// Things I Love Thursday v.234

♥ i just want to stare at this all day ♥
this summer camp taxidermy ♥
♥ this place! ♥
♥ this. ♥
this gal's hair! ♥
these interesting DIY planters ♥
this perfect home in autumn ♥
this total BABE! ♥
♥ this is just TOO good! ♥

// Meet Shrek: The renegade sheep that avoided shearing for SIX YEARS (!!!) by hiding in a cave. (We could start a discussion on ethical raising of livestock, but... that's not what I'm doing)

// How freakin' cute is this girl?! Go follow her adventures in Europe! I'm so jealous!

// Have you joined our "Toddler Support Group" yet?! It's really just a Facebook group of gals who want to chat, ask questions, and virtually "hang out." You're welcome to join even if you don't have a toddler!

What are you loving this week?

xo KB

// PS; I'm thinking about doing a downloadable print shop. Is that something y'all would have any interest in? I want to make it super affordable and easy to use, so you can print them directly at home. Let me know your thoughts! 

1 comment:

  1. Really impressive post. I read it whole and going to share it with my social circules. I enjoyed your article and planning to rewrite it on my own blog.


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB