// Things I Love Thursday v.257

these stunning embroideries ♥
this office! ♥
these pretty donuts ♥
love this front door area ♥
this illustration ♥
this incredible garden ♥
this perfect breakfast spread ♥
♥ this, because mindy kailing is the best ♥

// Linden recently got a parcel of goodies from Arshiner and he's been glued to that scooter! (Seriously - if you have any toddlers to buy a gift for - buy them this! They will love it!) It folds up really compact which makes it so easy for us to take wherever we'er going for the day (like to my parents' or to a friend's house). It's sturdy enough for even Toby to ride on. We cannot get enough of it! He also got a little doctor kit (to be like dad ha) and this ball + mallet toy which he's also obsessed with. He'll be banging on those balls, cackling when they drop and roll out, all while wearing a stethoscope. Seriously, he's perfect, and now I want all the other fun and bright toys on that site.

xo KB

1 comment:

HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB