Wanted: Exec. Director of Pretty Petals

I know what you're thinking.... "Really Kaelah? Eleven pictures? Was that necessary?" and my answer: "Absolutely!" I'm sort of in love with our building. Everything about our new home has me beaming with pure joy! From the rough and worn exterior to the industrious look and feel on the inside. There is so much character in our new home! We've only had two sets of pals over to see it thus far. Neither our parents nor any neighbors have seen our place (There was the 2 Comcast fellas, but they don't count!). We're relishing in the "new home" feel and trying to make it a relaxing, yet inspiring, place. Truth be told, I can't wait to show any and everyone. We're so proud of how much heart (and elbow grease!) we've put into our little sanctuary!

Today's weather is rather hum drum. There's a storm a'brewin and I'm ecstatic. Though it looks like the fun portion will miss us, I'm enjoying the wind whipping through the trees outside our window. Since we do live in such an industrious place, we're afraid that the heating and cooling may be slightly spendy, so we opted to buy a one of those chic tower fans yesterday. Well, the truth is they were sold out of everything else so that's what we had to get haha. We're going to take advantage of open windows for as long as possible!

This blazer is pretty bananas, don't you think?! I'm in love! ModCloth sent it my way and I am head over heels for it! I'm planning on having it custom tailored so it fits my body just perfectly! It's so comfortable and it's the perfect lightweight piece for a windy day in Nashville! It's so loud so I opted to wear it with a solid white dress and then I took a cue from the pretty pale purple petals (Say that five times fast!) and went for some loud tights, too! I finished it off with my ultra comfy and fall back shoes, my trusty black flats! The woven and knotted belt is another new favorite of mine, and my thirfted little chain bag. This outfit felt very Lolita-esque once I looked at myself in the mirror. White doll-like dress, curly bright hair and Crayola-worthy tights? Hey, why not! I can't wait to style this blazer with my normal dark brown, wavy mess of a 'do!

The blog title is set like a job posting and it's definitely been a little dream of mine to work at a florist shop or something equally as quaint after college just for part time fun. I'd love to be in a beautiful atmosphere and after years of working in the computer, I just want to get my hands dirty. I've been perusing Craigslist and the like for small job opportunities just to get me out of the house a few hours a week. I toyed with the idea of getting a full time design job and then I snapped back to reality. Silly! (If you know of any fun places like sweet floral shops or even small boutiques looking for hires in Nashville, let a girl know! I'd like to learn hands on how to run an independent business!)

Well, we're off to see what we can get into! We desperately need to be productive today! It's just so hard!

PS; This was Pipkin as we were taking outfit photos outside of our window!

PPS; Every now and then I forget I'm wearing a very special ring so when I see it pop up in outfit photos I do an internal-squeal and remember that I'm engaged to a truly wonderful person! Ah! I'm on cloud 9, even still!

Style Oasis Blazer c/o ModCloth
Target dress
Target tights
Thrifted belt
Thrifted purse
Handmade headband
Target flats


  1. Congrats on the new place!! You always photograph so well and are so beautifully fashioned. Good luck settling in!

  2. Hands down my favorite outfit post EVER... I wish we were friends so I could come raid your closet. I love it. And I literally can not wait to see more of your home. I hope you'll share some photos with all of us. I mean, you are living in my dream home after all. So it's the least you could do. Ha. : P


  3. lady kaelah, you look adorable! i love the whole outfit, and i'm excited to see your new place!

    work in a florists shop and send me a sweet job while you're at it, please!

  4. maybe instead of part-time work you could volunteer! i did some volunteering once, at a no-kill animal shelter in my neighborhood. my job was to "socialize" the animals. aka pet kitties all day. seriously. they need love too!!


  5. that blazer is incredible and looks so good with this outfit!

  6. Congratulations on your new place! Really like your outfit.

  7. The brick is great, such character. That jacket is lovely springyness.

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    31summers giveaway

  8. This jacket is simply gorgeous! and perfect for spring time. You ar elooking lovely as always. I would just love to live in a converted loft, its been a dream of mine for so long, though i dont know if they even excist in northern ireland. Happy job hunting :) x

  9. your little frenchie must be the cutest thing ever!

  10. That is an interesting building.
    And I love your jacket, so pretty. You always match colors really well. :)

  11. Holy wow. Your outfit (and ring!) is AMAZING!!! And hell yes, Lolita-ish! I love Lolita and Gothic Lolita fashion.

    Also, I've been looking for a small floral shop, cafe, etc. that my wife and I can both work at - we always work together. ^_^ But we're in Utah, so we won't be snatching any jobs away from you. ;)

  12. That blazer is pretty fantastic! I wish I had a cool exterior to my home like that for awesome photos!

  13. I am absolutely head over heels in love with that blazer! What a perfect cover-up for spring!
    Also, your building looks fantastic, I totally don't blame you for going photo-mad on it!

    x x Michelle

  14. I really love old buildings as well; this makes such a great backdrop! Your blazer looks really pretty on you, too. :D

  15. !!! I think this is the first time I've seen you in a blazer - and I absolutely love it.

    I think it's a fresh sight for our eyes, and it's nice to see you in different outfits sometimes - no offense meant, as much as I appreciate the cardigan/dress/flats/tights combination and I understand it is the style you prefer, it's fun to see you in something different, especially when it works well as an outfit altogether.


  16. I am Green with Envy! I Love that Blazer!!

  17. I don't think that little bit of excitement ever dies down when you catch a glimpse of your engagement ring, I love that feeling! Fab blog, fab home & fab clothes! X

  18. love the outfit combo today. lovely!

  19. Love the blazer and that pic of Pipkin is rather cute! :)

  20. That jacket is soooooo gorgeous! I love it. And I always show my hubby pictures of your doggie. We think he is sooooo adorable.

    I just recently got married (like realllly recently; 1 week ago to be exact) and I love looking at my ring. It reminds me how lucky I am to have such a great man in my life.

  21. I think I would take A LOT of pictures if the outside of my building looked so awesome and amazing. Also that outfit, I adore every detail. The blazer is definitely loud, but with that lace dress, it works perfectly.

    And I can't wait to see more pictures of your house. I imagine you have decorated it wonderfully!

    And Pip is so freaking adorable!

    Divergent Musings

  22. That is a stellar blazer! It's like a hybrid/fusion of Japanese kimono prints and a touch of 80s-90s blazer look. I love it!


  23. My husband and I lived in a similar warehouse style loft apartment for a a year. Even in the coldest month of Winter, we never used the heater because the place stayed so hot.

  24. Your outfit is sooooo cute :3
    You should do a post just about your new home! I want to see the inside! It sounds so darling!!!

  25. you look so cute! i don't mind looking at lots of photos of your lovely outfit! that blazer is bananas (in a good way).
    i love the outside of your building. interesting brick walls are the best.
    haha pipkin is adorable!

  26. woa. i loove ur outfits.
    ur lookin so good! :)

    do you know a shop where i can find these great curled wigs?
    because of your post about the etsy shops with their "handmade" wigs i don't wanna buy from there.
    can i find them on ebay or somethin?

  27. wow so much to say in response to this post! firstly, i have always had a little dream to work in a florist too! or at an english stately home's garden bit. Secondly, I love the blazer, it's incredible, and definitely fitting for this time of year. Thirdly, its so weird for me that you have to think about air conditioning - for me its heating and warm fires. Even with a good summer we don't really need air con.


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB