// Things I Love Thursday v.199

I know... it's Friday. Linden has been having a time of it this week. He's been having some reflux issues and it's really been bothering him as of late. Luckily we've got him on some new prescription meds to help ease it up a bit, but when he's screaming and in pain, the blog takes a bit of a backseat! But have no fear... this installment of TiLT was worth the wait! xo
this pup! ♥
this = 2 of my favorite things: bob's burgers + brand new! ♥

this cop drove a drunk guy home + send him this nice text ♥
this! narwhals are amazing!
this syringe art by ian davenport ♥
this gorgeous floral arrangement ♥
this stunning room. ♥

♥ i love these mixing bowls ♥
these colorful siamese fighting fish ♥
this pup is SO cute! ♥

// Cake Wrecks is by far one of my favorite sites to check out when I'm in need of a good chuckle.

// Speaking of cakes... 30 times when cake was the best way to fix an awkward situation.

// I quit liking things on Facebook for two weeks. Here's how it changed my view of humanity. I loved this. In the era of Instagram and Facebook, it's so easy to just tap a heart or click "like" rather than engage in meaningful conversation. I'm going to make it more of a priority to *say* that I like something in hopes it makes the creator feel good.

// !!!! The halloween stuff for kids is too cute!

What are you loving this week?


  1. I have a confession to make... I'm a 26 year old woman and I only found out last year that narwhals are real. But look at them! How can something that amazing be real? Needless to say, I was crazy excited when I found out!

  2. Thanks for sharing that link about the homeless in Downtown Orlando. I work in a museum that is right behind them and see most of these people every day. After watching this video when it first came out, it really opened my eyes and made me realize homelessness can happen to anyone.

  3. Those mixing bowls are to die for! Cake wrecks is always hilarious ;)

  4. I think I need that puppy. I have a dream that someday I will have a bulldog and it will be my best friend. How do you like owning bulldogs? Also, I totally want that dress and cardigan from ModCloth as well, I'm likin' your style!

  5. This was definitely worth the wait! I love your Things I Love Thursday posts - they're always filled with such awesome stuff. That Amy Poehler article and video is especially rad! I hope Linden feels better soon too :)

  6. Love the painting...so simple yet so beautiful and unique. A great DIY project!



HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB