Anyone else ever sift through your Twitter or Instagram to try and remember what actually happened this week?! Maybe that coupled with my grey hairs means I'm just getting old. (Real talk: I have so many grey hairs! And I'm not dyeing my hair, gosh darnit! I'll just think of it as festive holiday tinsel for the season...) By the time the end of the week draws near I realize that I never talked about some of the fun stuff I got into. This is that post. More often than not I think posts like this are a bit lazy, but ya know what? It's a lazy morning so whatever. Anyway, this is what I've been up to this past week.
* Friday morning Mike and I accompanied Toby on a Pre-K field trip to the movie theater one town over. We were basically crammed into a single viewing room with every other Pre-K kid and his/her parents haha. We saw Free Birds and despite being stuck up in the front, it was a super cute movie and Toby had a blast.

* Enid has been extra precious lately. She's not very cuddly with anyone, but she's the cutest thing when she's laid out on the ottoman with her belly up in the air.
* I've been literally painting signs until my hands ache and feel like they're going to fall off. No complaints since I love the holiday rush and knowing that people are giving my signs as holiday gifts, but man oh man, it sneaks up on you and wears you out! -- Just a heads up: I've sold out of one size completely and I'm running low on the other three. If you're wanting one before the holidays, I suggest ordering ASAP! (The cut off dates are: November 26 for International and December 10 for USA) - If the crazy trend continues and I just keep selling straight through them, I'll try to offer more since I'm an epic procrastinator myself when it comes to shopping haha

* Hazel has officially won over Mike! I woke up the other morning and saw him sitting out on the porch drinking coffee. I grabbed a cup and joined him... who was in his lap? Hazel. For like half an hour. He likes to claim she's getting rehomed, but he loves that she licks his face and purrs when she's around him. Kind of the most precious thing ever.
* Have you guys hit up the $1 bins at Target lately?! Holy treasure trove! SO much goodness. I'm a huge fan of anything with gold foil so I snagged everything I could find. They even had some great silver foil notebooks, greeting cards, etc. If we're penpals, be on the lookout for me to use some of my loot!

*A Harry Potter sign. Simple but totally awesome (if I do say so myself! haha)

* Tater Tot is such a ham. She has this one favorite spot on the back of the couch where she spends approximately 85% of her time. I don't know why it took me so long to realize cats have such personalities! Is it totally silly that every time she crawls into my lap I totally melt and think about how happy I am she was left behind at our house? She's the best cat. Mike is basically obsessed with her.

* A clean house! Our friends Maya and Justin came down to stay with us on Thursday evening and we had such a blast. We headed over to the local steakhouse and we each ordered the exact same thing: a hickory bbq + bacon burger. Afterward we came home, mixed cocktails, played board games, and watched Family Guy before I basically fell asleep sitting up. We don't get many visitors out in the boonies so it's always nice to have an excuse to deep clean everything and play hostess.

* Isn't this clutch just too much?! Tera whipped it up from scratch - she even hand painted the applique to look just like Georgia! She sent it to me to wear out and about but I'm so scared I'm going to get it dirty! haha I just want to admire it because it's so fabulous! She's way too talented. (Here's the tutorial if you want to make your own!) - Be sure to go tell her congrats! She and her husband are expecting a baby!
* Anyone else out there hate Reese's in their original form? The only time I can even stomach to eat one is if it's a shape one! The Christmas tree, Easter egg, heart, etc. Something about the peanut butter to chocolate ratio is just so much better when it's not in a cup shape! Am I totally weird?!

* I pulled this little guy out of Tater Tot's mouth earlier this week. I thought for sure he was dead but he had a little punch left in him. Luckily he only had one little scratch where Tate bit him, but he was good to go. He was either exhausted from fighting Tate or paralyzed by fear because he let me hold and pet him for several minutes before I released him in the woods behind our house. That was the first time I've ever seen a chippmunk up close!
* I have so many signs left to post, but I'm trying not to overwhelm all of my Instagram followers and make them hate me haha It's crazy to think I've officially been painting these signs for over 13 months! What! I meant to do a fun giveaway when I hit the one year mark but maybe I'll save that for the first of the year or something. Never did I anticipate how much this little side hobby would grow. Pretty sure I've painted well over 500 in the past year alone. CRAZY!
So that's that! As much as I love the micro-blogging of Instagram, it just doesn't lend itself to remembering the details of any one event, ya know? Each little picture that gets shared obviously has some sort of backstory and i want to ensure I don't forget! (Considering I can't even remember exactly what I did 3 days ago, it's not looking good for me haha) Happy Monday, friends! Leave your IG name below if you want me to check you out! xo
I love this little post!! and I must say: Hazel looks just like my little Tiger!!! :)
ReplyDeleteinstagram name is natashakugel
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures you post and I love your blog! Keep up the amazingness!
I'm not much of a cat person but Hazel is adorable. She looks like a little baby white tiger.
ReplyDeleteI'm Teh_Sonz on IG
cats are cutteee! and grey hairs are wicked.
The Young Bridget Jones
I enjoy Life Lately posts. But maybe that's because I'm a bit snoopy. I just like seeing what regular people are up to in their life! Carry on lady!
ReplyDeleteIG: daniellabella24
"Festive Holiday Tinsel". :) Great way to think about it! I'll tell it to my husband, my little sisters were teasing him about his grays last week!
ReplyDeleteSo in love with your signs, i'll have to order one soon!
ReplyDeleteIG is melomania_x!
Your living room looks so cute! I'd die if I got that close to a chipmunk, how adorable ahh!
ReplyDeleteYour painted signs are the absolute cutest! I think I may have to order one sometime!
ReplyDeleteDude, yes, I was so in love with everything in Target's $1! I got a pack of greeting cards and I love them. And I also got the cutest calender/planner for 2014, I'm so in love with it, and slightly grumpy that I can't use it until January.. ha.
My cat Binx likes to spend all of her time perched on the back of our couch, too. Always in such strange positions! Cats are so weird sometime, but they're the best.
IG: whitetrashfairytale
What a lovely post :)
ReplyDeleteYour cat is so cute! and your room looks adorable too
I'm a new follower! Would love to see you back :)
Your signs are so cute I cant get enough of your instagram posts showing them off! We just moved into our home 2 months ago and are in the process of remodeling but as soon as we're all set up I fully intend to order one..or two ;)
ReplyDeleteIm @phagyna on instagram
Your signs are the cutest and I love seeing pictures of them pop up on my instagram feed! We just moved into our home about two months ago and are in the process of remodeling but as soon as we get settled in I fully intend on ordering one...or two ;)
ReplyDeleteIm @phagyna on instagram
I hear ya on deep cleaning and playing hostess! When I know we have people coming over I actually *enjoy* cleaning and getting every little thing just perfect.
ReplyDeleteI think I may need to hit up that Target $1 bin! I never look in there and clearly I've been missing out! Of course, I don't really have any pen pals soo... hmm. Maybe I need to work on that!
Oh girl I feel your pain with the grey hairs! I've been spotting some myself and just been freaking out, but I end up just plucking them. Bad I know, but they just drive me bananas! I definitely need to get my butt over to Target! I rarely look at the $1 bins, but after seeing what you snagged I'm definitely heading straight there as soon as I walk in the door! Those signs are just so cute and I'm dying to get one! Hopefully things will look up for me and I'll be able to buy one from you!
I always breeze by the Target $1 bins for whatever reason, but no more! I'm going to Target asap.
ReplyDeleteI just checked my Target $1 bin and I didn't see anything as nice as the stuff you picked up!!
ReplyDeleteI also only love reese's cups when they are in shapes and it definitely has to do with the peanut butter to chocolate ratio as well as the fact that the chocolate is a different texture than normal. We just picked up two packages yesterday and one is already gone! oops!!
IG: belovednewo
Lovely post and I wish I had access to Target dollar bins here in the UK or Ireland where I'm orginally from! I sooo jealous!
ReplyDeleteinstagram: TheLuckyRainbow
Great post
ReplyDeleteYour cats are cute :) you also suit the green outfit
I just love your handwriting/painting skills, miss! I'm trying to think of a phrase that I love/would love to have hanging in my house for a long time to come; the struggle is real! I so wish we could adopt another pet right now but one of our pups has anxiety around other dogs thanks to her previous owners :'( Hazel is precious though!
ReplyDeleteIG is the same as my bloggity blog: littlemissblackbean :)
Awww your cats are so sweet! I'm also kinda jealous of your pink bathroom lol
ReplyDeleteIG: hannahcordingley
Awww your cats are so sweet! I'm also jealous of your pink bathroom lol
ReplyDeleteIG: hannahcordingley
Awww your cats are so sweet! I'm also kinda jealous of your pink bathroom lol
ReplyDeleteIG: hannahcordingley
Such a good week! I'm glad you were able to rescue that little chipmunk from Tater Tot! I totally love cat personalities. Mine have big ol' personalities and I LOVE it. Hank the cat wants to be everyone's best friend as soon as he meets them and Buddy the cat is kinda shy at first but turns into a TOTAL love bug once he's had some time. He also claps when he wants something. The best!
Ladyface Blog
Ohhh I would love to be your pen pal! I love stationery. And please hold on to that gray hair for as long as you can. I opened that can of worms when I was around your age (gosh I sound old) and I regret it so much!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures :) I love your wooden sign so much! The first one is really nice. You can add me on IG (if you're not afraid of cat pictures ^^), mu username is cherrylouise !
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I'm not the only one who thinks things taste better in shapes. My husband thinks I'm so weird but it's trruee!
ReplyDeleteAwesome stationery stash! I should really find myself some penpals and get into making real life mail. Thanks for reminding me! And your kitties are so cute <3 Good that Hazel will stay with you, she looks so adorable =)
ReplyDeleteAlso, my instagram is nnkmll, feel free to check it out, I already follow you on there as well =)
i want a penpal!!! i'm going to find you on instagram, i'm cfiocco :)
ReplyDeleteaww cats are the best! i really miss having my kitty around ):
ReplyDeletexo, cheyenne
I love these posts so much! Reeses are delicious in all forms to me. But I do like the texture of the different shaped ones. :)
ReplyDeleteInstagram is too 'micro' for me I think.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd love to get in on this penpalling you business.