// Tobacco Farm

Tennessee Tobacco Farm
Tennessee Tobacco Farm
Tennessee Tobacco Farm
Tennessee Tobacco Farm
Tennessee Tobacco Farm
I have carried you, always. 

Before you were conceived, I carried a part of you in my soul. When I met your father, I looked into his eyes and saw the other part of you, and knew you, and prayed that you would come to be. 

Before you were born, I carried you in my womb. When you were restless I sang to you and soothed you and told you how I loved you. 

When you were born, I carried you in my arms. I kissed you and held you and put you to my breast, so that you would know that there is light and warmth and goodness in the world. 

Later, I wrapped you in cloth and carried you close to my heart. I held you close so that you could hear that my heart beats like yours; that we are the same, you and I, and that you would never have to cry alone. 

After a while, I carried you on my back, so that you could look at the world with confidence and joy and know that you belonged; so that you could share all of the beauty of the world as an equal to all that live in it. 

Now, later still, I carry you when you are tired or fearful. So that you know that no matter how weary you become, or what life holds, you can always depend on others for support and comfort. 

When you grow older, my darling, and your adventures take you further from my arms, know that even in my last hour I will carry you. I will carry you in my heart, for you are always with me. 

I will carry you, always. 

 - Christine Maguire

xo KB

Old Navy dress
Old Navy chambray shirt
Old Navy hat
Sanuk flip flops
Sakura Bloom "Cedar" ring sling


  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm sniffling.

    Such a sweet quote. And I am really starting to see Mike in Linden. I thought he looked so much like you but I'm really seeing Mike now!

    1. i'm starting to see it more and more too! so crazy!

  2. This writing is so beautiful, it made me tear up. Especially as my hubby and I try to have a baby of our own, and are going through fertility. So precious.

    1. sending you so much love and light, lady! <3 i hope you get that precious miracle. you'll be an amazing mom! xo

  3. Holy crap, that's got me in tears! I had my little boy a couple of months before you - I'm still far to hormonal and emotional to read things like this! And also to watch Toy Story 3 😖

  4. I have followed your blog for several years (but never had the courage to comment) and it has been beautiful to watch your journey in becoming mother to both of your boys. Your heart is so big and it really shows through your posts. xo, genevieve

    1. seriously such a wonderful comment to be on the receiving end of! thank you genevieve. you have made my day <3

  5. wow this poem just totally made me cry, beautiful


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB