First off, just let me say WHOA! in regards to yesterday's Honest To Blog post and all of your amazing replies. Seriously, the comments were amazing, the emails that flooded my inbox were amazing (I'm working on replying to everyone!), and the tweets/texts/etc were all so so wonderful. Thank you for making me realize that I'm not alone with my feeling. It's such a strange, crazy world, right? The people who you assume have it so together are just as messy at life as you are. It's a breath of fresh air, and so reassuring to know we're sort of all in this together. Now to today's post...
I love random facts posts. Seriously. I love to read about people's unusual traits and quirks. Before this list I never realized how difficult it is to sit and come up with 20 facts that aren't super obvious or boring. Of course I'm not 100% sure that I've succeeded, but here's my list anyway!
1. One of my biggest pet peeves (right after loud chewers and random, repetitive noises) is "the obviously empty cup" on TV. Anyone know what I'm talking about here? When a character on tv has a coffee cup or something and just starts wailing it around... it's quite obvious that there's nothing in it! Why don't they just put some actual coffee or water in those things? The movements and mannerisms of the characters always give it away and I spend way too much time ranting about it.
2. I'm a self-described pen snob. I don't mean my pens have to be expensive (it's usually quite the opposite, especially since I lose them so often), but they have to write a certain way. A pen can make or break any list or notebook, I'm sure of it.
3. My life literally depends on Zyrtec. I take it every day like clockwork. If I'm so much as 15 minutes late, my allergies go haywire and I drive Mike nuts.
4. Speaking of allergies - I also have asthma. Ever since I was a teensy tiny baby. I hadn't had any flare ups in the past 5 years or so, but this Autumn has been awful. I started back on 2-3x daily breathing treatments and I carry a Dulera inhaler everywhere I go. 3am is the most popular time for my attacks and I have no idea why. Awesome!
5. One of my very first jobs in high school was at The Elephant Sanctuary. I was the only juvenile on the grounds, and it was one of the most amazing jobs of my life. I worked up in the office above the Quarantine Barn and would handle daily donations for the Sanctuary. I parked next to Delhi, who was in quarantine at the time, and she was my favorite of all the elephants. I cried like a baby when she passed away. I had to wear a TB mask after we received 2 elephants who had been exposed to tuberculosis (Lola + Misty) and I still remember the snarky comments from the health professionals who tested me. They thought it was irresponsible for a 16 year old to work in those conditions. That job was insanely amazing and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
6. I hate voicemails. If you leave me a voicemail, I will most likely not ever listen to it. I hate them. I used to not even have my voicemail set up and I'm determined to turn it off again. I don't know why I hate it so bad, but I do. Just call me back!

7. I also hate thick straws. Has anyone else noticed how the taste of a drink is totally altered by the diameter of the straw? Skinny straws (hey, Taco Bell!) are where it's at. Mike thought I was crazy until I made him compare. He's all about the skinny straws, too.
8. I have a specific (ultra soft) toothbrush in our bathroom dedicated to my engagement ring. It's probably not the best way to clean it, but man that puppy sparkles afterward!
9. I have to cover my ears for loud noises. Like starting the vacuum or bath tub. Even the hair dryer or commercial toilets (Why are they so loud?!). I don't know why I do it, but I always have.
10. I do not personally own a single pair of socks. Not one. I'm constantly stealing Mike's when my feet are cold, but otherwise I really really hate socks.
11. Every night I pull up Desiderata on my computer so it's the first thing I read in the morning. At this point you are tired of hearing about Desiderata. I'm sorry.
12. "Strong Female Lead" is the perfect Netflix-given theme for my music and movie choices. Mike likes to poke fun at me for only listening to female vocalists and watching movies or tv shows with a great female lead. Hey, I just think women are awesome! We deserve some love, okay?!
13. I have to sleep with my head under a blanket and pillow at night. I have very specific rules for each of my 4 pillows and where they go at night. I also cannot fall asleep if my head/face isn't fully covered by a pillow, and then the pillow covered by a blanket. This lead to many parents of friends to think I was trying to suffocate myself at night. Nope, just staying cozy and warm.

14. I always sprinkle a little sea salt on my ice cream. It makes the ice cream so much better. Seriously, try it.
15. I experience a quarter life crisis almost every day... or maybe it's just a really, really long one. (See yesterday's post as proof)
16. I no longer pay any attention to my blog stats (unless a sponsor inquires or I update my media kit). I've found that watching stats hinders me from writing a blog *I* would want to read.
17. I find it impossible to say no to stray animals. It just hurts my heart way too much. Hence why we're currently feeding 3 full grown cats and 6 kittens... despite 7 out of 9 being strays.

18. I'm blind in my left eye. I can make out differences in shades/light, but that's it. I've never been able to see out of my left eye (for as long as I can remember at least) so I don't see it as much of a hindrance.
19. I never pulled a full all-nighter in college. I studied until 6am one year for finals, but went right to sleep. My classmates regularly pulled full fledged all nighters on projects and I always wondered if I was just being lazy and if I could've benefitted from a few myself.
20. I was voted "Best Dressed" and "Most Likely To Be Famous" my senior year of high school, and I think that's the funniest thing in the world considering I was decked out in head to toe Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister and I wanted to be a fashion designer. What?! High-school-me confuses me so much. But I genuinely really enjoyed high school, so go figure.
Now it's YOUR turn! I'd love to read 20 (or however many) random facts about you! Feel free to share in the comments or write your own post and drop us a link! It's so fun figuring out things you have in common with other people!
Awesome, loved reading this. Ok, I will go, why not?
ReplyDelete1. Like you, I am nearly blind in my right eye.
2. Also, like you, I have a strong aversion to only mildly loud noise.
3. I can almost always guess the number someone is thinking.
4. I don't like ice-cream.
5. I can't fall asleep with socks on.
6. I am getting a manicure today, first in years.
7. Family "lore" says I was conceived at Stonehedge one faithful night.
8. I can't stand scary movie trailers, almost broke my ankle running for the remote once.
9. Peacocks are my favorite bird.
10. I am always on the look out for hidden cameras in hotel rooms (even really nice ones).
11. I drive slow when it is raining (yep, I am one of those).
12. I once had a pair of shoes stolen by a pizza delivery person.
13. I can become aware that I am dreaming and control the dream.
14. When you say your sorry to someone that is going through something and they say "its not your fault" it drives me crazy.
15. Frangelica is my fav drink.
16. I dance alone at home any chance I get.
17. I can't wink without moving both eyes.
18. Most of my clothes have some amount of spilled paint on them.
19. I will wear socks that have a hole in them and it drives my husband crazy.
20. I thought I lived down stream from Sesame Street until I was 12
Thanks, that was fun.
Yes to #10 I do the same thing! And I'm constantly doing the "fingernail test" to see if mirrors are two-way, even though I've yet to find one out in public!
DeleteI TOTALLY DO THE 2-WAY MIRROR CHECK TOO! I don't know why, but that freaks me out sooo bad!
Deleteloved reading this :) you're so cute. and wow, i had no idea you were blind in one eye!
ReplyDeletethis was so interesting to read, I like that it's personal and I found out so many stuff about you in one post.
ReplyDelete17 made me like you even more!!
.. and I feel the same about the straws.
i also really really love random facts about people and reading yours made me google zyrtec and that desiderata thing (i'm from europe and didn't know that). :)
ReplyDeletelet me think of some:
1. i really love to do' lists and when i'm really really stressed is when i can't live without them. and sometimes when i'm frustrated that i couldn't make everything on the list i add things i actually did on top and cross them out right away. it just makes me feel better this very moment.
2. driving to work every morning drives me really nuts. because i think i'm the best driver in the world and everyone just sucks.
3. drinking water seems an unbearable thing. tea is fine but water is a total no-go.
4. until i got married this year i never touched make-up. on my wedding day i was styled by a hairdresser and she did such an awesome job that i'm now putting up make up every day. i never felt more beautiful. must be the lasting wedding glow :-)
5. reading blogs made me want to have subway tiles for our kitchen. took me so long to find a european supplier, i didn't hesitate to pay a fortune for it and wait 6 month until they got delivered. tough shit!
6. this weekend i will travel to berlin to have a 3/4 sleeve tattoo done by an artist i admire - she didn't show me the sketch yet. total adventure.
7. basically i never grew up. i just now how to act in public.
... these are my 2 cents for now. have an awesome rest of the week girl! i really enjoyed this. thanx
i also really really love random facts about people and reading yours made me google zyrtec and that desiderata thing (i'm from europe and didn't know that). :)
ReplyDeletelet me think of some:
1. i really love to do' lists and when i'm really really stressed is when i can't live without them. and sometimes when i'm frustrated that i couldn't make everything on the list i add things i actually did on top and cross them out right away. it just makes me feel better this very moment.
2. driving to work every morning drives me really nuts. because i think i'm the best driver in the world and everyone just sucks.
3. drinking water seems an unbearable thing. tea is fine but water is a total no-go.
4. until i got married this year i never touched make-up. on my wedding day i was styled by a hairdresser and she did such an awesome job that i'm now putting up make up every day. i never felt more beautiful. must be the lasting wedding glow :-)
5. reading blogs made me want to have subway tiles for our kitchen. took me so long to find a european supplier, i didn't hesitate to pay a fortune for it and wait 6 month until they got delivered. tough shit!
6. this weekend i will travel to berlin to have a 3/4 sleeve tattoo done by an artist i admire - she didn't show me the sketch yet. total adventure.
7. basically i never grew up. i just now how to act in public.
... these are my 2 cents for now. have an awesome rest of the week girl! i really enjoyed this. thanx
OMG, my boyfriend always makes fun of me for number 9. I can NOT handle a vacuum cleaner or weirdest of all, the sound of flushing the toilet. I always push in the button with my elbow while covering my ears. And yes, that looks as ridiculous as it sounds hahaha
ReplyDeleteso glad i'm not alone! i do this weird hop in public restrooms so i can flush with my foot and plug my ears at the same time haha
DeleteMassively agreed with you on no.1!! They'd be soaking wet if there are anything in the mug! The job at the elephant sanctary sounds AWESOME, hats off to you <3
ReplyDeleteno.17, I have two stray cats out of three and I am the same, I can't say no! forever crazy cat lady..and I'd sure try no.14!!
good to know about you more, milady. thanks for the lovely chat on the other day, sorry I couldn't use you but I'll definitely use you when my business get more success in the future. I managed to attempt to design my own brand and launched them yesterday! I like them designs but it is not perfect perfect, y'know. Should be good for now :) check them out!
Katrina Sophia Blog
it looks so great! you go girl!
DeleteLOVED THIS!! Isn't it funny that we all have our own quirks? It's what makes us all unique:) I totally agree with you about the different straw opening sizes affecting the taste of your drink. So true! I thought I was the only crazy one. I prefer a medium sized opening. My husband thought I was crazy, too, until he tried it. I also liked your comment about not focusing on blog stats. I feel like I'm in that game right now, and it just makes me frustrated. I'm making a pre-New Year's resolution to not check them every day now:) Hope you have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI don't own socks either! I'm always stealing Rich's!
What a lovely and funny post:) I am So going to try sea salt on ice cream - brilliant!!
ReplyDeleteI loved learning these new things about you!!!
ReplyDeleteBoy do I have a list for you lol:
ReplyDelete1. Very naughtily, I was staying at a Best Western in New Orleans at age 6. The second my parents looked away, I pulled the fire alarm and created a huuuuge mess. Granted, I was grounded for what felt like years. (Not proud of this... naughty little thing I was!)
2. I was a vegetarian for six months last year. The thing is, I don't like too many veggies (again, so naughty!)
3. I can't stand nuts. Hate them.
4. It has taken me over 1 year to finish all three 50 shades books. Im a fast reader, but I just don't find them that interesting. Is there something wrong with me?
5. My great-grandmother was alive until june this year. She was 97.
6. Whenever there is a song I really really like, I will play it on repeat and hear it over and over until I don't really like it anymore.
7. My biggest pet peeve is warm air. Drives my fiancé nuts.
8. I am just rubbish at most sports, specially ones involving a ball.
9. My favorite actress in the entire world is Meryl Streep.
10. I have never had a pet in my life!
11. Under no circumstances will I be the big spoon. I can only sleep if I am the little spoon.
12. I am a "cinco de mayo" girl, as that's my birthday (same as Mike's!)
13. I am very strict with our household budget. I will write down every single expense and adjust it daily.
14. The idea of getting stuck in an elevator was my biggest fear when I was little so I would never ever get in an elevator alone. It annoyed the cr@p out of my father!
That was sooo fun! Can't wait to do it on my own blog!! (
You are not alone on the 50 shades thing! I read the first one back when it came out in 2011, and I'm about half-way through the second one. Which I started over six months ago. I don't think they're very good either, but I'm determined to finish the series!!
DeleteHi Kaelah, its so nice getting to know even more about you. I love your yesterdays post so much. I didn't comment on it, but I felt good to realize that I am not the only one. Its strange, but misery loves company :)
ReplyDeleteKAELAH omg! Your first fact is my BIGGEST pet peeve, especially because I'm an actor!!! It's one of the most infuriating things ever!!!!! People have done it in my acting classes and on stage before too, and it makes my blood boil!! I personally hate voice mails, too. Loved learning more about you!
ReplyDeletexox Sammi
Aw thanks so much for sharing with us! We share a good bit in common btw!
ReplyDeleteHere is a post I did a while back of 10 things You Didnt Know About Me
Hope you enjoy :)
Ahhhh, the empty cup thing always drives me INSANE! I can't help but notice it, but I've never mentioned it to anyone else because I never thought they would understand. Now I know you do!
ReplyDeletexo, Michelle
Neon Rattail
First, you have to get some cutie socks and you'll be hooked I swear. Like socks as cute as that stationary from target you just got. IT EXISTS!
ReplyDeleteSecond, thats my favorite part about netflix! It knows me too well. A strong female lead is my top category too and my bf loves it.
I'm blind in my right eye and I can't tell you how many stray dogs I've taken in to take care of, clean up, and rehome. I like to think I have infinite puppy karma so if anything ever happens to my two someone out there will look out for them. DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS
no? we should. my hearts home is in the blue ridge mountains after all.
DeleteFirst, you have to get some cutie socks and you'll be hooked I swear. Like socks as cute as that stationary from target you just got. IT EXISTS!
ReplyDeleteSecond, thats my favorite part about netflix! It knows me too well. A strong female lead is my top category too and my bf loves it.
I'm blind in my right eye and I can't tell you how many stray dogs I've taken in to take care of, clean up, and rehome. I like to think I have infinite puppy karma so if anything ever happens to my two someone out there will look out for them. DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS
no? we should. my hearts home is in the blue ridge mountains after all.
omg, that job of yours sounds amazing! And that is a hilarious pet peeve that you have probably just tuned me boyfriend didn't care about loud chewers until I started complaining about them, and now they drive him crazy, too! Isn't it funny how it works like that?
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't believe you don't have any fuzzy socks, at least! They're like little hugs for your feet.
Major ShenANNIEgans
1. I have a very specific way I eat my taco bell(I almost always like to eat the same thing from there). I have to put sauce on all sides inside of the double decker taco, and then I always start eating it the same way(with the fold pointed to the right).
ReplyDeleteI love reading facts about other people! So here are my 20.
ReplyDelete1. I can lick my elbow... it's not impossible.
2. I will not get out of the shower until all of the soap suds are cleared from the shower curtain, walls, and floor.
3. I am deathly afraid of the dark. Always have been.
4. If I could go back in time and see one band only, it would be The Beatles.
5. I have three tattoos, and plan on getting at least three more (probably more).
6. I'm a sucker for v-cuts on men. And women.
7. I have 5 ear piercings, and only 2 of those were done professionally. The others were a result of getting drunk with needles around.
8. Orange is my favorite color.
9. I actually love broccoli and asparagus. I could eat them both with every meal.
10. I absolutely hate ketchup. And I'm secretly trying to teach my son to hate it too.
11. I have at least 150 nail polishes.
12. I put my hair over my exposed ear every night before bed because a fly flew into my mom's ear when I was little. Talk about traumatizing.
13. I have never stolen anything in my entire life.
14. I was in labor for 46 hours, followed by an emergency C-section.
15. I used to think my beauty mark on my face was cancer.
16. I have lost 15 pounds in the past 3 months.
17. I'm in love with love.
18. My junior year of high school, I went to three different schools.
19. 19 is my favorite number.
20. I had worn the same toe ring since I was 13 until I was 19. When I blew up on month 8th of my pregnancy, my sweet swelled up so badly that the ring was wedged into my skin. It was incredibly painful to take off.
Haha, I was voted most likely to be famous as well. ;) Love your list. I'll have to spend some time thinking of mine (you're right! it's hard!).
ReplyDeleteSo I completely feel you on the zyrtec. I take it nightly with a spray of Afrin in each nostril. I am secretly terrified of becoming addicted to either, but I seriously cannot sleep without these two things in my bedtime regimen. I even buy the jumbo bottles of zyrtec at costco because it gets out of control expensive otherwise.
ReplyDeletegirl i feel you! costco is SO worth the yearly membership JUST for the zyrtec alone! it's like gold!
Deleteomg shout out to afrin! i rarely get sick but when a do i cannot breathe for the life of me! my boss recommended it to me last year when i was super stopped up and it's my favorite modern medicine. i also fear afrin addiction bc it is so amazinnnng!
Delete-1- I hate Nutella. The world seems to love it, but it tastes like dirt to me! -2- The older I get, the more I notice that the right side of my body seems to be larger than the left. My right foot has continued to grow and my right boob is bigger than my left, and I swear it wasn't that way 5 years ago! -3- I am horrible with money. I am 25 years old and couldn't balance a checkbook if my life depended on it (and I don't have a bank account to start with!) I only use cash for everything! -4- I don't like Apple products, but I still use my old iPod nano from 2005. It's got all my "golden oldies" on there! -5- One of the highlights of my life involved attending a Jimmy Buffet concert in Atlanta in 2006. With my Mom. While we wore matching Hawaiian-themed shirts (but I got a free margarita out of the deal, underage drinking FTW!) -6- I won homecoming court my senior year of high school, and it literally was a dream come true for me. I was a "big girl" in my class going up against (the sweetest) head cheerleader, but somehow the awesome football team still voted for me and I WON! I love thinking back on that moment :D -7- Whenever a black cat runs across the road in front of my while I'm driving, I make an "X" on my windshield - it's a superstition I picked up from my husband, and now I can't quit doing it (even though I'm really not superstitious at all) -8- I love to group things by three. I take everything around me in the world and try to organize it by three in my mind. It's weird, and I could probably never explain it to someone, but it's just something I do to pass the time. -9- I love, love, love reading "natural birth" stories but I know in my heart of hearts I could never have a natural birth. I'm all for the drugs, give them to me now! -10- I go days and days without washing/brushing my hair, and usually by the third or fourth day, it looks awesome. I hate the look of "freshly clean" hair.
ReplyDeleteHere are my "ten" random facts, love this idea!!!
And yes, HOORAH to yesterday's post, I've loved reading the comments :)
everything is bigger on my right side too! so crazy, right?!
Delete#12 and #15--I completely relate!
ReplyDeleteRebecca @ tr[i]b[e]cca
ReplyDeleteDoes it annoy anyone else that no one actually "drinks" in a commercial for beer or alcohol? I never noticed it until my dad pointed it out and now it drives! me! crazy!
Yes, every time that happens I yell at the tv! They do a fake swallow and it irks me no end! I know they might have to do loads of takes, but would it kill them to take a tiny sip?! /rant
DeleteI thought you were talking about me by the time I had read the first four! We also have #6 and #9 in common. #1 drives me crazy and one show that I watch that always has coffee is Castle. They never have gotten it right. In regards to pens, I love hotel pens. They are the best. When my husband travels I pester him to bring the pens back.
ReplyDeleteI thought you were talking about me by the time I had read the first four! We also have #6 and #9 in common. #1 drives me crazy and one show that I watch that always has coffee is Castle. They never have gotten it right. In regards to pens, I love hotel pens. They are the best. When my husband travels I pester him to bring the pens back.
ReplyDeleteI have the Desiderata hanging right above my desk at work so it's the first thing I read when I get in every morning!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to try the sea salt and icecream thing! I did have some absolutely amazing salted caramel ice cream once so I believe you. Your first job sounds so amazing. I work in an aquarium and working with animals is the best.
Water Painted Dreams xxx
1. I KNOW! That drives me crazy! At the very least, put some freakin water in the cup!! Gilmore Girls was terrible for that with the take away cups.
ReplyDelete6. ME TOO! I don't want to have it, but it comes automatically with my cell phone plan and I can't take it off. I hate voicemail. Actually, I strongly dislike talking on the phone in general. Text me, e-mail, fb me or by any other electronic means, hell, even a handwritten letter (actually, that would be badass, I love getting mail!) just please, don't call me! Much to my family's chagrin.
I think I'll be posting a 20 random facts on my blog soon, this is a great idea!!
PS, the chewing sounds drives me NUTS!
Margot Meanie <3
I decided to follow your example and did a whole post!
It's kind of ridiculous. But so are the pictures I put with it, so I think it's worth it just for those.
yes! so good!
DeleteI'm definitely going to make a blog post about 20 facts and I'll link you to it when I'm done! I also have to have my pillows is certain spots on the bed or else I can't sleep!!
ReplyDeleteI love this! You learn so much about a person from lil facts like these... :) And you're so smart for not pulling any all-nighters - it doesn't really benefit anyone that much, I think. lol. You're just a useless zombie the next day, trust me. :)
ReplyDeleteThis was such a fun post to read! You inspired me to write my own list here: ! I made sure to mention that my inspiration came from your post :)
ReplyDeleteFact: Larger straws mean you are taking more air into your stomach (so you will feel fuller sooner). I also never did a true all nighter (at about 5:30 got all I could done and computer labs with special programs didn't open until 7:00 so I took a nap.), but don't think there is any true benefit to it. I work best when working in advance/am organized.
ReplyDeleteAlso- your first job sounds super cool!
I really loved this and we share some of the same little quirks! :)
Took me some time but I finally managed to get my 20 random facts down :) It was hard not to "steal" your empty cup fact--that is one of my biggest pet peeves!
Thanks for the inspiration! I totally love that you clean your sparkler with a toothbrush too - I love doing that too!
I did pull a few all-nighters in college. Once I made the mistake of drinking 2 or 3 energy drinks at night and I felt so shaky and sick. It was terrible and not recommended. I think you made the right choice getting your z's in. :)
ReplyDeleteYou may want to try an allergy cover for your bedding. Buying an allergy cover for my pillows and mattress changed my life. I stopped waking up wheezing. Wonderful. (I ordered mine from
I love random facts, too. Yours were great! I have a very strict sleeping system with my pillows, too. Thanks for sharing! I'll link to mine below. :-)
Love, Amy
The obviously empty cup annoys me, too! They were awful about it on Gilmore Girls.
ReplyDeleteI was going to link to my old list of 100 things, but I realized it's quite outdated. I really need to write an updated one!
I did one too, thanks to you:) So much fun <3
ReplyDeleteHi, normally I do not comment posts but this one is funny. So here it goes random facts about me :)
ReplyDelete1 - Its really hard for me to sleep without my 3 pillows, my cat and my dog.
2 - I can not fall asleep (turned) on my left side.
3 - Once a year I travel and I start to practice and walk at least one hour a day 3 month before departured.
4 - Volunteer at local animal shelter once a week.
5 - Do not like bread!
6 - My type of vacations are cultural vacations... love to travel and spend my days visiting museums.
7 - Adore fashion but hate to spend money on clothing :)
8 - I cannot tell one single joke.
9 - Cut my nails twice a week.
10 - I remember all my dreams.
And honestly I do not remember of anything more :)
Number 9 is SERIOUSLY the funniest thing EVER because I totally do that myself!!! I didn't think anyone else did that to those *exact* things, but WOW that's so crazy that you listed almost all of the things I close my ears to!!! I started laughing at first and then I was like *..i'm not alone..* haha. still a sweet, funny gal. I've missed reading your blog, KB. I'm glad I'm finally coming back to blogging and reading again. ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteHahaha this is such a funny post totally cute!!! Hahah the last one killed Me and so did 13!!!!! I can't sleep with My ear exposed!!!!!! And I have 3 pillows each with a definite job haha!
Loved this so much I put my 20 on my blog!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this post. And I am totally with you on the loud chewers and random noises, eugh! I travel by train everyday and today I was sitting in a very full train, squashed next to someone eating an entire bag of chips with his mouth open, man.. that was hard for me! Haha.
ReplyDeleteRe: 2- I have to have a certain kind of pen. I've spent years searching for the perfect one and now that hellmart has stopped carrying them they're always expensive. :( They are Uniball Vision Micros. I love the thin line and they write soooo smoothly. <3
ReplyDeleteRe: 8- I worked in the jewelry department at JC Penney's and we totally used a toothbrush to help clean jewelry and it works wonders on rings that never get cleaned (I have seen some nasty rings in my time there *shudders*) so I totally swear by that method. Lol.
Loved reading this. I just put up a new post (finally) so maybe I'll write a 20 random facts one later this week and come back with a link. :D