If you have decided that London is your next chosen destination then what a great choice. London has something for everyone so you will never be short of things to do. If you want to laze about in your hotel room then you can do that but you will miss some amazing sights and beautiful scenery. Get out there, explore different areas, and head home with some fantastic memories. If you need some ideas of places to visit while you are in London then take a look at the article below.
London Eye
Do you love heights and have you always wanted to see breathtaking views across london? Well now you can, thanks to the London Eye. This has changed name over the years but no matter what it changes to, it will always be known and referenced to as the London Eye. You are held at the top for a while so you don’t have to worry about missing photo opportunities. Make sure you try and spot all the iconic skyscrapers like the Gherkin and The Shard.
BFI Imax
There is one place in London that you must go and experience at least once. They proudly hold the title of the biggest IMAX screen in Britain, and it is big. If you still have your luggage with you while you wait for your accommodation then you could leave this at left luggage waterloo while you go and see your film. Make sure you book well in advance, especially if you want to see the latest blockbuster while you are in London.
West End Shows
If there is one thing London is famous for, it’s the West End. With all the names in lights and the fantastic shows that you can see, you will be spoilt for choice. If you aren’t sure of what shows are on when you go then you can have a look online. You might also find some great prices when you look. However, be aware that the box office outside the theatres sometimes have huge discounts so they can fill seats. There are also theatres that aren’t near the west end, for instance the Apollo Victoria, which is right outside victoria station shows Wicked.
London Aquarium
Do you love all things related to marine life, well you can get up close and personal with all sorts of sea creatures here. You will see rays and sharks, you could even stroke a starfish. While it isn’t one of the biggest aquariums out there, it will still keep you entertained for around an hour. The London aquarium can be found along the southbank, where you will also find a huge amount of other interesting things to see and do.
While we are on the subject of the Southbank, here’s some more ideas on what you can see here. Did you know that you can access a tidal public beach here, you can often find sand sculptures making lots of different things. Make sure you get a picture as people won’t quite believe you. You could jump on a river cruise and get a guided tour of everything there is to do up and down the River Thames.
Tower Of London
Ever wondered where the crown jewels are kept? Well you can see them in person by taking a trip to the Tower of London. You can see other royal artefacts as well such as the robes that are worn when a new king or queen is crowned. The tower of London was famously used as a prison. Before it became a prison for people, it was home to many exotic animals before they were moved to their location now being London Zoo. The beefeaters are a site of their own, the big bearskins they wear all day are fascinating but must get very warm under there. Make sure you count the Ravens that guard the tower. Legend has it, if there are ever less than six, the monarchy is doomed.
ZSL London Zoo
Lastly, bet you didn’t realise London had a zoo. London Zoo is part of ZSL so they are big on conservation and saving endangered species. London zoo really is a site to behold, the animals are amazing and always intrigued with their visitors. There will be times throughout the year when it will be cheaper to go with various offers that they have. Book before you go so you aren’t disappointed when you get there.
We hope you found this guide helpful and it gave you lots of ideas on how you can pass the time in London. Whatever you are interested in, there will always be something for you in London.