♥ this sign i painted... and painted and painted! haha ♥

♥ this whole weird brand apparel trend happening right now ♥

♥ this super cute DIY coffee gift ♥

♥ this photo ♥

♥ this darling woven christmas tree♥

♥ this view ♥

♥ this photo is just so happy! ♥

♥ this diy fresh mandarin wreath ♥

♥ this adorable DIY ornament ♥

// If you're a blogger looking for new brands to partner with on sponsored content, check out the latest gigs available over at Fresh Press Media. I'm a really big fan of FPM and can't recommend the platform enough. My favorite aspect is that there isn't a net-30 or -60 payout period. You do the work, submit the content, and then get paid. Just. like. that! (Apparently I've said this before because I'm totally quoted on the marketplace page haha! It really is one of the biggest things that sets FPM apart from other agencies. No invoicing and no chasing payments or trying to schedule when it'll hit your account. It's almost instantaneous.) Browse these campaigns and see if they're right for you - if so, submit a bid (you get to choose your rate!) and wait for a response.
A few fun campaigns to check out: 7 Charming Sisters has two campaigns up and running, 100% compostable coffee pods with GloryBrew (!!!), TNT Pro Series is a fitness brand looking to partner with bloggers on product reviews and features, and Prana Pets sells herbal products for your furry friends. There are even more campaigns up and running, so pop over to Fresh Press Media and sign up for a free Publisher account and see if anything fits you/your blog.
// What Joe Biden's Anita Hill apology tells us about his 2020 plans.
// These floral dresses have me READY. FOR. SPRING! (I just don't do well in the cold!)
// These floral dresses have me READY. FOR. SPRING! (I just don't do well in the cold!)
// Siberian farm cats have absolutely taken over this farmer's land, and they're absolutely majestic.
// Love this DIY ornament wreath. Perfect last minute decoration for any holiday hosting.
// Chalk paint to the rescue! Love the look of this updated dining table.
// Wishlist Wears: this distressed denim jacket // this basic dress looks so comfy // this pug sweater // this cute striped bow blouse // every single Zimmermann dress // this pink slouchy sweater // the perfect winter gloves // COLOR! COLOR! COLOR! // this chambray shirtdress // most everything FILA // this gray suede skirt // this KALE collegiate sweatshirt (ha!) I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS COAT! // this striped toboggan // the perfect Annie dress // GIRL POWER tee // i would sip champagne and wear this around my house 24/7
// If you're super last minute in need of a nice gift, these are still some options for Christmas delivery. Here are some crafty kid kits, maternity basics, and new baby essentials.
xo KB