// Book Club: Don't Worry, It Gets Worse by Alida Nugent

Another book born from a blog! What can I say? I love blogs, and I love books, so clearly I love books from blogs. Alida Nugent writes the popular Tumblr blog The Frenemy. Like last week's review I had never read the blog before finding the book, but I absolutely fell. in. love. with Alida's writing style and personality. It's a completely different take on adulting than Carry On, Warrior, but equally as relatable. If you're a 20-something trying to navigate the world post-college/pre-marriage, please read this book. I read it over the span of 2 days on vacation, and I wanted to read more! 

Even though plenty of things aren't exactly relatable at this point in my life (married / kids / divorced), Alida found a way to keep me interested and engaged throughout the book. I found myself super intrigued by the things I couldn't relate to exactly, and that made it a really fun read. Mostly the book just makes me remember a slightly more simple time where I didn't have to dress 2 tiny humans before coffee each morning haha! 

Lucky for me, Alida wrote another book! And it's on it's way to me as I type this. You Don't Have To Like Me is already speaking to my soul. I know I'm going to love it just as much, if not more, than Don't Worry, It Gets Worse. I'll let you know in a week or two!

xo KB

1 comment:

  1. I'm def checking this out! As I prepare to get married in a year, I need some life advice since I don't think I really have it all together yet!


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB