Things I Love Thursday

Thursday is the day where I share all of my favorite things via the interweb! It's kind of an exciting day! I've been down and out with a serious case of pericoronitis (fancy term for wisdom tooth infection!) so it's hard to eat, drink, swallow and talk. Thus leaving little excitement to share on the blog. Hopefully this will pick up the mood a little bit and I'll be back to my good ol' happy self soon! xo

this sweet (and oh so true) comic! ♥

this gorgeous photo ♥

♥ this quote ♥

♥ this gorgeous wedding hairdo ♥

♥ these shoes ♥

♥ this adorable pug ♥

♥ this this this! ♥

♥ this hilarious infographic! uk friends, yes? no? ;) ♥
ps; i know this is definitely a joking graphic, don't worry! but thought both my US and UK readers would get a kick out of it! 

"My Jeans" - Jenna Rose from Jenna Rose on Vimeo.

♥ this video. and i don't mean that in a good way.♥
(while on the topic, why is it okay to teach our children to sing about how new jeans are better than someone else's old jeans? so infuriating! and yes, rebecca black is just as ridiculous.)

♥ this kitchen collection. YES! ♥

♥ these skates! i still want a skating party for my bday one year! ♥

Well, that about wraps up this weekly addition of TiLT! Hope you love them as much as I do! xo

PS; No Jersey Shore gif this week! Whaaaaa?!? I know. Need to start a collection!


  1. So much cuteness! I love the wedding braid and the pug best!

  2. As a British lady, that translation thing is just weird. They're not wishy washies, they're windscreen wipers. A a face. Slappy Ham?! Wtf. Blueberry pancakes are blueberry pancakes. Popsicles are ice lollies. Pens are pens. Guns are guns! Haha, some of them are just off the mark. Those skates are gorgeous! Hope you're well.

  3. I'm British and I don't think I've ever said, or heard of, half of the British ones, haha!
    That kitchen set is lovely though... and the cake with it! x

  4. yeah...that translation thing is a bit weird, British people dont actually speak like that o.O

  5. Those skate are lush indeed! Have a wonderful weekend sweet pie x

  6. the comic is cute and i love that braid.

  7. i went to SOOOO many skating bday parties back in the DAAAAAY!!! that was the thing to do in the early 90's. holy moly..
    i am surprised i didn't break my nose or ankle.
    i always wanted one..but the parentals said NO & basically to get over it..hahaha. i <3 my parents.
    one day darnit..i will have one..!!!!
    have a wonderful day beautiful!

  8. i love that bridal updo. i love romantic hair for weddings, whenever i have a bride as a client i try to go in this direction especially when they're thinking they want something really prom-ish.


  9. Oh man, that comic is the story of my LIFE.

  10. I love that braid and the British translation!! lol!

  11. OMFG "My Jeans" totally ridiculous! funny tho'.. what is it with those random rappers on those kids songs?? like the rebecca one.. HAHAHA

    Lee Lee

  12. that pug! oh my pugs do silly things like that too, if only i could capture it on film!
    that hair style! and a Cardinal Wosley quote?! Breaking out the Tudor dynasty on us. love it!
    of course that UK & US is a joke, because people are silly gooses.
    it'd be the same if it was any other country compared to one. i wouldn't get touchy over it.

  13. Hahaahaha! I love bee's correction. She's a doll, isn't she? There are odd sayings for everything, I'm sure. I am in love with that comic. I swore that was of me! Hope your Thursday gets much better. Lots and lots of lollipops should help cheer you up too, maybe? I was just thinking that because they're cold and simple.

  14. Is that video a joke? The voice doesn't even seem like it would come out of that girl.

  15. I can't believe I actually watched that whole video. *sigh*
    Young girls these days kind of make me sad.

  16. I hope your wisdom tooth infection gets better soon! That sounds miserable :(
    The video you posted is insane! I'd never heard of that girl before, nor the video, but wowza. Where are her parents?!

    The Kitchen set made my heart happy. Pink is so pretty and girly, what's not to love? :)

    And They Lived Happily Ever After...t

  17. rooty tooty point and shooty?!
    :D xxx

  18. The pug is so adorable that I had to show my mom, haha! Also I'm loving the kitchen collection. That would probably be ideal for any future kitchen of mine. Can't go wrong with pretty pink!

  19. Holy cow I love those SKATES! Do you know what brand they are???

  20. love the shoes, skates, and pink kitchen! got good taste girlie:)


  21. haha! Totally love the British thing. =D

  22. ha i love that comic strip, that is literally me everyday. I must have about 20 mild heart attacks a week!
    Gorgeous post, loved all the pics :)

  23. Haha, big laughs to the translation thing. I'm from England and I can assure you we dont call ice lollies 'cold on the cob' but i think i might start doing so because its a much better term!

  24. Such cuteness!! I love the comic and the wedding hairdo:)

  25. Hahaha!
    I'm British.
    That's too funny, made my day :]
    'Rooty tooty point + shooty'. HAHAHAHA.


  26. haha that first comic is so funny! As a Brit I really don't get the translation thing either, I know it's trying to be funny but hmm.


    That comic is totally right. I am famous for freaking out over my iPhone when it's in my hand/lap, or asking where my glasses are when they are on my FACE. Clearly I win at life.

    I love those shoes but those frilly sock things are a trend I am not willing to accept coming back around. They belong on 5yr old girls in the 90s like I last remember them.

  28. honestly I'd still choose children these days to watch videos like the one you posted vs lil wayne or ke$ha.. who I am convinced is mentally handicapped.

    Just sayin... one of her lyrics is this

    "You should know
    That I love you alone
    But I just can't date a dude with a vag"


    sorry but its thursday, and tomorrows friday and the day after is saturday and I am a little excited.

  29. wow could not even watch that whole video. what is with kids today?! anyways, love the kitchen and I so wanted to do a roller skating party for my 21st, just fell on a weird day so it never of these days!

  30. The english to british made me laugh. thank you for that.

  31. half of those english - american translations are SPOT ON: biscuit, trolley, chips, crisps, nappy, torch, but some are a bit weird: clammy rogers? cold on the cob? rooty tuity and point and fruity?

    made me smile anywho and reminded me that some words really are different from us over in america!

  32. oh... now i want pink sparkle roller skates...

  33. you have to check out

  34. Oh wow that jeans video is just wrong! I hope we dont have a total backlash of spoilt rich kids bringing out "music" videos off the back of Rebecca Blacks internet fame! URGH! Sadly, I see it coming :(

    As for the US-UK thing, us scottish folk have even better words for the wipers and the face, wipers = skooshers and face = puss! Skooshers is one of my favourite words :D

  35. Awww I hope you're feeling better!


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