I really love my role at TeaBoxExpress. I love connecting with customers and sharing sneak peeks of the upcoming boxes. I love being part of someone else's dream, ya know? I feel like I've learned so much about tea since starting my position last summer. I've also expanded my palate of teas, too. Truth be told, I never really enjoyed drinking tea until several years into my relationship with Mike. I mean I'd go to Chinatown in San Francisco a few times a year and enjoy the tea tastings and what not, but I never bought my own to brew at home. Mike started really getting into tea in January of last year. He'd buy any variety that struck a chord with him and I'd taste alongside him. There have been many mornings since that I've made my own cup (or three), and I can honestly say that I am a huge fan. So working at TeaBoxExpress has opened my eyes to so many more flavors and varieties, and it's broadened my collection of cute tea accessories. The two boxes I'm going to share today are seriously wonderful. And I'm not just saying that, I swear!

I didn't manage to get a group shot of the January box because we blew straight through the Earl Grey tea that came with it (Teapigs brand!). It was so good with a little bit of milk. Yum! The first box of the new year was British themed - with earl grey tea, scone mix, clotted cream, strawberry preserves, and a darling creamer with spoon. I kept saying I was going to make the (Sticky Fingers) scones and try them, but it seemed like a weekend thing since I wanted Mike to enjoy them, too. Unfortunately we're usually gone shortly after waking up and well past dark on the weekends. It's our only time to get things done together so we stay on the move. Well I finally decided to use what little time I had yesterday afternoon to make them, as sort of a surprise when Mike got home from school. The scone mix was nice because you only add water. Now I'm normally very skeptical of things that only require water, but these baked up perfectly! The name (Sticky Fingers) is no lie though... holy sticky when mixing! I'm convinced that stuff could help brick a house haha The part of the box that I was honestly really concerned with was the clotted cream. What?! Clotted cream?! That did not sound like something I would enjoy. I'm a bit scared to try new things but all of the reviews for the January box were stellar so I put on my big girl britches and laid it on a scone, then topped it with strawberry preserves. Mike and I tried a bite at the same time. WHOA! So. Freaking. Good! Toby came in and asked for some and loved it, too. Between the three of us the two containers of toppings were scraped clean in merely minutes. Then we said we'd be going to World Market this weekend to try and find a non-sample sized jar. The scones were perfectly fluffy, and the clotted cream and preserves were deliciously sweet. And now I wish we were British!

The February box was so intriguing to me because I knew there were some fun teas included. Andrea came up with the theme for a Valentine's Day box and instantly I was sold. It was going to be great! In the February box was: two SerendipiTea teas (a rose and green tea variety as shown above) and a fun peppermint, chocolate tea. They both smell divine, but I've only tried the rose tea so far! Also included was a bar of Taza coconut dark chocolate, Earl Grey lip balm, a Tea, Spice and Orchid soy candle, and a mesh tea infuser. I loved how many of the February inclusions were about the physical aspect of enjoying tea. Calming and relaxing - I wanted to take a bath with a cup of tea and eat chocolate and burn my candle haha Mike isn't a fan of green tea, but I am. I loved the rose tea so much, and the candle smells divine. The only part I didn't love was the chocolate, which is rare for me... because chocolate! But I just don't love coconut. Luckily Toby was eager and willing to devour it, even with the more bitter taste of the dark chocolate.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
My favorite part about TeaBoxExpress is that it really is all about the experience of drinking and enjoying tea. You're not just sent five samples of random teas. You're sent one or two teas with well thought out assortments of matching treats and accessories. I feel like TBE is unlike any other box on the market for that very reason. Andrea does such an amazing job putting these boxes together.
Now the super fun part! The giveaway! One lucky winner will receive a TeaBoxExpress shipment of their own! You'll get the March box delivered straight to your doorstep! (A little birdie told me the March box is full of fair-trade and sustainable/eco-conscious brands!)
Leave a comment below sharing your favorite kind of tea
PS; Check out the TBE Blog for a sneak peek at March's tea inclusion!
PPS; Mike just said to me "So we're going to World Market today right? We have to get some clotted cream. I had dreams about those scones last night." I can't make this up. They're that good!
Congrats to Amber Freeman!
Congrats to Amber Freeman!
I grew up on Constant Comment..I even made a cake once using that tea..I have other favorites but that is my go to tea for comfort. It also reminds me of my mom. She would even have tea parties with my sister. Recently my sister has started drinking tea. She went with me to a teahouse and is hooked.
ReplyDeleteAssam tea is the best! As a Brit a cup of tea Is a vital part of the day. 5 cups minimum ;-)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tea is lavender earl grey!
ReplyDeleteOh they are so pretty and I love tea so much! It really depends on my moods but I really like chai tea and green teas with fruit blends.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite tea is assumed but I love Peach green tea too. Those boxes look brilliant :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a true tea lover! So hard to pick a favorite although I love mixing lavender and rose teas together; and my favorite desert tea is a Double Dark Chocolate Mate (blows hot cocoa out of the water for me!).
ReplyDeleteFollowing Tea Box Express on Pinterest.
ReplyDeleteFollowing Tea Box Express on on Twitter (via @Nailineit).
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ReplyDeleteFor every mood there is a tea. I am all about white rose and my boys love mint with soy and animal crackers. Super yum
ReplyDeleteThere is a tea for every mood. I am all about white rose and my boys love mint with soy and animal crackers. Super yum.
ReplyDeleteI've never been a huge tea drinker but loved the ginger peach flavor I've had a few times!
ReplyDeleteAny kind of black tea is my personal favorite! I wouldn't mind getting a sample of this company :)
ReplyDeleteI hardly EVER enter giveaways, but this looks right up my alley. I'm a classic earl grey drinker most of the time (though I have been known to fancy it up a little with some lavender--holy yum), but I also really like vanilla coconut rooibos too!
ReplyDeleteI love a good peppermint tea. Perfect with s bit of milk and sugar
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ReplyDeleteI've already "liked" TBE on FB for a few weeks now. :D
ReplyDeleteI love Gypsy Cold Care tea and honey chamomile. So NOM! Thanks for sharing!
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ReplyDeleteI've become a huge tea drinker in the past year! I love green tea for it's cleansing properties, but I also love a great Rooibos blend...
ReplyDelete~ Kim Pincombe Cole
Liked TeaBox Express on Facebook for addtl entry!
ReplyDelete~ Kim Pincombe Cole
kimpcole {at}att{dot}net
Already following TeaBox Express on Pinterest (user name: Kim Cole) for addtl entry!
ReplyDelete~ Kim Pincombe Cole
Tweeted giveaway (https://twitter.com/kimpcole/status/571739966767689728) for addtl entry!
ReplyDelete~ Kim Pincombe Cole
I like lemon or green but Davids tea has a good detox tea. I drink tea all day long! haha
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tea has always been Earl Grey!
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of TBE on FB.
ReplyDeleteI follow TBE on Pinterest.
ReplyDeleteI follow TBE on Twitter. (@alaamberp)
ReplyDeleteI"m really into Jasmine Green tea right now
ReplyDeleteI love tea! I love pretty much any kind of tea--green, black, oolong, and more! These boxes look and sound amazing!
ReplyDeleteMandy | www.mandydreams.com
My favorite tea is definitely vanilla rooibois. But I love so many others too. I'm also all about the fair trade movement so I am excited to hear about that focus for March!
ReplyDeleteGosh, I pretty much love any type of tea except really minty ones. I've come around to that type of flavor, depending on how strong it is. I guess if I had to pick, I'd go with green teas. And Revolution Sweet Ginger Peach (black) tea. (: They have it at P.F. Chang's, and it's decaf, so I don't have to worry about being wired before bed after drinking it.
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of Tea Box Express on Facebook. (https://www.facebook.com/ellejaiye.ellejaiye)
ReplyDeleteI follow Tea Box Express on Pinterest. (ellejaiyeelleja)
ReplyDeleteI'm following Tea Box Express on Twitter. (@lbaucum)
ReplyDeleteI tweeted about the giveaway! (https://twitter.com/lbaucum/status/571773029929259008)
ReplyDeleteI drink fruit tea (True Blueberry and Black Cherry Berry) and sweet tea
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is peach tea! So yum!
Rose tea is one of my favorites! Also lavender tea. It's hard to find them though!
ReplyDeleteI've consumed a ridiculous amount of decaf chai this pregnancy :)
ReplyDeleteliked on facebook
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ReplyDeleteMy bff would love this. And I might learn something about tea too! :)
ReplyDeleteGreen tea
ReplyDeleteI love fruity teas especially mango
ReplyDeleteChai or Mint!
ReplyDeleteI retweeted: https://twitter.com/Hhhhelloo/status/571894466539212800
ReplyDeleteI followed TeaBoxExpress on Twitter (as @Hhhhelloo), and I think you're missing an S in this twitter link in your article (it goes to https://twitter.com/teaboxexpres)
ReplyDeleteTweeted giveaway:
~Kim Pincombe Cole
I'm a big fan of strong Assam tea.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway
I really enjoy peach oolong but I drink Trader Joe's sleepy time tea every.single.night. brady.nicole.m@gmail.com @nmbrady :)
ReplyDeleteI love rooibos tea!
I liked on Facebook.
Ouu if I won this I'd definitely hand it off to my fella, I jokingly call him a tea wizard! Haha
ReplyDeleteMy favorite right now is the Red Velvet by Republic of Tea, it's a rooibos tea.
ReplyDeleteUp until our daughter was born, my husband worked at a fancy tea shop that sold something like 100 different blends of loose teas. It was amazing, we were always drinking something cool at home and our house smelled so good from all the samples he brought home! Lately we're just drinking a good-but-basic PG Tips or other black tea. I'd love to try something fancy again. Thanks for an awesome giveaway! melarossa at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteLiked Teabox Express on Facebook (Jenny O)
ReplyDeleteFollowed Teabox Express on Twitter (@thestrangerbird)
ReplyDeleteTweeted! https://twitter.com/TheStrangerBird/status/572433808877735936
ReplyDeleteI love all tea and this would be tea-riffic!
ReplyDeleteTweeted! https://twitter.com/kimpcole/status/572463370953093120
ReplyDelete~Kim Pincombe Cole
I LOVE early grey!
ReplyDeletefollowing on twitter: @booksconsidered
ReplyDeleteI tweeted: https://twitter.com/booksconsidered/status/572507673268105216
ReplyDeletebonne maman is a swiss brand, and one of my favorites.
ReplyDeletei am traveling to colorado this summer. maybe i could sneak in some jars and send them to you?
i love all kinds of teas- really depends on my mood but some of my favorites include mightly leaf's orange dulce, david's tea sunny citrus and teavana's strawberry blush rose.
~ Kim Pincombe Cole
Liked TeaBoxExpress on Facebook
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ReplyDeleteAlso tweeted about the giveaway! @Bethany8815
ReplyDeleteI love a good earl grey
ReplyDeleteI like tea, many kinds of teas... My favourites include black tea and cinnamon, chai tea, and green teas with fruits. Last winter I tried one called "yogurtea" with green tea and "dried" yogurt, it was soooo good. I like decaffeinated teas too, to drink by night, with sweet flavours as vainille.
ReplyDelete(I also liked their page on pinterest)
Tweeted again:
~ Kim Pincombe Cole
Gingerbread Green Tea :)
ReplyDeleteI love constant comment but I enjoy pretty much every tea!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tea: licorice spice! It tastes like black licorice but is also good for sore throats!
ReplyDeletecourtney002 at hotmail dot com
liked on facebook
ReplyDeletecourtney002 at hotmail dot com
followed on pinterest!
ReplyDeletecourtney002 at hotmail dot com
following on twitter!
ReplyDeletecourtney002 at hotmail dot com
tweeted about the giveaway!
ReplyDeletecourtney002 at hotmail dot com
My favourite lately is mandarin and ginger!