// Things I Love Thursday v.282

♥ this is the perfect phone wallpaper/reminder ♥

♥ this photo is fantastic ♥

♥ this collage ♥

this gorgeous watercolor piece ♥

♥ this tattoo ♥

♥ this gorgeous peony ♥

this. pop punk trout is my favorite. ♥

♥ this graffiti ♥

this wall hanging ♥

♥ this! #notetoself ♥

*this post contains affiliate links. 

// Meet the Woke Misogynist. We all know one.

//  These are HILARIOUS. I dare you not to laugh.

// If I were clothing, I'd hope to be Mara Hoffman pieces. Holy moly they're so lovely!

// You can get PTSD from staying in an emotionally abusive relationship.
"Abuse doesn’t always manifest as a black eye or a bloody wound. The effects of psychological abuse are just as damaging. 
I entered counseling and was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The psychological abuse kept me fearful, the depression and anxiety left me incapable of taking the steps necessary to get out."

xo KB

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  1. This post is so uplifting! I love the wallpaper.

    Katie | And Katie

  2. The pop punk trout made me giggle!


  3. Ha! That pop punk trout brings back SO much memories of teen angst. I wonder what kids these days listen to as they isolate themselves in their bedroom, being mad at parents & everyone LOL! (But seriously though...)


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB