I 100% believe "newborn amnesia" is the single reason humankind has continued to procreate. I remember being in the thick of colic and the incessant crying, always crying right alongside Linden. I thought I (we!) was doomed. Crying morning, noon, and night. Everyone wanted to tell me how to burp him or feed him or massage him, but nothing seemed to work. It's so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you're eyeball deep in everything, you know? So many people would say "Don't worry! It gets better!" but I didn't think I could make it another month / week / day, or hour! Being a new parent is HARD! But... there's always a but, right? But those smiles! The smell! The giggles! The snuggles! Oh they make it all SO worth it and more! I'm pretty content with our family for the time being. I love the groove we've (finally!) found ourselves in, and we feel "right" for right now. Yet every time I catch a glimpse of a pregnant lady or a newborn baby, I yearn to experience that again. Sometimes I just have to text my friend Caitlin and have her bring me back down to Earth haha! Caitlin and I have texted each other non-stop for almost 2 years... ever since we found out the other was expecting. Now that our babies are only 12 days apart in age, we're constantly comparing notes and commiserating. When I text her and tell her I'm experiencing a serious case of baby fever, she reminds me of the late nights, early mornings, lack of sleep, and constant soundtrack of screaming that came from that sweet, precious little child. Looking at him now, you'd never imagine he could be capable of such a cry. Maybe that's why I bury the memory deep down, so I can just focus on all of the positives haha!
After about 6 weeks of non-stop crying and belly aches for our newborn, we found the culprit. Gas build-up from the milk in his bottles. Once we started adding a digestive aide to Linden's feeds, his crying stopped almost instantly! It was a life saver. We stocked up on that stuff at Walgreens hardcore! I always had 2 or 3 bottles in his diaper bag, and 1 or 2 floating around the house. Linden stopped refusing the bottle and screaming after every feed. I remember telling Mike that we had found the holy grail of bottle feeding. Now Linden is 12 months old (!!!) and we just stopped using it. Now that his belly has "grown up" a bit, we don't have to worry so much about upset tummies and gas build up. But oh what a saving grace it was in the beginning! I've had several new mama friends express their concerns about colic and belly aches with their babies, and I always recommend a digestive aide like Colief right off the bat. Did you know colic affects roughly one in five babies?! Whether your baby has full blown colic or not, it's so good to be prepared! I don't think Linden had it quite as bad as some other babies, but it still took its toll on all of us physically and mentally. The solution can be as simple as a few drops directly in the bottle. If you breastfeed, you don't have to change anything in your diet. I really comes in handy for babies suffering from temporary lactose intolerance. And apparently studies have shown that excessive crying caused by TLI may be reduced as much as 40% when the milk is treated with Colief. Food for thought!
If you're interested, Colief is giving away a pretty epic prize pack over on their site! You can win a $500 Walgreens gift card and a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag, or you could be one of five weekly winners of a Colief prize pack! All you gotta do is share your #ColiefMOMent. Hurry, the giveaway ends on August 14th. You can also read more about colic-associated crying from temporary lactose intolerance in infants, and hear from real moms on their experience with colic (and how Colief helped!). Check out their Facebook for relevant information, too! Colief is available at your local Walgreens or online!
Did your kiddo suffer from colic? Any words of wisdom to share with other mamas currently in the thick of it? (I'm going to be that person and say this: It really does get better! Hang in there, mama! ♥)
xo KB
This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. All opinions, text and experiences are my own. Colief Infant Digestive Aid is a dietary supplement to provide relief due to colic-associated crying from temporary lactose intolerance (TLI). These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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