♥ this is such a fun photo ♥

♥ this new tank top that i made on zazzle - i'm obsessed! ♥

♥ these florals in envelopes ♥

♥ this is one of my favorite liz climo comics ♥

♥ this bright room! ♥

♥ this ♥

♥ these fun night lights ♥

♥ this illustration ♥

♥ this incredible photo of albanians fleeing to italy/greece in 1991 ♥
No fancy links this week! The boys managed to tear up our MacBook Pro this morning so... yeah. haha Let's hope it's nothing major. Send good vibes our way!
What are you loving this week?
xo KB
Sorry to be a jerk, but the picture you posted of the ship isn't of Europeans escaping to Africa in WWII. It's Albanians escaping a communist regime hoping to get to Italy & Greece in 1991 (who entered illegally and were subsequently deported). I'm only posting because I've seen the picture circulated with comments suggesting that since Africa willingly took 'our grandparents' during WWII, Europeans should reevaluate our stances on the current refugee influx and associated crisis (with Syria, Greece, and an associated plethora of Middle Eastern countries). And while this is a complex and multifaceted problem that many European countries are weighing in on, decisions about where people should be allowed (or indeed "deserve") to resettle can't be made on blatant lies calling in social rules of reciprocity as a favour.
Oh wow thanks so much for that correction! Those were great reads, for sure! (I still think the photo is an incredible capture, but I'll update the caption with the correct info!)