Things I Love Thursday

I wanted to make this TiLT a little more fun so I just wrote it myself. It's chicken-scratch and pretty hard to read, but you can click on it to view it full size! 

(click to enlarge!)

What do YOU love this week?


  1. i like your handwriting and i can read it without enlarging the image!! cute idea

  2. Kaelah, YOU are amazing and YOU are beautiful!!!

  3. OMG we just read The Help two months ago in my book club (yes, I'm a nerd in a book club for almost 5 years with my 4 best friends) and we all Loooved it!

  4. how sweet.
    and i like that we have similar handwriting chicken scratch!

  5. I love reading cute but messy handwriting. I'm a little too neurotic to let myself write messily so I am envious!

  6. I think this is the greatest post ever written. I am very plus size, and I know it. I've felt self conscious about posting outfits on my blog simply because I'm scared of what people will say. But I want to post them because dangit, someday I want to look back and think about how awesome (or unawesome) I dressed in different points of my life. I'm not looking for compliments or fashion advice by posting them, it's just my blog to help my goldfish memory remember my life.

    Thanks for being honest and amazing. You are my hero.

  7. Awww...I love this! you have cute handwriting and doodles!

  8. i adore your handwriting!!

  9. Oooh The Help is so good! And I love that you wrote this out by hand. So much better than boring black typing.

  10. You've inspired me to start a Things I Love Thursday post this week, I will be crediting you of course. :)
    And I realized that I put email instead of post in my last comment on the Fatshion post, =/

    have you ever heard this song?

    I think you will like it, let me know!

  11. I stumbled across your blog not too long ago, and I absolutely look forward to reading it every morning! You're such a breath of fresh air!

    xo. anna marie


HEY! Thanks for dropping by. xo KB