Our weekend by the numbers:
4 days (so far) with strep throat/upper respiratory infection
2 days (so far) of laryngitis and no voice
3 trips to Mike's dad's office (in the next town over) for him to work
3 gooey cinnamon rolls devoured by Toby Saturday morning
3 acts of holy terror displayed by Toby while out and about on Saturday (argh!)
1 mylar balloon purchased and accidentally released ~*into the wild (followed by crying)
3 occasions where I was positive Mike needed to take me to the ER
4 articles of clothing Mike ruined while painting this weekend
0.5 pieces of cheesecake I ate, despite craving it for days
1 porch swing enjoyed for the afternoon
3 is the daily average of times I walk into the nursery just to look around (!!!)
16 lollipops that grew from jellybeans in our flowerbed
45 emails in my inbox that need to be attended to today
3 design clients who have been so patient with me while I'm sick
8 ticks that I've found on myself since spending 15 minutes outside yesterday
80 degrees for today's high - and I hope I get to enjoy some of it
Here's to hoping that this week brings lots of sunshine your way... both literally and figuratively.
PS; If you want to join in the By The Numbers fun, feel free to play along! Write your own post and leave a link below! I'd love to read what you've been up to! xo

This is such a cute idea!! :D
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better soon, Kaelah! I always get cheesecake cravings and then, when I get it, it turns out I didn't want it as much as I thought. Darn cheesecake!
ReplyDeleteI've seen a few of these posts around, maybe this is something to try but I'm not great at sticking to recurrent themes haha
ReplyDeleteLooks like good & bad things really do come in threes; you've got quite a few on your list!
ReplyDeleteOh man. Being pregnant and sick sucks bananas. Actively sending get well quick vibes!
ReplyDeleteGah, hopefully you start feeling better soon! It's such a cute idea to grow lollipops from jellybeans. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the style of this post! I did my own to share the highlights of my first month of motherhood http://www.mismikadodownthesidewalk.com/2014/04/motherhood-by-numbers-1-month.html