going to offer a different perspective in the whole pw thing. I work for a fairly large company, and if someone needs to reset the pw, I have to go through certain steps in order to reset their pw. Without completing a and b I can't submit the request. Even if you give me your social, drivers license and birth certificate, my system will not let me get around, in your case, a verification code. With that being said there is no NO excuse to be rude to a customer, and it's definitely ridiculous to block you (why would Twitter even have that option!?!)
ReplyDeleteIt's excellent that a stranger was nice enough to give you a hand though :) Random acts of kindness, no matter how silly always make me smile.
You look adorable as always. I have small obsessions over both mustard yellow and mint lol so it's nice to see the two together.
Get well soon! -Jenny Emm
I *totally* get the whole security thing, especially when there's like 150 million users on Twitter, but the kicker is when she was so incredibly dismissive and rude. After 2 replies she refused to acknowledge my questions, and when I went to send a reply to her my email bounced back and said the rep had closed my case and no further replies would be submitted. The things she said in her email were absolutely ludicrous. I tried emailing again to complain about her, but no one responded. Then I sent a (VERY) polite and nice email requesting help again but nothing. So so lame.
DeleteFirst off, I love this dress! I swear whenever I wear mustard yellow I think of your blog. That is so crazy about your twitter account, that woman sounds like she hates her job or is just really not suited for it. I love the picture with Enid rubbing against you, she is such a cutie pie. I totally feel you on the out of control allergies, I had a serious allergy attack at the gym a few weeks ago and my nose has been itching me like crazy ever since - it's worse than it was in the pollen filled Spring months. I hope you guys feel better soon!
please do a hair tutorial!
ReplyDeleteit's on my list! it won't be much of a tutorial since i don't do anything aside from curl it haha! but i'm happy to share :)
DeleteWow, this is one of my favorite outfits you've posted! The layers look so cute and the color combos are unexpected, but look lovely! And I LOVE those shoes! Those are the exact kind I'm always hoping to find at a thrift store! My giant feet always thwart me, though. Haha.
ReplyDeleteThat twitter story is so cute! No matter how petty twitter problems might sound, I know that must've been a huge relief and it's nice to know your old phone number went to a nice person! :)
Absolutely precious outfit! I rarely think of mint as a fall call either, but it really works with that color combo! I will definitely have to recreate it on my own :)
ReplyDeleteI have a scarf that exact color and it is seriously my go-to fall item! Also, bummer about the twitter debacle!!! Thats insane...funny that a complete stranger with nothing to gain from it was so helpful but a customer service rep, who that is there job to assist, was such an asshole. Go figure!
ReplyDeleteOooo I love the mustard and mint together! And I'm totally with you on "would this dress look good with tights" except for I wear leggings instead. The tights make my legs itch for some reason.
ReplyDeleteAh I am the worst sick person ever - I always think im going to die. My boyfriend is a suck it up and get on with it kinda guy. Someone needs to be! Otherwise they'd be no hope. I hate being ill! Loving the mint dress on you - never though to autumn-it-up but love what you've done! I'm excited to finally have my scarfs out of hiding although to be fair they only went away in June. We had a loooong winter in London!
I have that exact same dress and was wondering how I could still wear it in the fall. Great ideas!!
ReplyDeleteYou'd think those who work for Twitter would be more helpful in keeping such a crazy social media alive! So glad that you were able to get your twitter account back even if it was for Mike call a random number for you.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the close-up/framing of the first two pictures. You look GORGEOUS.
ReplyDeleteI've never noticed how pretty yo eyes are! Holy shit, so pretty! I've seen quite a few men's military jackets but sadly they all look so boxy on me. -__- Yours looks great though!
ReplyDeletefirst off i LOVE the colors in this post! SO BEAUTIFUL. secondly, i, too, am having issues with twitter! and i feel so lame, but it's important to me! "grrfeisty" was snatched up a few years ago by a STUDENT AT MY SCHOOL. how insane is that?! they found out about my blog and stole my dang handle. so i was stuck with "grrrfeisty." well the account has been untouched since 2009 and i can't get a hold of anyone to help me. the girl said her email has been deleted since b/c it was an old account, so she doesn't know how to delete it. AND she doesn't seem too eager to try. URGH. :(
ReplyDeleteoh man that's so frustrating! when i first started little chief honeybee i had a girl go to EVERY social media platform and swipe the name. she then unfollowed me online and only followed my boyfriend at the time. he was so confused when he saw "littlechiefhoneybee" was following him everywhere and it wasn't me haha i never even wanted that handle (SO LONG!) but i thought it was so funny that she went to so much trouble to swipe them :P
DeleteThat scarf is perfection! I love the entire outfit!
ReplyDeleteI love this outfit, definitely i'll try to put together my version of it!
ReplyDeleteAaaaand you look prettier day by day!
LOVE! I'd have never thought to put mint and mustard together. Inspired!
ReplyDeleteAwesome outfit!!
ReplyDeleteLove the infinity scarf for the cool weather.
Tailgate Queen - game day dresses
I love this mint dress (the bottom is so pretty!), and I love the mustard/mint combination! It's not one I would have thought of on my own, but it looks lovely. And I'm so sorry that Twitter was so icky!! For some reason, it doesn't surprise me that they have awful customer service. :( But I'm glad everything worked out!! And feel better!
ReplyDeletexox Sammi
uhm, you look so perfect and beautiful and wonderful! also can you please tell me what fun things you are obviously hiding bc you look so damn sassy/mischievous/happy with a secret <3
ReplyDeletei love you and your comments, jenna! haha <3
DeleteI love mustard! Too bad I am living in a hot climate now. I miss my winter knitting.
ReplyDeleteyou look so awesome in this! adore the mint
ReplyDeleteThis outfit is all kinds of awesome. I like your cat photobombing in those first pics, btw. And yeah, if I find a dress that I can't wear without tights, I put it back too. For one, that's a good indication that it's probably wayyy to short in the first place... but it's so limiting. I'd probably almost never wear it (too windy, feeling too self-conscious, too hot for tights, etc.) so why bother.
ReplyDeleteTHIS! It's the perfect way to cull unnecessary items :)
DeleteI laughed so much reading this post. It's so cute You got so worked up because of Your account, but I totally get it, it happened with My facebook once, and then once with My Pinterest just cause it froze and then it was good again *near heart attack*. And then I laughed again when You talked about you two not doing sick very well!
ReplyDeleteYou brighten My day, really :)
Loads of love, SJay!
haha i know it's TOTALLY a ridiculous thing to even worry about, but i just felt so bummed about it! kimmie said it best: ironic that someone who is PAID to help me would be so dismissive, but a total stranger with absolutely nothing to gain would be so kind. kind of an eye opener!
Deletewooow! you look so so so beautiful! love this outfit ♥
ReplyDeleteLove this color combo, it just looks so prefect on you. And I absolutely love the guys jackets that are out now, I totally buy them for myself too!
ReplyDelete1. Your hair looks amazing here (so BIG! I love it!); 2) Glad to hear that everything got worked out with Twitter! 3) I have those shoes, or something similar, that are vintage and I love them! xoxo and p.s. so so so weird to say my wife, still, after 3 weeks...I love getting mail that says Mrs and Mrs though - nothing better!
ReplyDeleteI never would have put these colors together, but they look amazing! Love this look on you. And I ADORE your hair in these photos.
Just found your blog today and I love it! I love these two colors together!
ReplyDeleteLeah Faye
a clover and a bee