Yesterday was neither exciting, nor unusual in our home. Just a typical Tuesday in the Flynn household. Here's a little glimpse into our day...

I've been waking up a little bit later than I'd like to admit. For a while I was on a steady roll of 7:45am or 8am at the latest. That's probably super late to most people, but that's one of the joys of being self employed + working from home. I've been falling into the habit of staying up too late with Mike, then feeling groggy all morning. I'm trying to kick the habit though! -♥- The first morning task once we wake is to brew a strong pot of coffee and pick out our mugs for the day. It's a dorky little thing, but it's sort of a highlight for us. It's special, and I appreciate that. -♥- Once I had my coffee I sat down at my computer and started returning blog comments. I love doing it and I manage to work it in weekly, but I'm trying to make it more of a morning habit.

After a late start and taking the girls out for their morning potty break, we sat down with Toby to let him work on his "schoolwork." We're pretty strict with Toby's tv/iPad time, though we try not to rule with an iron fist. He has to complete a certain amount of "school" related activities before he's allowed to go outside and ride his gator or go-kart. It's the perfect incentive for him to work hard at learning. So far, so good! I guess we'll see how it goes... -♥- Pipkin and Georgia are always present on the couch. Pip often gets a "broken ear" and we find it a lot funnier than we probably should haha!

Every day I carve out a chunk of time to work on custom painted sign orders. Yesterday was a shipping day so we wrapped and wrapped and wrapped. Then I doodled all of the addresses and Mike ran them to the post office. He came home saying our insurance lady was behind him at the post office and she complimented my hand-drawn addresses. I was a flattered, of course, and grateful that they received anything other than the oh so common eye-roll which one of our post ladies likes to share. She's not very nice! haha -- I charted out my to-do list for the day, which was surprisingly short for once! It was kind of nice, but also a bit depressing when I still didn't manage to accomplish a task that's been on there for a few days!

Lunch rolled around and it was the first meal for me and Mike. We're pretty bad about just skipping breakfast in exchange for a endless pot of coffee, but we're trying to better that. Toby is a creature of habit and eats the same thing almost every morning. I need to be more like him! Toby chowed down on a grilled cheese and applesauce for lunch, and I followed suit with a grilled ham + cheese with an abundance of hot sauce! Mmmm! That's the best way to eat 'em. -♥- Afterwards we headed outside and it somehow turned into an Enid glamour shoot. She's always posted up our on motorcycle like a hot rod kitty. I could probably take photos of her all day. She's kind of the cutest cat ever, in my opinion! (Tater Tot was snoozin' on the deck, but she wasn't really feeling photos at the time)

I had popped over to my Nana's house earlier in the day to see if she needed any help around the house, but she called me a bit later and asked for some assistance painting a room. I was trying to get everyone ready to head over when I walked outside and saw Mike trying to fit in Toby's tiny go-kart. Pretty hilarious when that thing would barely putt along. Toby thought it was the funniest thing. He was cruising in his Gator and he wanted to "race" Dad. I wonder who would've won... -♥- We headed over and even though it's barely a quarter mile away (if that!) I spent that time perusing Instagram to see what was going on.

We were over at Nana's house for well over an hour while Mike helped my uncle paint my cousin's room. I enjoyed sitting around and just chatting with my Nana. She's such a sweet lady. I like that we live so close to her now because she's one of my very favorite people in the entire world. Toby loves going over there, too, because there's always so many toys to play with. Once we got back I put up the newest batch of Stickygrams on our fridge. (The front of our fridge isn't magnetic, boo! So I have to resort to the side only) We're about 2/3 of the way covered on this skinny side!

We ran to the store to pick up some (super unhealthy!) ingredients for a sweet dessert casserole. I was super craving something sweet (you know how it is) and I loved this the last time we made it. Something must be happening with my tastebuds because here lately I'll crave something sweet but as soon as I eat it, I'm like "ugh, NO" Probably for the best haha I'll share the recipe soon in case you have a sweet tooth! Hey, anything that makes me feel a little more domesticated in the kitchen!

Toby decided he wanted to play a video game on the iPad (he loves Temple Run and all of the variations) so in order to earn that time he had to work on his alphabet. He played around with the Elmo alphabet app for a while until he earned the ability to download a game from the App store. He ended up getting the Despicable Me version of Temple Run (seriously, the kid loves that game!) so he was excited to play after dinner.-♥- Mike made some delicious chicken tacos for us for dinner, and we were all stuffed! Of course we each saved a little room for the dessert we made, but I have a feeling it's just going to sit in the fridge haha A little goes a long way!

Toby did everything he needed to do to get ready for bed, and I tried to start the grueling task of removing 2 weeks worth of "mermaid" nail polish. I hate when my fingernails look stained after having them painted! (Any suggestions on how to avoid this?!) Now they're layered up with gold glitter... That'll be fun to remove! -♥- Toby asked us to play his game with him for a few minutes before bed, so of course we obliged. After that we tucked him in, said our goodnights, and then headed to the living room.
The rest of the night was spent watching Suits and Covert Affairs before crawling into an icy cold bed for a good night's sleep. It wasn't a revolutionary day, but it was ours!
Not pictured: Getting so frustrated with my own creative block while working on a client's design I contemplated throwing my computer out the back door (I'll just pick it back up in the morning...I needed to just walk away!), painting the most perfect sign for moms and moms-to-be (I'll be sharing it on Instagram today!), placing an order for even more sign supplies because they're the most fun things to make (It's seriously become this weird passion of mine haha), making polite phone calls and then following them up with very stern emails (ugh), and budgeting. Hey, it can't all be pretty!
Happy Wednesday! xo