// Cinco de Mike-o Celebrations

Cinco de Mayo is a fun day in the Flynn house... because it's Mr. Flynn's birthday! Yesterday my sweet husband turned the big 2-5! He celebrated by cramming for a test, working out 148 math problems, and kicking butt on a medical abbreviation test. I didn't want his day to be shrouded by school work so I did early-pickup for Toby at pre-K and then we each made him a homemade birthday card. (Handmade cards are probably my absolute favorite family tradition and I totally want to make a little Blurb book or something of all of them one day!) I snagged a cake from the supermarket and I decorated it at home (hey, there are only so many hours in the day!), and I put together a little Cinco inspired lunch on the deck for when Mike got home. We had cake, lemonade, homemade black bean and corn salsa, tortilla chips, beer (for M, obviously), and gifts. For Mike's gift I bought him every pack of blank index cards available at the store haha! It was the perfect present because duh, nursing school! He's only been in school for 3 days and we've already made over 60 flashcards... it's intense! After a delicious little meal he retreated to the house to do his homework and then I helped him study while we were at Toby's baseball practice. Whew, it was a jam packed day honestly, but I loved every minute of it. 

from this past weekend: my two matching fellas at Lowe's

satisfying an intense pregnancy craving on Saturday

a Sunday night al fresco dinner

a monday morning spent alone (!!!) buying flowers for the garden

the perfect avocado

this week's "treat" to myself

the start of a delicious bowl of black bean and corn salsa!

part of the cinco de mike-o birthday spread

Overall I'd say it was a pretty swell day! I really try to make an effort when it comes to birthdays and the people that I love because I want them to know just how much I care. I had so much fun putting together this little impromptu family feast. It wasn't over the top or lavish in any way, but it was perfect for the three of us. And it doesn't hurt that the supermarket cake was totally delicious haha!

Happy birthday, Mr. Flynn. You are the cat's pajamas.


  1. We did not celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but that taco card is probably the cutest thing ever. You're so creative. I love the idea of only using homemade cards.


  2. What a sweet birthday treat! My birthday is/was today and it was nice to celebrate just with our family. I love the tradition of making your own birthday cards that's a great idea! You should definitely make a book full of them.
    I love your blog (long time reader but first time commenting).

  3. I love the taco card! Sounds like you threw him a lovely birthday!

  4. The card you made is the best! And the dinner looks really nice as well, sounds like a great day :)

  5. Just a suggestion to save on the flash cards. Try quizlet.com. It's totally free and you can keep everything organized online. It's been a life saver for me :)
    And good luck to him in school!

  6. Aw, happy birthday Mike! A fellow Taurus, my birthday is May 9th and FREAKIN FINALLY landed on a Friday. Having a birthday/Cinco de Mayo is pretty awesome though.

  7. I love that card! I'm one of those people who always plans out these precious handmade cards and they end up looking like... I mean, Toby would probably be like, "These look really childish."
    And also... that really is the perfect avocado.

  8. Oh man, when I was in dental hygiene school flash cards were my everything. I started cutting them in half because I was using so many of them.

  9. You should see if there is an iPhone app for flashcards. When I was in college my boyfriend at the time wrote me a script where I could just type the questions and answers in on my computer and then it would quiz me. It helped so much! But now with iPhones, I imagine there has to be a really great portable flashcard system that Mike could take with him everywhere.

  10. That taco card is the absolute cutest! Also, now I'm craving salsa!

  11. I love your little family! That card is too cute, I make my husband homemade cards for his B-day too :)

  12. Yall are the CUTEST family! That picture of Mike and Toby is sooooo sweet !! ox


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